
Second week of new Clarence episodes continues now until the end of the month, tonight is Karate Mom.

Airs in 20 minutes.

Other urls found in this thread:!1EEGFarJ!HaaaYfa48PfM69IN615XMA!9ZVQUZwJ!LY9jsi6mEqAHLxFllCZm7rw8TSqRDTphmjcQ2wWqEKw

I ripped the new episode tonight but I have to get the links together hang on

Last thread died right before I posted. Like I said in the last thread, I did a bunch of shit to get these uploaded and they're not the best quality.

Karate Mom:

Clarence Loves Shoopy:

You're welcome!

It's on

>all of those photos
Some of those looked kinda creepy.

ayy lmao

Sumo looked better with that wig.

Is the Stormy Sleepover movie in 1080p yet?


I once made a "porn" drawing of Kimby but it was of extremely poor quality since I don't know how to draw and now I cant delete it from paheal because someone else uploaded it?!

Lesson 1, what's put online stays online

which one is it, user?

just search for Kimby on paheal, and look for the one with the worst anatomy, quality etc.

I am not to troubled for it though since I have no real "artist"name and all the online presence I had ceased in 2009. But still is a very embarrassing thing O_O

fucking christ dude

So, is either the one with Jeff or the one with the old man.

C'mon, dude.

I don't see anything particularly terrible. You're being too hard on yourself.

Shoop was alright but Karate Mom was great. Reminded me of all the cool stuff my parents signed me up for but hated because I was a whiny little brat who didn't want to do anything.

>one with the old man.

Yeah, I never understood anatomy and had no idea what I was doing.

Thanks a lot nigga.

Is Shoop the most irredeemable character in this show?

Does anyone else think Mrs.Shoop is the type of woman who'd want to be BLACKED?

She has that atmosphere about her.

Nah. The show makes her somewhat sympathetic by showing that she just doesn't like taking chances on people because they're unreliable, unpredictable and a bit of a mess and will often let you down when you might need them the most. So she just doesn't have the emotional and psychological wherewithal to deal with that on level that most would prefer. Doesn't make her not an asshole who's nearly impossible to like. But she probably could be reached.

The mayor of Aberdale is probably irredeemable though. He's a genuine idiot. He's also lazy, self-serving, and incredibly neglectful. He manages to stay in office due to the townspeople's general apathy to most things outside of their immediate perspective and implied election fraud.

Even someone like Belson's dad cares about Belson. The mayor doesn't care about anything outside of the first desire that pops into his head at any given moment.

Also Belson's dad is fuckable. No human being would fuck Shoop or the mayor.


Hello, uhhhm, i'm kinda new to these, has Kimby been relevant these last episodes, like any speaking role or something?

Not at all

Oh, dang it!

From what we've seen he can't remember his son's face and flaked on the baseball game. Doesn't sound like he cares about Belson a whole lot.

It does look quite bad honestly.

I guess the special left us Clarenced out.

Chad is top lad

Not sure if child or autist.

been planning to make this for a while. not sure if i should change it to make them all screencaps so this can actually look organized. suggestions for certain boards are appreciated.

prolly just a summerfag

>sensei has the same same as my martial arts coach

name them all

I'm surprised you missed Jeff's parents as the LGBT board
also add Nature Kate as /an/.
And change /r9k/ from Jeff to Joshua. Only Joshua has the cynicism and antisocial tendencies to be /r9k/

Some suggestions

Belson's dad as /fit/
Clarence from "Clarence Gets a
Girlfriend" as /fa/
The Sumo's family mecha as /m/
Kimby's painting as /ic/
Chad's band as Sup Forums
Clarence or Sumo from "Skater Sumo" as /asp/
Jeff with the toys from "Plant Daddies" as /toy/
Amy and Clarence in the woods as /out/

Oh come on, its not bad my dude.

Nothing is terribly wrong with it, as always there is room for improvement yeah, but the piece itself is not bad.

You are just being too hard on yourself.

Believe me, compared to my "embarrassing pics" yours is nothing to worry about.

>can't find a good source to watch online
>going to have to download the mega

what mega?

>42 GB
actually, I think I'll just keep looking
this mega

>Gilben's newly sprouted peach fuzz sparks a discussion about puberty

oh, i thought you meant for the new episode

oh no, I haven't seen clarence since like midway through season 1, I'm trying to catch up.

you're in for a fun time

Wasn't the whole series on watchcartoononline?

