From Entertainment Weekly.

>The movie begins with an extended prologue of T'Challa (Chadwick Boseman) returning to Wakanda after his father's death in CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR in order to ascend to the throne by venturing into Warrior Falls and proving himself to Wakanda's leaders.

>Wakanda is divided in several tribes that co-exist under a fragile truce established by T'Chaka (John Kani), which is threatened due to his death, and T'Challa's efforts to complete his father's vision of integrating Wakanda to the outside world only increases tensions. The world believes Wakanda to be a subdeveloped third world country.

>Early in the movie, T'Challa and the Dora Milaje, Wakanda's royal guard led by Okoye (Danai Gurira), cross paths with CIA operative Everett K. Ross (Martin Freeman) when they both pursue weapons dealer Ulysses Klaue (Andy Serkis), the only one who knows the truth about Wakanda, to South Korea, leading to shootout in a nightclub followed by a car chase, in which Klaue is captured. Later in the movie, Klaue attaches a piece of sonic-based Vibranium mining technology to his arm in order to fight.

>Klaue is rescued from prison by Erik Kilmonger (Michael B. Jordan), a vicious Wakandan warrior who refuses to accept Wakanda opening its borders and who was exiled after challenging T'Challa's ascension. He recruits Klaue to help him mastermind an international conspiracy to undermine T'Challa's influence over the Wakandan leaders, allowing Kilmonger to stage a coup, which could lead to a new world war. Ross ultimately discovers the truth about Wakanda and joins T'Challa's efforts to stop Kilmonger and Klaue.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Nakia (Lupita Nyong'o) is T'Challa's childhood friend and the newest member of the Dora Milaje. They have romantic feelings for each other.

>W'Kabi (Daniel Kaluuya) is T'Challa's best friend, confidant and commander of Wakanda's military forces.

>Shuri (Letitia Wright) is T'Challa's sister, a technological genius on par with Tony Stark who has dedicated her life to studying Vibranium and it's scientific applications, and has designed the Black Panther's weaponry.

>Ramanda (Angela Basset) is T'Challa's mother and one of Wakanda's most respect political figures.

>M'Baku (Winston Duke) is the ruthless leader of the mountain tribe of Wakanda, whom both T'Challa and Kilmonger pursue as an ally.

>Zuri (Forest Whitaker) is Wakanda's spiritual leader, T'Chaka's old friend, T'Challa's loyal advisor and the guardian of the Heart-Shaped Herb, a rare herb laced with Vibranium particles that affords the kings of Wakanda superhuman abilities, including enhanced strength, speed, agility and stamina and heightned senses.

I actually like this political angle.

>Killmonger is the isolationist bastard and not Black Panther
suck a dick forever Hudlin! I'm glad.
>Shuri (Letitia Wright) is T'Challa's sister, a technological genius on par with Tony Stark who has dedicated her life to studying Vibranium and it's scientific applications, and has designed the Black Panther's weaponry.

Eh as long Shuri is cute and defiant it should be fine. Weird addition though.

This reminds me of that article of that guy/woman complaining that Civil War was too complicated and that Cap and Iron Man should have fought over Black Widow's love.

You kind of need to establish siblings in the first film if you want to build a franchise out of it. Shuri is kind of an important character to the Black Panther.

>love interest
Huh did these guys not read the Priest run?

He wanted nothing to do with her

>did these guys not read

So safe bet M'Baku is teased as future villain like Mordo was in Strange right?

Sounds like it. He's even showing up in "Infinity War".

>the Heart-Shaped Herb

they actually did it

the absolute madman

Sounds like they took T'Challa's technical genius away and gave it to Shuri.

So... T'Challa isn't a genius? he didn't created his own Black Panther suit? oh no! this is worse than Tony Stark creating Spider-Man suit.

That's nice OP, but here's a full plot leak courtesy of Sup Forums.
>"I'm the king now", said T'Challa.
>"I disagree with that", said the evil Wakanda power player, "I shall steal the throne"
>"Do battle with me, Black Panther", said the evil enforcer of the main villain.
>"Oh, Black Panther, have PG-13 sex with me", said the cute American woman visiting Wakanda.
>"I am in this movie too", said Bilbo Baggins.
>"I SHALL RISE FROM MY CHAIR TO ACCOMPLISH THINGS IN TWO MONTHS", said Thanos in a after-credits scene.
>"10/10", said the critics
>"$1 billion worldwide", said the public.
>"IT'S NOT FAIR", said DC fans.

