How will this affect episode 9?
How will this affect episode 9?
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500 million tops
star wars is daed
SJWs always double down.
So expect more feminism and diversity and LGGBQT2A inclusion.
I'm one hundred percent serious here, I'm SURE the Han Solo movie WILL NOT make 1 billion.
Maybe they'll stop subverting classic film characters
Oh my sweet summer child...
Obviously not. A film that pushes a white devil penis to the forefront in a famously progressive and inclusive franchise? Who asked for that?
leftists ALWAYS double down, they will not stop
>he is STILL trying to convince people this was a flop
Holy shit does a purple haired female character really trigger you this much?
>It made a lot of money so it wasn't a failure even though it underperformed all projections
Lmao, you realize these major film studios don't look at capital investments like $200 million movies with tens of millions more in marketing costs like that right?
By Disney standards it's a failure. This puts them a billion dollar away from making this investment seem possible. Think about it. Disney has to make over 4billion from Star Wars TO BREAK EVEN on their investment. They bought the series for 4 billion. They didnt just start making str wars movies for free. Disney expected to be making money hand over fist after the first few movies. All they have done is destroyed the series. They paid 4 billion dollars to only shit up a series. Hopefully(for Disneys sake) Lucas Arts is pulling it's weight on their non star wars projects, probably the only part of the investment that hasnt been a total waste.
Even if you make an outrageous assumption that the marketing budget was the same as the production budget, TLJ still made a ridiculous amount of money. Stay salty.
Do you really think Disney was expecting to break even within a few years? This is a long term project and a franchise that will be milked for decades into the future. There will be toy sales, video game licenses, rides at their theme parks, all sorts of merchandise, clothes etc. Nobody makes a $4 billion investment and expect it to pay itself in less than 10 years dummy.
Not at all. It still made a profit, and that’s all that matters.
>Ignores my entire post to say HURR IT MADE MONEY
You're actually fucking retarded, I feel bad for your parents
1:1 ratio for marketing:production is pretty standard these days
so you're looking at $400 million (possibly more, since the marketing was huge)
Depending on territory, studios get 40-60% of gross revenue. If you average it out to 50%, TLJ has made Disney $618 million in revenue. Minus the production/marketing and that's "only" $218 million in profit..
So it wasn't a bomb, but it was a very big disappointment. Using the same math, TFA made Disney $544 million in profit and Rogue One made about $100 million.
I was under the impression LucasArts no longer produces games, its purpose now is to exist as a licensing firm that handles the Star Wars video game license, which probably isn't much work considering they gave the exclusive rights to EA. So they manage the grand total of one license to one company.
The left can't meme and the left can't gamble. All the headway they make via subversion is usually lost by their lack of subtlety and care. And thank god for it.
Flops are easy to explain. Flops you can handwave out, say 'well I guess people weren't interested', and move on.This is something much, much worse than a flop.
This is something with a marketing budget unrivaled in the year, this is something with literally decades of hype surrounding the return of one of the biggest names in all of fiction, period. This is something to finally close the cliffhanger left open from the end of the movie that was specifically made to get people to want to come back. They teased this return for years, and they finally delivered. And it paid off. The opening weekend was the second highest in history, the second biggest opening ever, unadjusted of course. Sure, Sunday was a little lower than expected, but that could be brushed off on holiday seasons, right?
You want to know why this is so funny? Because even with all that combined, something way worse than a flop happened. People just stopped showing up. They had everything! The biggest marketing! The biggest brand! The biggest name in Sci-Fi! The biggest budget and the biggest expectation! A theater deal that was so utterly broken there was no way they could lose money with how many screens they forced onto them! And then people after the first week just didn't show up. The first weekend, even if this thing somehow crawled it's way to 650 million, which is a pipe dream at best, is going to account for more than a third of the entire gross. More than a third of everyone who wanted to see this movie showed up on opening weekend, and by the third they were thinking "You know what? Jumanji looks pretty good. Let's go see Jumanji instead." More people looked at Star Wars, looked at a remake of a 90's movie, and said "That one." With less screens, budget, hype, everything, by the third week, people weren't coming back.
This is way more important than a flop. A flop means people wouldn't go at all. This means people won't come back.
Good job, Kathleen, you did the impossible.
>SJWs always double down.
This. They would rather burn down the entire world than admit that any of their "ideas" are wrong.
>rides at their theme parks
They're making Star Wars Land and a resort dedicated to it in FL. You think making all that doesn't cost money too?
Who's there left to subvert? The droids?
C3PO will turn out to be a droid sex offender
Pretty much this.
The movie is not likable in any way. Nothing is interesting, nothing goes right to the characters, there is 0 appeal to the fan...
I really don't know how they could greenlight this.
