
Yes, it just takes forever to get them for newer episodes. Also

>when she swallows the Regular Show food whole and demands more

Mah dick.

I'm glad to see some regular episodes. The mini-malu stuff is a bit meh.

Well you could always learn Portuguese and can contribute

>tfw Malu is deleted from /aco/ because some idiot thinks she's a furry.

I blame the stupid nose-shadow making it look like a furry nose

I thought she was a pig, but appearantly not since everyone else in the show is human.

I thought I heard someone confirm she was supposed to be a baboon

funny thing: according to /aco/ this show is considered furry.

Always looked like a nose shadow to me because she has no other features that suggest she's an animal. It's just a theme to go with her stage name.

The jannies who are deleting her are idiots because even after they're told this, they're just "duuuh nope! It's a snout! I said so, so that's what it is!" and erase any messages saying otherwise.

I don't think so.
The last one that got subs was uploaded months ago.
I really don't get why they don't want people from outside Argentina to watch their shit.

>When she has already a dedicated fanbase
>Videos (No matter the length) are translated at least 24 hours after their release.
>Subs in every video, even after she became popular
>Releases at least 4 videos/week

Shows what weeboo power can do in comparison.

I only know about this thing due to her pooping in an episode.

Unless it's a nigger, there's no way that is human.
It's furshit.

>recycles animation footage over and over again

>4 videos a week
Yes, of course. But I bet they also add in one or two new ones per episode to add to the rotation of loops they can use.

All the Maluby shorts got translatioms, so they're still doing it.

> I am the arbiter of what stylistic shortcuts mean based upon my wide ranging knowledge of cartoons made in the US

you must be 18+ to post on Sup Forums

It's the nose
And because brazilians are monkeys

>Look Ma, I was racist on the intertubes again!

>she swallows the Regular Show food whole
Wait, what-
>throat bulge
>ribcage bulge
Sweet. Merciful. Christ.

Green girl is better

he's actually more likely the opposite by implying that they're human