Were they erased?


the real question is: do they exist in the post-retcon timeline?

Either way, it looks like Jack still calls himself Jack in the past, even Ashi calls him Jack as Jack has "earned" that name. So their legacy will live on in some kind of way.

....we never learned jack's real name

i wish this series got erased. what a trainwreck. almost everything that could have gone wrong, did.

Possibly. It's not like their existence relied on Aku's like Ashi's did.

except they literally lived in a city created by the work of Aku

For all we know, they just hung out in Aku's city.


Mai Sun

Are people actually mad that he went back to the past? His main goal that's even sung about in every episode? And how did people not see this "erasing the future" thing coming?

right. so they're hanging out near aku's city, which is situated on aku's world, the world that is aku.

face it, the future earth is basically all aku. its practically a different planet.

You should've seen Sup Forums's reaction to the Samurai Jack finale.

Being a lyric in the theme song does not automatically make it good writing, nor does focusing entirely on cool future shit and then asking the audience to ignore that for a past that they were never actually sold on.

people are mad that him going to the past was handled in a rushed hamfisted meaningless way

people are upset that he didn't go through any character arcs besides expelling his dark side (something thats been done before) and falling in love with somebody that he erased so it's meaningless

people saw the future erasing shit coming they just thought that it might've been addressed maybe once or twice.

>contemplates suicide for killing people but doesn't bat an eye when he erases people from existence


>And how did people not see this "erasing the future" thing coming?
A lot of people did see it coming, which is why they figured he wouldn't actually go back to the past. It seemed like, if Jack was truly a hero, he would stop and consider the full ramifications of what going back to destroy Aku would entail. One would think that he'd stop and consider all the times he gave up a chance to go back to the past in order to save people in the future, that he'd realize that all of that would be rendered meaningless by him actually undoing the future.

But he never had that realization, and instead he just un-existed everyone he ever knew and fought beside in the future, making all his angst over the people he couldn't save completely fucking pointless, because they're not just dead now, they never fucking happened.

i dont know why he cared about the people he saved/killed since he was going to retcon them anyway

Season 5 up until the finale only made it seem more like Jack was staying in the future. All time portals destroyed and no way back home, Jack finally accepting he would only see the past as just a memory, Ashi telling Jack they would help defeat Aku together, all of Jack's friends creating a rebel army against Aku, showing all the hope Jack has inspired an Aku's future and how it isn't all that bad, etc.

I like to think of it as abortion or abstinence. Yes they were going to be a person, but should every single egg and sperm go to making a person so the 3 billionth sibling gets to live? Everyone will get incarnated eventually to live beyond a fetus.

His moral code just didn't allow him to ignore injustices happening right in front of him, wether or not his eventual success meant they'd be undone

Not only what this user said.
But the erasure wasn't treated as a sacrifice that was considered and decided upon as a worthy cost that took effect immediately in the final fight, it was applied in the fucking EPILOGUE years later.
It came across more like her getting hit by a drunk driver as opposed to sacrificing herself for the future.

The first Pokemon song sang about being the very best and catching them all. Over 20 years later and Ash has never won a league and has little more than 40 Pokemon

The issue with comparing the two is that a fetus/sperm, is not a developed person that is taken away.
Ashi was physically there, Jack could hold her, kiss her, love her and she would do the same, and now neither can experience that, and one knows what they are missing.


Oh neat, my threads in the screencap

I'm mad that Pokemon of all things made a better thing out of the resulting conflict of it. The soloution is also way better.
In short even as they are about to disappear they stop the big bad from going back to the past aswell and as a result of being that awesome god is allowing the future timeline to continue aswell.

Samurai Jack never even presented the dilemma to jack that everyone there might stop to exist which is just a waste of potential.

You guys are still really upset over not quite being #1, huh.

The fact that Ashi was built up as an interesting counterpart to Jack and then had the door slammed on any potential future adventures is a bigger waste in my opinion.

>Don't talk the the Guardian or his little brother ever again

They're all dead, Dave.

In the case of the new series he had no way of returning to the past. All deaths were concrete, past and future. Before...forced moral dilema.

>Before...forced moral dilema.
And that's just it, episodes like the one with the Shaolin monks are retroactively shittier now because there's no way to justify Jack's actions anymore. He refused to use the time portal because he couldn't stand to let a couple of people die for his sake. Meanwhile, not only does he destroy the future where everyone he ever knew lived, he didn't give an iota of a shit about the people who did show up to help stop Aku. The only person who he gave the time of day to was the Scotsman, and he used that time to fucking gush about Ashi.

On the other hand that game is pretty awesome, so it's not like a low hanging fruit did a beter job at it then SJ

He giving up the portal in the early series would never make sense, since he wanted to go to the past since the start and didnt know anyone the action of giving up the portal to save few lifes would still not make sense.