Remember when Superman thought his mom was going to die in an hour, but instead of looking for her he decided to waste time getting in a fist-fight with Batman?
Remember when Superman thought his mom was going to die in an hour...
You think he should have said "Fuck you Lex" and flown off scanning the city block by block
At which point his mother would have been immediately set on fire since it would hae been obvious to Lex and his henchmen that he wasn't playing ball
Not when he can move faster than what they can think
He knew that Batman's mom had the same name and wanted to take advantage of that fact to get the world's best detective to help him search for her.
Well he goes to Batman's help. Batman says no. At this point he has two options... A: Kill Batman (which, if he wanted to he could have done in seconds) of B: Fly off and try to find his mother before his hour is up.
Instead, he starts throwing Batman around trying to... what?
I love how Batman just happened to already be tracking the same person who just happened to kidnap Martha. I also love how Superman goes to get Batman's help without actually knowing who took his mother (besides random Lex henchmen). It is amazing how many contrivances of the plot lead this story along.
I liked the part when KGBeast hears a huge punchup just outside the room where he's holding martha hostage, he just sits, and chills, and does nothing.
He’s Superman, not the Flash.
>stammers lolita quotes at you
wat do
Too bad about JL establishing hes comparably as fast as the flash, huh.