10000x more fan service and little to no risk taken
It only made half a billion dollars, total flop Disney will never recover.
>People actually think this means something.
The Force Awakens was the first Star Wars movie in ten years. It was the return of Han Solo, Leia and Luke to the big screen after 32 years. It was hyped beyond belief.
The Last Jedi is the third new SW movie in two years. The hype is nowhere near the same level. Many people who disliked TFA won't see it. It was never gonna make the same amount as TFA, but it still made a billion in less than a month and it's still gonna make a lot more.
I didn't feel anything when this happened.
>and by the third they were thinking "You know what? Jumanji looks pretty good. Let's go see Jumanji instead."
>It only made half a billion dollars, total flop
Nope it's totally because they ruined Star Wars and not because people are getting tired of it.
Star Wars will be ok.
It is a flop though
All shitposting aside why are people acting like this movie flopped? I get that a lot of people didn't like it but Disney has already made their initial investment back with only 3 movies. That's not even including the billions they have probably made on merchandising and shit
Yeah this is the libe they re gonna take when it flops too.
>look see audiences crave diversity nothing to with tlj having been written by abortion bucket escapees inflicted with late-stage syphillis!
>Disney has already made their initial investment back with only 3 movies
Way to show you have no idea how economics work. The three movies together haven't given Disney a billion and they've managed to kill their merch sales.
>It is a flop though
>All shitposting aside why are people acting like this movie flopped?
When it doesn't turn a profit.
The total box office of all three movies just hit the four billion point, but Disney doesn't get all four billion dollars. There's recouping the production/marketing, and they only get a certain percentage of the ticket sales.
Watch it again goy
>The hype is nowhere near the same level
>Unless you count the opening weekend, which was literally exactly near the same level.
>But come on, it only made 220 million dollars then, how could anyone have known that merely bringing back Luke Skywalker to the big screen wasn't enough for it to topple the juggernaut that was Jurassic Park? It was simply too much to ask!
>But I'm sure the next movie that has no characters people waited thirty fucking years to see again will still be a powerful success! Our new characters will bring people back in even greater numbers now that their love has been cemented, you'll see!
lol how the fuck do you know, your dad work for disney?
That's because it's the sexist racist audience that's wrong
TPM making 1 bill in 99 is huge in today's terms though.
I realize that but you know they make an assload off of the merchandising rights & all the money they are making off of star wars shit at disney parks. Even if they haven't made it all back yet I imagine its very close, people are delusional if they don't think this wasn't going to make Disney tons of money in the long run.
>One month of angry manchildren pretending this is the worst SW movie ever and sucking each others dicks over who hated it the most.
Is the end in sight?
>All shitposting aside why are people acting like this movie flopped?
They're not, they're acting like this massive turned people off and that sales absolutely cratered after the second biggest opening of all time, they're acting like normal people completely turned on it and stopped going to see it in waves after the first weekend, and that it has no legs and left nothing for people to be excited about next time.
But "HEY! it made money!" is easier to refute when week after week proves the other thing right, so people desperate to say Disney doesn't care and is laughing are clinging to "They're saying it's a flop but ha! See that? It made money!" So they don't have to try to wonder why it's not gonna come close to beating the Avengers that everyone hated.
It didn't make $1b in 1999.
Budget: 200 Million
Box office: 1.2 Billion
>flop definition
>In the motion picture industry, a "box office bomb" or "box office flop" is a film that is considered highly unsuccessful or unprofitable during its theatrical run, often following significant hype regarding its cost, production, or marketing efforts.
It costs money to make merch too user, also as I said earlier in making a whole section of a theme park and a resort isn't a cheap endeavor. It cost Disney around $500 million to make Pandora.
lol yes it does apparently. i want an all black female reboot of the series just so Sup Forums melts into a puddle of dr pepper and BO
Honestly they spent 300m less budget on marketing.
Anyone remember how annoying and everywhere the marketing for TFA was?
i am probably off base but there might be something to it
If I recall Lucas retains the Merch Master licenses, doesn't he?
Better tell them that.
>If you average it out to 50%,
Thanks to the Disney bullying of theater chains, they'll probably take about 65% of the domestic box office, but I'd be surprised if their take of the international receipts breaks 35%
What's the average of 65% and 35%? ;^)
>what is a re-release
>The Phantom Menace was 1999's most successful film, earning $431.1 million in North America and $493.2 million in other territories, taking $924.3 million worldwide
>After its 3D re-release in 2012, the worldwide box office gross exceeded $1 billion
They paid like $5 billion just to get the rights to Star Wars in the first place. Then made 3 movies with a fourth on the way, plus advertising for those movies. THEY'RE ACTUALLY IN THE HOLE. They probably haven't even broken even yet, it's a flop despite that it may appear that it made money.
