Who's the weak link?

Who's the weak link?

Wonder Woman. Without her it's World's Finest.

The human without powers.

Blame inconsistent material and regulated to supporting role. Shes due for a comeback

Batman's a liability most of the time.

Basicly this. She is woman represinitve of superheroes. If she was Wonder Man she wouldn't even be remember today.

so mr. prep time?

Blame that writers just use her to have titts on the team. That has always been (in irony) her problem, they just use her as a female rep and becuse of that she suffers for it.

After those movie numbers there's no doubt she's getting one.

The villain always loses. So superman.

Batman's paranoia unleashed a global desaster upon the world with the OMACS and nearly got his colleagues killed in Tower of Babel.

Batman's the weak link.

An animated series would do wonders (no pun intended) for her. Think about it, a cartoon series where they get to dig up her golden/silver age villains and not just focus on Cheetah or Ares. Its a matter of when now, right?

Bruce wasn't paranoid. And not a single version has been paranoid.

Paranoid, epic, good, and iconic must be the words this shitty board misuse the most.


That really doesnt mean that he is the weak link.

They all are user. None of them are able to actually accept the reality of the world they live in. Clark is too optimistic to do so, Bruce has too big of an ego, and Diana is too much of an outsider.

Token female.

Well the bigger issue is there flaws don't reflect into punshiment.
Wolverine in the 70s -90s had a mindset much like Batman but it came off better becuase he lack the wealth and tools to overcome the misery he was in where as Batman it makes no sense how all the issues arise as they do, he has the funding to make better prisons or make Arkham prison be 2000 miles away from any real cites or locations full of people, yet somehow everything stays run down and corrupted. Again this would work if they didn't make Bats such a hard ass to stop crime, his urge to clean the streets and fail on a almost daily level makes him look like he enjoys the hunt and has no interest in curing it with his millions of dollars.

Nah, it's just that you dislike batman.

Trinity thread?

Depends on what do you mean by weak. If you mean character-wise from a market perspective, it's definitely Superman. Batman is unmovable and now that she's gained more popularity and calls to a wider group, Wonder Woman can be put in any story where you'd normally insert Superman. You could remove him altogether.

Now, if you mean powerlevel-wise or any of that bullshit, I don't even wanna think about it.

Great argument.

Powerwise? Batman.
Popuaritywise? Wonder Woman.
Moviewise? Superman.

Supes is looking a little twinky here but overall I approve of these fusions. Let's get some scientists working on this.

>Its a matter of when now, right?
Not as long as Cartoon Network holds exclusive rights over DC cartoons, puts them automatically into death slots if they're not Teen Titans Go, and hates the idea of icky girls watching their shows with their cootie-infested eyes.

pretty interesting
batman prime looks like a business exec so that works
superman prime looks a bit off to me some reason

wonder woman prime is hot af!

Bats looks a bit off, a bit too plain. Supes is perfect, actually. Wondy is super hot.

Bats. He offers intelligence that could be acquired by other members. It's not as if they're dumb.