I'm watching it on toonova, it's just that it's really bad quality sound, but I'll live.

Hulu then
It's commercial free with any plan

How many episodes do we have left before the series is over?

>that fucking bird song
haha goddamn, I should have gotten back into this series sooner

a lot of these are great, muchas gracias
any i skipped are likely because mega won't let me download any more stuff for a little while and i want high-quality screengrabs. no guarantees.

i think it's safe to expect 15+ unannounced episodes

>that quality
you should stop shaming yourself and your family

Mr Reece would make a good /lit/

I'm the one who's streaming it online, I've accepted the shit quality

>make aberdale great again

>"we have loop to do it for us!"
belson is an asshole, but this made me really laugh

>Mary and the others got to hit a board as White belts
Most I learn as a white belt was form and movement

eat shit white belter

I'm a green belt actually.

Belson becomes more likeable as the show progresses, except for the christmas episode.

The Belson/Mr. Reese episode in the miniseries is actually pretty charming.and funny

ah good to know, he's pretty unbearable right now

Attack the Block Party is one of the best episodes
>perfect trio ratio
>stoner dudes treating Clarence as a lil messiah
>riotously hillarious scene in which Sumo develops surfing musclegirl fetish
>Sumo's harem
>cool atmosphere + uniquely from a kid's perspective

Reminder that this show was created by a rapist and celebrates sexual assault of Women.



i love how we made this image to fuck with people

There's a template for this sort of thing. I don't have it but one exists.

here's some gay shit

I can appreciate this.

Just recorded "Public Radio", my internet is somehow worse tonight so there's a decent amount of quality drop visually, but it comes back after a few seconds. It's during scene changes usually. I think if you really don't want to wait it'll be fine but if you're a quality guy it might not be up your alley. I'd say it's slightly worse than which means the audio might be too. It lags for about 5 seconds once.

If requested, I'll attempt a re-capture and post it here, not sure if it'd come out better because tonight is really bad with connections, but I really want to get these out the best I can and ASAP, which is why I might do the recapture later, but next is Chad and the Marathon, that might be the last unaired ep on CN's site, unless they updated. I can't do the recapture now so this is just in case I can't later/before the episode airs.

just a reminder all the stuff I have to do to the video and uploading it takes about 3-4 hours tops unless there's trouble, because i have to really do a bunch of tedious work to make it watchable, so it's coming eventually

wtf is >>>/z/?

hit THE pinata

This guy doesn't know!

>best series cancelled

What was the episode where Jeff kept getting kicked in the ass by everyone in class and then when Clarence asked Ms Baker if she wanted to join she said she isn't allowed to get physical with her students?

Episode 338, the episode where Chad killed himself and Clarence wasn't sad.

Wait, Gilben was transferred to West, does that mean that episode takes place at West and not Clarence's school? Are we getting a fucking puberty episode with the girl with the dick sucking lips?

HQ mega when?

what was the episode where clarence found mary's gun and took it to school to play cops and robbers and at the end he says "it's you or me, and i can't count to 3" while pointing it at sumo who kept saying "pull the trigger punk"?

>pull the trigger punk

oh shit

ww ww a awh wha wait a second you guys say amy gillis hasn't returned but she was just in the clarence for president opening scene i just saw it on tv

flash back

She made a cute president. Would vote again/10

she can boss me around any time

Boxcurse Children / Karate Mom 1080p!9ZVQUZwJ!LY9jsi6mEqAHLxFllCZm7rw8TSqRDTphmjcQ2wWqEKw

CN deleted the folder this morning (only took them 3 years..) but it'll be back

Deepest Lore.
How can Steven Universe even compete?

Should have kept copies somewhere offshore.

they said new episodes are gonna be airing across 2018, so unless CN is fucking around with the schedule, it should a be a whole season, around 30 mybe

that's a diaper?

this, easily in my top 5 tbhonest

why not just write "honestly"

idknow lmaoff

bleach yourself nigger.

That guy below ayy lmao? Radical Larry.



new episodes today? is everything leaked already?

I recaptured Public Radio and it ran pretty smooth, but now I can't upload it because my internet has bottomed out and it takes forever to load a fucking webpage. GD says 300+ hours to upload and Mega can't even initialize. I'll update if I can get it going but fuck this internet is shit.

>captcha keeps expiring before the post finishes uploading