Gunnerkrigg Court

>A "shakedown", kat?

... I dig it


Its hilarious how after only two pages, this is better done than a year of the Questionable Content robosexual arc.

bow chika wow wow

Well then

Chapter 63
"Kat makes a robo dong"


Great practise for when she wants to give her girlfriend one.

Or five.

This is a lot better than where I thought it was going

>Human/Robot Relationship

If God is truly just and merciful (which I do happen to believe), we will in short order get some well-done art of Arthur spanking Juliette's big brown ass and making it jiggle.

It already happened when Kat went gay. This is post-happening. It's already happened.

>Imaa's comic becomes canon. Sorta.

So what? This is just the messy sewage residues of the post happened happening?

Praise the Omnissiah!

Absolutely disgusting.

>mysterious figure turns out to be a blushing school girl
Can tom avoid doing this ONCE.

This is wrong.

>tfw this gag page from TWO-THIRDS OF THE COMIC AGO is literally paying off before our eyes


That handbook is for students, not faculty

she was a student at some point, who's to say how long this affair has been?

How are they going to explain to their colleagues why Arthur is suddenly made of sexy robot meat?

Holy fucking shit this took a turn

Somebody post the gunnerkrigg dong edits


They're Shadow Men. They know when, where and how the other Shadow Men are watching.

>blackmailing a high school girl to upgrade your robo-waifu so you guys can finally fuck
This is some good shit my dude.

It can happen multiple times, but this is still a minor happening in the grand scheme of things.

>BioRobo Penis

This was cute. And just remembering their previous appeareances is pretty clear they're a good couple.

Alright, but are they just gonna turn off all the surveillance equipment every time Artie walks in a room with his muscly new robotwink body? Do they never meet other Shadow Men in person?

So we're all in agreement that Tom has stopped using a stylus and has just started rubbing his dick against the tablet, right? This is my only explanation for the sudden influx of teenage lesbians and robosexuals. this like asking Jesus to give you the ability to fuck a robot?

After all the shit Kat has seen this should'nt surprise her.

The time has finally come.


she doesn't even explain pain yet she gave a robot the ability to feel it because his feelings are irrelevant as he is an appliance.

Ain't nothin wrong with a little robosexual muff-munching.

She imparted pain so that Robot wouldn't fuck up Her Work.

Kat makes the best wtf faces.

I never said there was anything wrong with it, but I'm afraid I can almost smell the mildly autistic chunk spunk dripping off this chapter.

Who wouldn't want to have a sexbot?

>Kat refuses
>Arthur begins a poetic monologue about wanting to experience the warmth of Juliette's skin, the smell of her hair
>eventually devolves into a rap song about wanting to feel her fat ass bouncing on his lap
>Kat, moved to tears, agrees

There is literally nothing wrong with dating robots

I've always found it kind of funny how casually ignored it is that there are just fully sentient robos in the Court

I mean, with all the other weird shit around, I get it, but still I find it funny

>she comes back a day later in mourning

>Same as how Robot's first experience with pain was so severely overwhelming, Arthur's first nut fries his brain and kills him

The Second Martyr

>[It Was Worth It]

Now I need art of Art with a crushed pelvis and It Was Worth It shopped in expand dong style

Could Ms. Dolan construct a body made entirely out of Cyber-Dongs?

Because Tom is mediocre on his worst days.
Handstabby was shit from the start.

>That second to last panel

Robosexuality is my fetish.

this comic is gettin weird

Also, Kat has experience of making robots flesh

In aaaaaaallllllllllllllll the right ways

Holy shit. Last thread someone posted an edit of Arthur and julliette saying "Creator kat. Make me flesh"

>serious turned into seriously weird

>no-one will ever know we met
>nobody reviews the other team's work and will notice an exotic tech body mission.

You get a cock!
And you get a cock!
And you get a cock!
Everyone gets a cock!

Robots sure are horny for organics.

>Kat makes customised dildos, fleshlights and strap-ons for all the classmates.

forbidden fruit, friend

so i guess she's not margo's mom huh

There was a reason the forbidden fruit was forbidden. I hope Kat realizes the can of worms she's opening.

Well, that escalated quickly.

Juliette confirmed robosexual and best girl.

Like how there was a reason the court trapped a lady at the bottom of a ravine as an insane murder ghost? And the kids risked their lives to set her free anyway?

I bet Kat's totally down to fuck up the natural order of things now, assuming they're not here to threaten her into compliance like last time.

look who's scrubin' the ferret tonight boys![spoiler/]

what's with the giant pink arrow? is there something I'm missing?

geez, dude, webcomic authors sure love being vague.

it's not a "YO WHAT'S UP READERS, CHECK THIS OUT!" arrow, it's to signify Kat suddenly noticing it.

But lets be honest. Tom knows that he has a surplus of retarded readers.

True. I was legitimately surprised by the amount of people confused by Wilsbury and Janet's confession.

can I has a cock?

Give me a cock.
The biggest cock!

Post funny pictures, guys



I had no idea either until that comic because I didn't take the next panel as the people expressing disbelief at the relationship but rather the story of how they met. To my knowledge they still knew they were in a relationship, they just didn't treat it as a big deal at the time because they had other shit to do and that story they were saying was obvious lies.

So Janet saying "I GUESS THEY DIDN'T BELIEVE US" wasn't a hint?

"guess they didn't believe that we started our relationship as if we were in some kind of 70s melodrama"

Pretty much this

Yeah, you guys are dumb. The bonus page even spelled it out in big crayon letters.


Ahaha fuck no. I distinctly remember being confused by that page because I couldn't figure out what the fuck was going on with the 4th panel. Had said word balloon actually had a tail leading to those two, I would have got that they were saying it. As is, I had no idea what was going on and simply disregarded the page as a joke. Seriously, suddenly not using tails at random was a stupid idea.

Later: Indeed

Nobody should be surprised by how retarded these threads are by this point.

>Use this technology for better hand-holding


Post more funnies, guys!






how does lesbian know what penis is?

they need something to model their strap-ons after, right?

>GC fucks the robot before QC

the gayest timeline


I can smell incoming tumblr from a mile away. I genuinely thought Tom was above that.

i'd like more Where's Annie, if there is any

At least one Shadowman supposedl already has

>Robot gets a sexy cybermeat body

Robot already has a boyfriend though.

>Not wanting miss thicc brown to get her own sex robot

Look at this queer

Okay, I didn't see that one.

At this rate, everyone will get laid before Annie. Everyone. Including the Zimmingham spiders, Mort, Hetty and that ant Annie killed to summon the psychopomps ages ago.