It released early today for Rooster Teeth subscribers

It released early today for Rooster Teeth subscribers



Well, fuck DBfags. Those retards whose only concern in a story is "muh power levels" deserve it.

So who won?

west kicked the shit out of east, again

In case I was unclear, I mean Queen WAS slayed. 18 won.

lol good, fuck Carol


Final blow?

That's the only way it could've played out. Sure Binary is strong but by the time 18 shows up she puts Vegeta through the ringer while he's SSJ and he was already a planet buster way back in the Saiyan saga.

Who's fighting next?

How did they justify it?

the idea i got from the lead up threads was that Carol would just om nom nom all 18 energy to power up to absurd levels.



Good, too. Carolfags deserve to suffer just as much as DBfags.

>tfw when Sup Forums comes in to gloat but only finds us celebrating because fuck Captain Dyke
>Tfw stay at home mom killed muh strong female character
Posting best girl in celebration

Cool, but never forgot: Superman defeated Goku....twice

Pic related

So who has better feats? Zero or Metal Sonic

Posting best gril as per requested.

18 had the advantage in stats and brains. They also said Binary has been damaged by weaker shit than what 18 can dish out.


Metal Sonic basically has a better version of Mega Man's powers and can copy abilities without needing to defeat them first, Combine that with Sonic's speed, Zero is fucked.

That really depends on how far they take power levels. If it's just the games, probably Zero, but if they take comics Metal Sonic into accord I imagine some fuckery is afoot.

What the fuck why the fight includes me versus some other guy

Honestly surprised.

What about Crazy Zero?

>Every 18 doujin is about Kuririn getting cucked by Roshi.


DBZ fans, especially older ones, are happy to watch Goku eat shit by this point.


Or some other guy. In all honesty, the amount of porn involving Roshi is a bit sad. Japan has some issues with self inserting as disgusting people. Probably they see themselves as disgusting.

Although I remember a very good one about Krillin fucking her and Bulma.


Read the witchking00 ones, those are pretty good.


First the DBFZ making MvCI look bad, now this. How will Marvel ever recover?

Didn't this already happen In Robotnik VS Wily where it ended in a draw because it was concluded that Metal Sonic would go rogue and kill everyone

Zero wasn't on Wily's side, Bass was. I do see your point though, if Metal Sonic could wipe out Bass and the rest of Wily's army (and Eggman's) Zero seems to stand little chance

Can someone tell me how did 18 kill Carol?

Today user Sup Forums and Sup Forums are simply Sup Forumsmr/a/des in our hate and love.

Finishing blow was a curb-stomp to the head. Was hoping for a Kienzan personally

Soooo no link yet?

Did you ever doubted?

God bless these beautiful bastards

Welp. Time to hit the sauce.

The thought of 18 caving in Carol's ugly dyke face makes me feel all warm and fuzzy!


>Death Battle did some sort of research


Death Battle and Screwattack do NOT like many of the female marvel heroes that are forced by Disney. They like Rogue and Storm, but hate Black Widow, Carol and any lame character that the house of ideas attempts to sell to you as the next big thing.


>rogue vs wonder woman
>winner was rogue
Well that argument ended quickly

Given the Deathbattle/Screwattack crew seem like 90s kids, that doesn't surprise me.

Rogue absorbed some Godhood before. She could wield Diana's powers no problem.


This pleases me, because fuck current Carol.



Honestly the only characters that might stand a chance against 18 are ridiculously broken planet-busters. She's LEAGUES above SSJ Goku.

Carol belongs in the deepest pit of trash.

I haven't seen the video but from what I can glimpse from comments, DB's inane nitpicking of niche abilities actually worked in Dragonball's favor for once. They gave 18 an Energy Absorption ability she only has in the Xenoverse games that usually only 19/20 have in canon that let her absorb Binary's star-level power.

I don't know why they didn't just say her Energy Barrier wouldn't let her survive Binary's time limit instead, I would believe her having the same shield as her brother given it's in more games

Rock his 4 foot world!

I'm all for the Carol bashing, but her cheesecake is still welcome.

No shit

If Carol beat a chick who effortlessly slaps around planet-crackers I'd be pissed

Depends on the Metal they use. If they're going by standard Metal from the comics, he was actually a gigantic fucking jobber up until the Shard fight, but the Shard fight alone gives him some pretty big fucking feats once you take how strong Shard is into account

Why post Blue Mary


>A dragonball character actually won
Colour me surprised.

Goo. Fuck Danvers. 18 and her massive forehead are the best girls.


Well fuck

Now what should be a legitimate victory is going to have nerds bitching non stop about 18 only winning because Death Battle are idiots who can't separate canon and non-canon abilities. She should have won REGARDLESS of that, was it the only reason she won or was it just a helpful factor?


There's a whole can of worms about the canonicity of XV. Some people REALLY want their OC's to be canon

They always been know to do that so why start now?

Get fucked Carol

Can someone rip the video and post it somehow?

Does anyone else miss when Carol was just a belligerent C-lister with a drinking problem?

Like I said I hadn't seen the episode but DB's are rarely decided by one small niche ability like that, I'm sure I also read Binary's abilities don't beat out 18's and her ability to absorb energy was just a bonus, not the key to her victory. 18 has various things that would let her have the edge including infinite stamina, her barrier, etc.

I don't mind her getting over her alcoholism and being raised to A-lister personally, what I hate is Marvel pretending she's 100x more popular in canon than she is IRL and being constantly pushed as 'Marvel's Wonder Woman', which she doesn't fit at all.




How tall are 18 and Krillin exactly? I read Krillin is 5 foot but that seems way too high for him

That's true. I'd looked forward to her getting her life straightened out and rising in the ranks, which for a brief period seemed to be starting. But then it all went to shit when Marvel replaced her with some kind of pod-person and started pushing her so hard.

I guess I always link the two together, since the improvements came with the disaster that she is now.

Was there any ever doubt?

>implying anyone on Sup Forums actually likes Carol

Those shills who keep making Monday Carol Threads that last until Thursday or Friday sure seem to like her

Carol's had some fun runs, but if we're talking about NuCarol, I don't know how anyone could like her.

I like Carol.

Straw Feminist vs. Actual Feminist.

Glad to see the other dude won.

So any links?

18's a stay at home mom. How is she a feminist?

How is carol a straw feminist for that matter?

Given the way this board works and in the interest of keeping this thread undelet, we probably shouldn't go down this rabbit hole.

Feminism doesn't mean being a stronk independent womyn who don't need no man and has rainbow colored hair. It simply means women should deserve respect and equality to men in their aspirations. If 18 chooses to be a stay at home mom, then that's her right. That doesn't make her less of a woman.

>It simply means women should deserve respect and equality to men in their aspirations
>If 18 chooses to be a stay at home mom, then that's her right. That doesn't make her less of a woman.
You do not need to be a feminist to believe this.

This is why self proclaimed "male feminists" are so retarded.

threads dead gg

Post Fights you'd like to see
>Kamen Rider 1 vs Captain America
>All Robin Death Battle
>Jibanyan vs Pikachu
>Shinichi (Parasyte) vs Sabertooth
>Shuma Gorath vs Double (skullgirls)

1) To see how long til someone noticed.
2) Blue Mary is based on 18

18 is like 5'5, Krillin is like 4'5.

>Kamen Rider 1 vs Captain America
Ichogo'd kill Steve easy, if Batman can beat him there's no way that the guy who survives a point blank nuke'd make easy work of him