Sequential Art

In which Art isn't too dense.

Honestly, I'm waiting for an arc where we get to know the other ThinkTank girls as individuals instead of just Scarlet's clone sisters.

is that not a thing yet?
i havent read in like 10 years

There was an arc featuring that very scenario a few years back.

There was an arc of the squirrels rescuing housemates form aliens but aside from difference preference in mech designs, they were a group.

Damn those secret JJ files.

do more creepy unsettling shit you son of a bitch

Maybe he already has.
But it sneaking up right behind you!
But don't look, That will only make it mad!

If you want to advertise on Sup Forums, buy a banner ad.

Let's make an unfunny comic with characters whose words don't match their facial expressions and body language because the artist is a hack who can't do that.

Just say "shill" like all the other shitposters. Makes it easier on the filters.

I feel that description could be 96% of the webcomics out there.


Does he ever fuck those squirrel things?

He already has perfectly good cat pussy going to waste

How long do you think it took before people started wanting porn of this webcomic back when it first started?

I'm guessing within the hour. Any takers on my bet?

Judging from older art, JJ was way ahead.

This webcomic is still going on? I remember reading this shit back in 2011, is it worth reading again?

Sure, why not?

Well, this particular strip looks to be about 90% cut and pasted anyway.

Where the fuck can I see them in their actual size?

in the printed books.


How busy are you that you need to resort to copy and paste? Do you have a set amount of time that you dedicate to the comics? I don't imagine they are your full time gig for obvious reasons.

Also, do you plan on improving your work at all? Its a little stagnant to be honest.

Why draw the same thing twice?

No answer?

Improvement is an ongoing thing. It only stops if you stop putting into practice what you've learned.
My work is archived online in chronological order. I'm pretty sure that even people who loathe and detest my silly cartoons would find it hard not to admit they can see improvements in quality over that time.

>How busy are you that you need to resort to copy and paste?
So you're not going to answer this one?

What was wrong with this perfectly reasonable statement?:

Probably thinks Art and Scarlet should be doing random JoJo poses during a conversation or that you must redraw them doing the same standing pose "just 'cause".

If I'm honest it feels like you're doing a watered down version of Fred Perry's work. At least when it comes to your conventional stuff.

It just feels like you're not taking any risk or trying to maximize the potential of the scene and the characters themselves. Even if it is mundane the execution of the comic feels phoned in. As though you really don't care that much. It almost feels as though you want to close it down and move on. Either get to a story arc that you want to tell or focus on something else.

It doesn't have to get to the exaggerated levels that implies. It is just uninspiring all things considered. You could replace the cast with some random characters and it wouldn't really make a noticeable difference in terms of quality.

If I'm honest, you don't sound like you're familiar with either the content or style of the 996 preceding strips or newspaper-style comic strips in general, if I'm honest if I'm honest.

Take it as you will

If you're honest.

I have read the entirety of the comic, so far I have only been reading the latest strips that get posted here in the last few weeks. Again, uninspiring that needs work.

Take it as you will.

I'm... actually kind of surprised at Art's lack of overreaction to the Think Tank's shenanigans. Then again, compared to their past modifications, this is actually pretty tame for them.

Clearly needs some kinks worked out, but still, fairly tame stuff.

... Then again, they did try out their other ideas to see if they were viable first, but at least it wasn't Art who suffered from it, just Pip.

Mr. Lapin pinup when?

Can't be that bad if you read ALL of it.
I get more positive feedback than negative, and the negative always seems to be born of people's personal taste, which I can't possibly take umbrage to. I don't try to please everyone. If you don't like it, you don't like it. If you say you don't like it but keep reading it: you just like to complain.

There is complaining for the sake of complaining, and then there is a feel that the series could be a bit better if more effort was given to it.

I would be understanding if its due to the fact you have a life outside of the comic that pays and feeds you in your lifestyle. That maybe you're squeezing what little free time you have into making the comic. Maybe you feel stress for not keeping it going on a regular basis (there had been a lapse on comic at times, again for obvious reasons in which this comic isn't your mainstay of monthly income). So you whip up something for those eager for a new comic.

It'd be interesting to know how much time you do spend per week on the comic. An hour? Two hours? More? Less? Gives a gauge as to how high of a priority the comic is to you and allows context in relation to criticism. Which would determine whether or not the criticism is valid. As it is hard to give criticism if an author spends very little time writing a comic, as apposed to whether or not it took you a long time to make it.

I guess what I'm really asking is quite simple. Do you value the comic as a mainstay project or is it just something you do as a sideline thing to blow off steam and take you mind off of bigger projects?

I'd have no real objections if that was the case, and I'm quite certain that most people would agree on that basis alone.

Man I really wish you'd colour your stuff. Make an attempt to branch out of the 'box' you put yourself into in terms of content and style.

I get drawing what you love, but your fetish of giagantism if getting stale.

But seriously, for the most part, less copy/paste and add colouring.

But what this dude said. I love your stuff, your comics are amusing, but they just... need more 'ompf', yannow?