About to take acid, what should we watch?

About to take acid, what should we watch?

You should mail me some unless you live on the east coast then ill just drop by.

Boston actually

you should go outside instead faggot

Aight nigga whats the address

Beasts of No Nation if you've got the balls

evil dead 2, then the walls for 6 hours

The Holy Mountain

planet earth II

Samsara. But first listen to the Morning Phase by Beck. Don't watch The Cable Guy, Jim Carrey is so sinister it freaked me out


Only God Forgives

I can't stand movies while on acid, it makes me overthink and feel bad or manipulated.


Maybe something dour and boring. Or like what said, a Jodorowsky film.

Your life going down the drain

You should feel manipulated.

That's just setting up for a bad trip

watch this instead

Everyone is giving shitty opinions, jesus..

I recommend you something animated, from ghibli like princess mononoke, Howl's moving castle or spirited away.

If you want something with people in it, i sugest you Barraka, Samsara, Loving vincent, Planet eart, Waking life, or 2001 space meme odyssey

BONUS: Watch Trolls, its so goddamn trippy, colorful and joyful in general.

Why tho?
Is a horrible feeling

every fucking thread about acid theres some faggot like this in it

a nature documentary

Because its correct, most media is extremeley manipulative.


Well yeah, I agree... that's why i avoid media on acid, it makes you fell more aware thus more scared

Really i feel empowered by the awareness of whats been influening me, not afraid. The world at large is influencing you as well.

and they're right every single time. psychedelics+screen watching is fucking lame

Loving Vincent