Come on

Come on..
Before Aladdin freed the Genie, Jasmine could've got three wishes, the Sultan could've got three wishes. Fuckin' Abu could've gotten three wishes. They could've wishes to all be sorcerers, to have world peace, the end of all diseases....

But there would've been drawbacks.
Like "everyone with a disease dies, but disease is erased, forever."

Disney's Genie didn't seem to work in that jerky, ultra-nitpicky way. He didn't fuck everyone else over to benefit the wisher. For instance, Jafar wished to be the most powerful sorcerer in the world- Genie could've just taken away the abilities of all other sorcerers in the world, but instead made Jafar an absolute badass.

Also Genies can't kill anyone. Forcing people to die of a disease probably falls under that category.

Disney's Genie is the exception to the rule.
What if a different genie prolongs the suffering of the diseased? By making them immortal?

>Fuckin' Abu could've gotten three wishes
Abu would've wished for money, women and bananas.

Genie's apoach is more putting an overly háppy and charming image, in the hopes that however is with the lamp will like and free him.

This said, I hate the kind of faggot thta is OP. Stop overnalasing everything, this doesnt make a good story.

>Everyone expect Abu to wish for bananas
>Instead he wishes for Planet of the Apes

Genie still had all his power when freed, but exploiting him to get the maximum amount of wishes before letting him go kind of undermines the friendship that they'd built and caring about Genie's freedom.

That's basically how Jafar fought in the sequel.
>You'd be surprised what you can live through

>You can do anything to them as long as they don't die
Prepare for an eternity of endless suffering.

The lamp probably dragon balls away once the three wishes are up, with the possibility that it also travels through time after each use. No way to know where it will end up.

Jafar using his third wish didn't do that.

Hey, just because you wanna fuck Aladdin, there's no need for name calling.

Because Aladdin still had one wish left.

>Jasmine wishes for rajah to be a prince

Then that means everyone else could still make three wishes as long as Aladdin made his last.

>Jasmine could've got three wishes
>Sultan could've got three wishes
>Abu could've gotten three wishes
Then Rajah
Then the guard captain
Then the orphan kids
Then the street merchant
Then the...

He freed him to stop Genie being everyone's slave because he was a friend, not "you can be free, when we're done with you".

Did you even watch the movie? That would have totally negated the theme

Genie's Aladdin's friend, not his ATM.

I would have liked an comic/episode of the series that explains why Genie isn't malicious like most genies.

Most genies aren't malicious. They're based on djinn, which have just as much potential to be good or bad as anybody, but even in pop culture genies are just as often silly goofballs who mess up wishes because they misheard or misinterpreted, not out of an intent to screw you over. That version of genie wishing comes mostly from moralistic tales like King Midas where any sort of powerful creature would twist a person's amoral wish to teach them a lesson, and D&D where it's more about your GM being a dick.

Why can't a freed Genie make him into a prince and solve problems? He is still magic, he is just not forced to do their bidding any longer. But he can still do it.

It all depends on the the genie and if they want to be helpful or not.

Jafar was an asshole who did this. He just fucked with people making them waste their wishes.

Genie actually does shit like that in the sequels and the series. He just hangs around Aladdin because they're good friends.

>He is still magic, he is just not forced to do their bidding any longer. But he can still do it.
Sort of. He has magic powers and whatnot but apparently he got a significant power downgrade after he was freed, which makes sense since the Powers That Be probably didn't want a rogue genie with reality-shaping powers running about.

the lamps left after three wishes

the disease that people worried about when it came with immortality has to be one nasty bitch

Well, UNLIMITED COSMIC POWERS - Itty Bitty Living space

So I guess Genie Freedom is sort of the opposite of that, Limited Cosmic Power - Lotsa Living space

Slightly off-topic, but I just realized after re-watching that this movie has very excellent pacing. Both as an animated film and a movie in general.
Every plot point and scene feels timed just right. Not too fast and not too slow.