Which country has the best? I nominate Portugal.

>The Girl Who Played With Fire - The Lass Who Dreamed of a Gallon of Gasoline and Matches.
>Inglourious Basterds - Lawless Assholes.
>The Fast and the Furious - The Furious Speed.
>Toy Story - Toy Story: The Rivals.
>Die Hard - Skyscrapper Heist.
>The Ring - The Warning.
>Evil Dead - Dead Comes by Morning.
>Beverly Hills Cop - The Cop Hunter.
>The X-Files - Secret Folders.
>Unbreakable - The Protected One.
>Dumb and Dumber - Two Idiots at Large.
>Balls of Fury - Don't You Touch Me in the Balls.
>The Goodfellas - All Good Boys.
>Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - The Awakening of the Mind.
>Ferris Bueller's Day Off - The King of Slackers.
>Knocked-Up - Lots of Bad Luck.
>Piranhas II - Piranha: The Vampire Fish.
>Body Snatchers - The Invasion Of The Violators.
>Reservoir Dogs - Rascal Dogs.
>Inception - The Origin.
>The Expendables - The Mercenaries.
>Despicable Me - Gru, The Whiny.
>Strangers on a Train - The Stranger from North Express.
>White Men Can't Jump - Whitey Can't Nail It.
>At the Mouth of Madness - The Devil's Bible.
>Planet of the Apes - The Man who Came From the Future.
>Vertigo - The Woman Who Lived Twice.



In my country Bulgaria, Breaking Bad is called “In Satan’s Shoes”.

My own favorite translation is in finnish
> Once Upon a Time in America - The great gangster war
>there's no great gangster war in the movie


>Shawshank Redemption
>Rita Hayworth - the key to the escape

>Raquel Welch was the key to escape


Tfw you get cucked by your own colony

Britain knows that feeling all too well.

Here's Goymany...

>Once Upon a Time in the West - Spiel mir das Lied vom Tod (Play me the song of death)

>The Boondock Saints - Der blutige Pfad Gottes (God's blood-soaked path)

>North by Northwest - Der Unsichtbare Dritte (The Invisible Third Man)

>The Deer Hunter - Die durch die Hölle gehen (Those, who go through hell)

>A Knight's Tale - Ritter aus Leidenschaft (Passionate knights)

>The Pacifier - Der Babynator

>The Good, the Bad and the Ugly - Zwei Glorreiche Halunken (Two glorious scoundrels)


>Ocean's 11 - The Big Swindle
>Ocean's 12 - The New Big Swindle
>Ocean's 13 - Now They're 13!

But the thing that rustles me the most is when the title is either a name or a noun, and since they can't translate it they make up some ridiculous subtitle for it.

>Juno: Growing Up, Running and Falling
>Milk: A Man, A Hope, A Revolution
>Trainspotting: Life in the Abyss
>John Wick: Another Day For Killing
>Braindead: Your Mother Ate My Dog

>Happy feet - the penguin
>Despicable me - my favorite villain
>Blade Runner - the unrelenting Hunter


>The Fault in Our Stars - Fuck Destiny


>The Nightmare Before Christmas - The Strange World of Jack.
>Annie Hall - Neurotic Groom, Nervous Bride.
>I Love You, Alice B. Toklas! - The Crazy Man Who Went Mad.
>King Creole - Bloody Ballad.
>Journey to Shiloh - Six Won't Return.
>Smokey and the Bandit - Catch Me If You Can.
>Smokey and the Bandit 2 - I'll Catch You This Time.
>Smokey and the Bandit 3 - You Won't Escape This Time.
>Ocean's Eleven - Eleven Men and One Secret.
>Ocean's Twelve - Twelve Men and Another Secret.
>Ocean's Thirteen - Thirteen Men and One More Secret.
>The Fly - The White-Headed Fly.
>The Big Country - From The Land Men Are Born.
>Giant - And Thus Marches Humanity.
>No Country For Old Men - Where the Weak Have No Say.
>There Will Be Blood - Black Blood.
>Rebel Without A Cause - Problem Youth.
>Shane - The Brute Also Love.
>Heaven Can Wait - The Devil Said "No".
>Leatherheads - Love Has No Rules.
>Mad Money - Crazy For Love, Addicted to Money.
>Zack and Miri Make a Porno - If It Pays, It's OK.
>Scream - Panic.
>Scary Movie - Everyone In Panic.
>Date Movie - A Not So Romantic Comedy.
>Epic Movie - Hollywood Gone Crazy.
>Meet the Spartans - Spartasses.
>Dance Flick - She Dances With My Penis.
>Forrest Gump - Forrest Gump: The Storyteller.
>Pulp Fiction - Pulp Fiction: Times of Violence.
>Apollo 13 - Apollo 13: From Disaster to Triumph.
>Se7en - Se7en: The Seven Capital Crimes.
>Michael Collins - Michael Collins: The Price of Freedom.
>Erin Brokovich - Erin Brokovich: A Talented Woman.
>Moulin Rouge - Moulin Rouge: Love in Red.
>Sunshine - Sunshine: Solar Alert.
>Funny People - What Are You Laughing At?
>Knocked-Up - Slightly Pregnant.
>Horrible Bosses - I Want To Kill My Boss.
>Fargo - Fargo: A Comedy of Errors.
>Saw - Deadly Games.
>Halloween - Halloween: The Night of Fear.
>Pretty in Pink - The Girl in Bright Pink
>Sixteen Candles - Babes and Studs.
>The Breakfast Club - Club of Five.
>Taxi Driver - Taxi Driver: Taxi Driver.

