And in case there was any doubt, Willis is a cheeky cunt who knows exactly what he's doing.
He just honestly believes what he's doing is good writing.
Caleb Williams
I hate Carla so fucking much. Actually, I hate just about all the characters.
Lincoln Davis
It's been one week since Amber killed a man.
That's really all I can say.
Christian Gray
Willis is a turd.
Grayson Peterson
These strips with movement feel so claustrophobic.
Christian Cooper
Oh look, another strip with a blatant copy/paste with panels 3 and 4. And no, making her mouth a little bit bigger doesn't count as not doing that.
Angel Bennett
How massive are the dorms if Carla can skate backwards for the amount of time that would have to pass between panels three and five?
Dorothy remembers. It's all she sees when she closes her eyes. She hasn't been sleeping or going to class. She just sits in her room wrapped in a blanket and muttering.
Narrow panels do not work well when you're trying to emphasis large movements and the way Willis uses speed lines does not help.
Brandon Martin
>blatant copy/paste with panels 3 and 4 Are you blind? They clearly aren't