>This is way more important than a flop. A flop means people wouldn't go at all. This means people won't come back.
This. That sort of a plunge reflects brand damage on a BvS scale.
With a brand like Star Wars and the sheer amount of marketing money Disney threw at this, anything but the biggest opening weekend ever would've been a disaster. The apocalyptic dropoff means everyone knew the movie is absolute dogshit, and, like you said, it's a shotgun blast to the balls of the Star Wars brand.
Two-edged sword of the "UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT, NOT LUCAS STAR WARS ANYMORE" they screamed for TFA and TLJ. Now Disney owns the brand, they've successfully divorced the brand from the original one, and then they put out some really shitty movies.
Hopefully they publicly beg George to come back and be Kevin Feige going forward, which will allow them to try to trade on Lucas' goodwill for the next movies, because otherwise they've ruined Star Wars.
t. rich asshole marketing exec who still spends time here for some fucking reason
>American Graffiti higher than TLJ
George has done it again! MAD MAN
.92 Billion then in 99, you autistic noodle.
Shrek 2, Home Alone, and Beverly Hills Cop all made more money than
It still has relatively good numbers because of the high anticipation to finally see Luke Skywalker in action and all the raving reviews by critics which were misleading.
YOU'RE an average of 65 and 35
This gave me a fucking erection while reading it.
Fuck the mouse. It's one of the symbols of everything wrong with this bogus "capitalism" system which isn't free at all.
It's not going to make a lot more. Its down to less than 3 mil on a Friday night. It's pretty much done
Revenge of the Sitg bounced back because it finally gave people what they wanted to see for decades. The birth of Vader and the fall of the Jedi. IX on the other hand has nothing to offer that can compare
It's going to lose money, they spend hundreds of millions on the massive advertising blitz around these movies.
It made 924 million in its initial 1999 run., which translates into roughly 1.36 billion in today's dollars.
ok we get it, nu-wars is bad. Stop posting
No, the marketing for TLJ saturated everything.
There was fucking water and salad leaves with Star Wars branding on it.
no he sold them to disney, thats what the 4.5 billion dollars was really for
>IX on the other hand has nothing to offer that can compare
but muh Reylo
Huh, fair enough, in that case they'll make it back, but it'll be questionable how marketable the franchise will limp on as when they have no likeable characters left besides ... Lando and R2 ... fuck it ... I just want a buddy adventure of Lando and R2 ditching the rest of those nerds to ripoff Casino planet.
Does anyone else remember the exact moment at which they were done with Star Wars forever? I don't need to see anymore. Thanks Disney, I know you tried, but no thank you.
She already beat him twice. Rey v Kylo is already boring. That's another thing IX has to stand on its new characters. Luke was the draw for TLJ. I seriously don't see IX making a billion at this point
Honestly I think that purple haired woman was a nice character. The film sucked massive balls tho.
The Last Jedi had Luke Skywalker. Luke FUCKING Skywalker. It opened to $220M.
> b-b-but the hype wasn't anywhere near the same level
left cant meme, unlike me, who uses a frog all the god damn time. kys
I think they fucked themselves in the ass with Rogue one
After TFA they release another star wars 1 year after. people go-oh cool another star wars
Wait it's more of the literally same shite? wow. The hype for TLJ died before it even began
I hope they subvert C3PO to become liquid terminator who exterminates the SJW rebels.
>same opening as TFA
>ended up making 700 million less than TFA and not breaking even
They've already abandoned the droids even though they were the connecting tissue of the entire series.
It propably won't change a thing. Disney is too dead set on their current plans and it did make over a billion in the end. Had it done less, then you'd see some changes.
mine was when an untrained nobody was able to use the force and easily defeated the "next Darth Vader" without any other explanation then "the force is female you biggot"
The filename
yeah man i cant wait to see the final conclusion of rey beating kylo for 2 and a half hours
because there is literally nothing else to finish up in this shitlogy
They will probably add more diversity and get 1 billion at best.
It's already on diminishing returns and we're only 3 films into this long term project. Toy sales are dead, BF2 was a disaster, who cares about theme parks.
Disney probably will make their money back, but they've fucked up the most profitable brand name ever and managed to make it boring already.
>marketing costs don't exist
>studios get 100% of the gross
every fucking time
TLJ needed $800-900 million just to break even (not even counting the huge $4 billion initial investment to buy the Star Wars franchise from Lucas)
>unsuccessful OR unprofitable
>often following significant hype
it's not a literal flop but it's very close
>video game licenses
How's Battlefront 2 doing, mouse man?
jumanji is shit
I think it does Indiana Jones too.
They probably do, but I haven't heard about any Indiana Jones games coming out.
>Budget: 200 Million