German titles are either godly or complete shit (see "Horrible Bosses" --> "KILL THE BOSS")

>Don't You Touch Me In the Balls

>And Thus Marches Humanity

I like that one better.

>>Smokey and the Bandit - Catch Me If You Can.
What do they call DiCaprio's "Catch Me If You Can"?

>Der Babynator

Just noticed that the Planet of the Apes translation spoils the fucking twist. I'm also tuga btw.

>The pacifier: bulletproof babysitter

More krautified titles...

>We Were Soldiers - Wir Waren Helden (We Were Heroes)

>Big Hero 6 - Baymax: Riesiges Robowabohu (riesig = giant)

>Logan's Run - Flucht ins 23. Jahrhundert (Escape into the 23rd century)

>Stripes - Ich glaub mich knutscht ein Elch (I think I'm being kissed by a moose)

>Dodgeball - Voll auf die Nüsse (rough transl.: Kick in the nuts)

>Thor: Ragnarök - Thor: Tag der Entscheidung (Judgment Day)

Ragnarok is basically the nordic apocalypse so that makes some sense, but

>Stripes - I think I'm being kissed by a moose
u waut krauts?

Worst titles ITT:

>Inglourious Basterds - Lawless Assholes
>Balls of Fury - Don't You Touch Me in the Balls
>Planet of the Apes - The Man who Came From the Future (thanks for spoiling it...)
>Once Upon a Time in America - The great gangster war
>The Pacifier - Der Babynator
>Braindead: Your Mother Ate My Dog
>The Fault in Our Stars - Fuck Destiny
>Knocked-Up - Slightly Pregnant (how in the hell can you be 'slightly pregnant'?)
>Heaven Can Wait - The Devil Said "No"
>Stripes - Ich glaub mich knutscht ein Elch (I think I'm being kissed by a moose)
>Dance Flick - She Dances With My Penis

Smokes and the Bandit IV - I swear I'm gonna get you eventually

>Riesiges Robowabohu (riesig = giant)
So what is a Robowabohu?

>John Wick
>not Juan Wick

Arrest Me If You Can.

Well, he technicaly comes from the past.

Based tugas rusing you until the very end.

>>Knocked-Up - Slightly Pregnant (how in the hell can you be 'slightly pregnant'?)

That's the joke, I think. You're trying to play it down.

>>Heaven Can Wait - The Devil Said "No"

That one is pretty badass.

>>Knocked-Up - Lots of Bad Luck.

Kinda hard to explain but Tobuwabohu is a munfactured word that means "a situation that is a mess". Its one of that words that describe themselves, since the word itself is a mess too. They then added robo for obvious reason. Weird as fuck title but if you speak german it actually works really well.

There ish more...

>Monty Python and the Holy Grail - Die Ritter der Kokosnuss (Knights of the Coconut)

>In Bruges - Brügge sehen...und sterben? (To see Bruges...and to die?)

>Liar Liar - Der Dummschwätzer (The Bullshit Talker) Body of Lies - Der Mann, der niemals lebte (The man, who never lived)

>Escape from New York - Die Klapperschlange (The Rattlesnake)

Oh, so it's a German pun. That's pretty interesting, especially since the original title isn't a pun.

More from Brazil.

