Ask an user who stopped watching SU after season 1 anything

Ask an user who stopped watching SU after season 1 anything

Why would anything you have to say have any inherent value over what I myself would say?

Who is best waifu?

Be content knowing you made the right choice and shut up about it.

Do you have any regrets about jumping ship when you did?

Well OP? You gonna answer our questions?

did you really think Mirror Gem was that bad

is the joke that no such person exists because if you actually managed to watch all of S1 you'd be hooked

How does it feel to have all characters stuck as the best version of themselves in your memory?

This is true, and makes me sad.

are you me?

but /sug/ tells everyone to skip the first season because they're all mirror gem/jailbreak bandwagoners and waifufags

Who the fuck are you?

How did you get through a whole season? Are you gay or a woman? Or both?

>he probably still thinks garnet is best gem

Steven was unbearable in the first season though.

the waifu was pretty strong in S1
I find him a lot worse in the last few episodes
I think it's just my autism giving me flashbacks to my awkward as fuck childhood

>OP admits he's autistic

Nah, most people at SUG either thin S1 or S2 was the best
S1 > S2 > S3 > S4
imo Season one was the only great season
Season five might be great too though, it's off to a good start and Rebecca says she wants to write herself into a corner with it,

How does it feel to have made the right decision?

>imo Season one was the only great season
I think people mean Season 1B when they say this, since this is where SU really takes off.
Season 1A was really slow.

OP hasn't seen the last few episodes because he stopped watching after S1

>the right decision
Season 5 is off to a great start though. Hell, every season has some good episodes.

>write herself into a corner with it
>the show gets cancelled and ends on a cliffhanger

Cat Fingers, Bubble Buddies, Tiger Millionaire, Lion 1, Giant Woman, Lion 2, Beach Party, Coach Steven, Steven and the Stevens, Monster Buddies, An Indirect Kiss, Mirror/Ocean Gem

>Beach Party
Nigga what?

I really like that episode

>includes Beach Party
>leaves out So Many Birthdays
For what reason?

Nah, I like how Season 1a started off with Steven being kind of dumb and silly and built up to season 2b where he starts becoming more mature. Season 1a had a lot of fun adventure/monster of the week episodes too. The one episode I hated was the beach party episode

I didn't like So Many Birthdays
it was a good episode but I didn't enjoy watching it and I won't enjoy rewatching it

You forgot the best episode

All good episodes, but Season 1B helped further them along (i.e. Steven's Lion ended up foreshadowing something very important).

Plus, certain episodes redeemed really crap ones (The Test redeemed Cheeseburger Backpack for one).

That's Season 2, I'm talking about Season 1A

Season one was the only season that explored all the cool gem artifacts and ruined, they've all been dropped since then, now we just get the retarded memebarn

Oh, then how about laser light cannon?

Implying things outside the meme barn aren't retarded.

>we finally got to see Homeworld
>people still complain about the barn which hasn't even been seen since season 4.

Seasons 2-4 are shit, Seasons 1 and 5 are good (so far)

LLC was kawaii and feelgood but they were really finding their feet in terms of animation. Sure.

We saw home world for a whole 2 seconds dude.

Season 2 and 3 were decent though.
Season 4 was really meh.

Maybe youre joking. But its really the only episode that makes any sense.

Its intentionally goofy and it succeeds.

Now the only real problem with it, is that it states its non canon but what happens in the episode (steven learns to use the shield) has effects in the very next episode
and beyond.

If it isnt canon then we have no idea how steven learned to form the shield at will. Maybe rebecca will get around to explaining that later though, right guys?

Did you actually see the newest episodes?
They can back and forth now.

season 2 was just the awful sardonyx arc and peridot's memedemption arc, season 3 was full of bad writing and ruined lapis, jasper, and peridot, season 4 was a literal filler season

The episode is non canon.
Steven just learned to use it on his own.
The whole point was that you weren't supposed to look deep into this episode.

Uncle Grandpa is totally canon, he was lying
Or rather: Steven has psychic powers and something weird happened.

>season 3 was full of bad writing and ruined lapis, jasper, and peridot
>fleshing out your characters make them ruined

Its always head canon with you fans.
Sure its reasonable to assume we'll see more ( reasonable if the show actually followed through with the shit it brings up that is) but you dont know we will see homeworld again for a long time.

So, so far, weve only seen 2 seconds of home world. And what we did see mostly was a kindergarten. Whoa, never seen THAT before.

Lol head canon is the name of the game.

Its not important how steven learned to use the shield, he just knows!

What's your totally wrong opinion on Lars?

More head canon. Awesome.

How much did you expect with a 11 minute run time?
Those two seconds were enough for the time being.

When people think of Jailbreak, they think of Garnet reforming and Estelle finally singing.

but the best part of the episode was Lapis dragging herself and Jasper down into ocean hell trapped as Malachite.

Say Uncle works because Steven either gets his shield powers back thanks to those events and later uses it in The Return, or Steven dramatically uses to save the Crystal Gems from Peridot's ship laser, where anyone with a brain would realize that's how his powers work.

have you not been paying attention
Steven has psychic powers, this is not disputable
Character dialog is not a reliable source of information

You can show a lot in 11 minutes. WANTED was advertised as a whole arc. So thats what 33 min? You dont think thats enough time to show off something more than a kindergarten?

Man. I dont wanna be an asshole but you fans are so fucking complacent. I swear, if it ended tomorrow youd all come up with head canon as to why it was the perfect way to end the series.

>I dont wanna be an asshole but you fans are so fucking complacent.
You really did want to be an asshole in the end.
But why does it bother you how fans enjoy the show? You just come off as an autist.

>WANTED was advertised as a whole arc. So thats what 33 min? You dont think thats enough time to show off something more than a kindergarten?
Yes because it's not like there were other plot threads going on at the time.

I too love rape

>turning two character into memes
>turning one character into a dog

>forgetting Alone At Sea
>forgetting the Amethyst/Jasper arc

This is one of the only actually funny SU episodes
I rememer how pissy I was when this first came out because I was a faggot lorefag but this episode was really fun, based Uncle G

Lapis has been hiding her powerlevel and will reveal that she's a MEGABITCH soon enough. Peridot will revert to Saturday morning cartoon villain (but this time on our side) soon enough. I hope we see her pull out the mech and the laser drones.

there was so much lore in the UG episode tho, you just hated it because you were a faggot

You're a faggot for caring about the lore at all, the episode was funny and that's all that matters for a crossover like that

Its not autism to criticize a show when it deserves it.

Plot threads on top of plot threads, with answers not being provided seems to be really enjoyable to SU fans.

Not really no. I watched season 1 and then treated it like adventure time where I only watch or FFW through the highlights of the show instead of the crappy ass filler.

So, you didn't watch any of season 4?

>i liked Uncle Grandpa lore

UG was Season 2 dude

You can always spot a bandwagoner because they feel the need to constantly tell everyone they hated the Uncle Grandpa episode

Ive only gotten through 10 eps. Of season 4 and it is honestly the most filler heavy season of any show ever created.

yeah, that's pretty much that entire season

I still think the same way about him, I don't care if Sugar killed a fucking child on screen

>if you actually managed to watch all of S1 you'd be hooked


>she wants to write herself into a corner with it,

Is she retarded?