>Nightmare on Elm Street - The Nightmare Hour.
>Fright Night - The Fright Hour.
>Re-Animator - The Living Dead Hour.
>Salem's Lot - The Vampire Hour.
>Silver Bullet - The Werewolf Hour.
>The Midnight Hour - The Horror Hour.
>Animal House - The Scoundrels Club.
>Caddyshack - The Crooks Club.
>Groundhog Day - Time Spell.
>The Blues Brothers - The Shameless Brothers.
>The Deer Hunter - The Sniper.
>Full Metal Jacket - Born to Kill.
>Million Dollar Baby - Golden Girl.
>Mystic River - About Boys and Wolves.
>Flags of Our Fathers - The Conquest of Honor.
>Sully - Sully: The Hero of Hudson River.
>Midnight Cowboy - Lost in the Night.
>A Man For All Seasons - The Man Who Didn't Sell His Soul.
>To Kill a Mockingbird - The Sun is for Everyone.
>One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest - A Stranger in the Nest.
>12 Angry Men - 12 Men and One Sentence.
>West Side Story - Love, Sublime Love.
>Breakfeast at Tiffany's - Delux Doll.
>Pay It Forward - The Chain of Good.
>Blindness - Essay About Blindness.
>Funny Games - Gratuitious Violence.
>Hard Candy -
>The Notebook - Diary of a Passion.
>A Walk to Remember - A Love to Remember.
>Don't Say a Word - Hostage of the Silence.
>The Game - Lives At Stake.
>The Descent - The Abyss of Fear.
>Prom Night - Death Invities You to Dance.
>Valentine - The Day of Terror.
>The Unborn - Lost Soul.
>Jarhead - Anonymous Soldier.
>The Time Traveler's Wife - I'll Love You Forever.
>The Guardians - Angels of Life: Braver Than the Sea.
>Brothers - Between Brothers.
>Brokeback Mountain - The Secret of Brokeback Mountain.
>Silence of the Lambs - The Silence of the Innocent.
>Slumdog Millionaire - Who Wants To Be a Millionaire?
>Crash - Crash: In the Limit.
>Closer - Closer: Too Close.

>Kung Pow - Kungfusion
>Kung Faux - Kungfusion
>Kung Fu Hustle - Kungfusion

>Closer - Closer: Too Close.
>Taxi Driver - Taxi Driver: Taxi Driver.

Brazilians are just trolling at this point.

More Hueland (All translations I love edition):

>Baby Driver - On An Escape Rithym
>Naked Gun - Outta the Way, Here Come the Cops!
>Airplane - Buckle Up, The Pilot's Missing!
>Scary Movie - Everybody's SCREAMing
>Evil Dead - The Devil's Death (a fuckup on a literal translation)
>Evil Dead 2 - One Helluva Night
>Evil Dead 3 - One Helluva Night 3 (?)
>Mulholland Dr. - City of Dreams (Unironically love this one)
>Hacksaw Ridge - 'Till The Last Man (another amazing one)
>Lost in Translation - Encounters and Misencounters (a title literally lost in translation)
>Annie Hall - Neurotic Groom, Nervous Bride
>50 First Dates - Just Like The First Time
>Ferris Bueler's Day Off - Enjoying Life Madly
And my personal favourites, both are pure genius:
>Police Academy - Police Madcademy
Trust me, it doesn't sound like much, but it's a perfect pun in portuguese.
>Sister Act - Changing Habit
FUCKING GENIUS, it's a better play on words than the original title

I assumed that those titles had the original title in English then a Brazilian title as a subtitle. Like "Taxi Driver: (Portuguese translation of Taxi Driver)". Because the original title is too iconic.

operation condor 2 - UM KICKBOXER MUITO LOUCO (one very crazy kickboxer )

>a fellow lover of hue titles
My tree branch-friend, lemme add more translations that are better than the original

>From Dusk Till Dawn - One Drink in Hell
>Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back - The (spoof movie) Empire Strikes Back
>Rat Race - Everybody's Crazy! A Race for Million$
>Underworld franchise - Night Angels
>Green Mile - Expecting a Miracle
>To Kill or Not to Kill? - God Made Man, Man Made the Colt (GODDAMN)
>Mystic River - Of Boys and Wolves
>The Searchers - Trails of Hate
>Vertigo - The Corpse that Falls

oh shit, forgot to delete from the other thread.. shame..


some others

>Home Alone - They Forgotten Me
>Angel's Heart - Satanic Heart
>In & Out - Could it be he is? (or a better translation 'Maybe he is?')
>The Hangover - If you drink, don't marry!
>Mystic River - About boys and wolves
>Big Fish - Big Fish and his wonderful stories

>Moana - Vaiana

>>In & Out - Could it be he is? (or a better translation 'Maybe he is?')

This one works because it's a pun based on a famous local song.

>Before I Fall - They say, when you die your whole life flashes before my eyes
>+1 - Party Invaders

not an official one, but the turkish bootleg name for "brokeback mountain" was "faggot cowboys"

Is that like how jackass fansubbers give joke titles to anime?