>oh no! this is worse than Tony Stark creating Spider-Man suit.
Eh, T'Challa being an uber level genius, is more of a dumb modern comic things anyway. He doesn't need it.

Every super hero movie needs romance for the females

Not really. He was smart as fuck in Fantastic Four before he joined the Avengers

He's a genius politician, which is a lot more interesting imo. Not every hero should be a top tier scientist.

>Ramanda is T'Challa's mother

I thought she was his stepmother, with Shuri being a half-sister.

>Later in the movie, Klaue attaches a piece of sonic-based Vibranium mining technology to his arm in order to fight.

Does this preclude him being made of sound, or is it just setting him up?

>T'Challa being an uber level genius, is more of a dumb modern comic things anyway.
He's been like that since his creation in 1966. The "dumb modern comic thing" was making Wakanda an advanced civilization throughout history instead of that being T'Challa's doing.

>It's a "borders are for squares" movie
Evidently, filling the cast with black people wasn't Progressive enough.

They probably just cut the middleman.

That's the problem... in the MCU the only superhero genius is Stark!

- Bruce is a genius but nobody cares about that, people just want "Hulk Smash"
- Hank Pym isn't even a superhero now and is just a secondary character.
- Spider-Man didn't created his new suit and is just a teenager.
- Black Panther, another character that didn't created his own suit.
- Shuri... genius, but not a superhero, I doubt we will see her as the next Black Panther.
- Selvig... genius, not a superhero and nobody cares about him.

Like they did in Thor... you know, Frigga being Thor's mother when in comics is Gaea.

Smart strategically and in combat, sure, but he never was that Reed level nth intelligence until the start of the decade or so.

Nigga he was sending Reed gadgets and shit

That part of the character just got ignored until later on

Didn't he and his Wakandan scientists created the Quinjet and Falcon Wings?

I always like Shuri as Black Panther more than T'Challa.
I mostly blame that on my dick though.

>I mostly blame that on my dick though.
She had some lewd skin tight art so I don't blame you

Which is honestly a lot better than the reverse situation where "genius level intellect" is basically a freebie for most Marvel characters
Besides, in Peter's case he made the webs and the shooters which are the really complicated part, Stark just helped him complete the look by giving him resources Peter would never have otherwise

>Later in the movie, Klaue attaches a piece of sonic-based Vibranium mining technology to his arm in order to fight

This is the only thing that mattered to me


Kek, got a link?

Why would he be in Infinity War?

Isn't that movie an overstuffed mess already?

"He's not a Gary Stu? How dare they not have a ridiculously perfect male characters (who are totally fine it's only OP female characters I dislike" - Sup Forums

You really think someone from Sup Forums posted that?

> Smart
> Joined the Avengers

The latter disproves the former.

Being a king of an advanced nation, why would he even need or want to be part of the Avengers?

>movie is about an Africa nation who wants no part of globalism

The ironing is delicious. How will liberals ever recover?

>Later in the movie, Klaue attaches a piece of sonic-based Vibranium mining technology to his arm in order to fight

I'm surprised more people aren't hype about this. But then I remember most people here are casuals and I understand.

They better have him go full sound body, you don't get Serkis and pussy out of giving him a chance to strut his mo-cap stuff.

I'm hoping this generation of movies starts setting up a Masters of Evil Avengers movie

The only thing bigger than Thanos would be a full-on Villain Team.

>Klaw, presumably
>Baron Zemo

They're on their way.

whos even still alive?
Zemo and ???

This all sounds pretty fun if true. Even if it's not, I have faith in Coogler based on his past work.

Enchantress was in AOS for how little that matters, might appear in Thor 3 given that Skurge is getting a push in it, thank god. Whirlwind might show up in Ant Man and Wasp, emphasis on MIGHT. The only two fixed ones are Zemo and Abomination, maybe Klaw if they don't kill him off in this. They'll probably kill him off in the usual MCU style and have that event turn him into his soundwave body.

I'd love to see a Crimson Dynamo based off of a stolen Veronica.

>>Shuri (Letitia Wright) is T'Challa's sister, a technological genius on par with Tony Stark who has dedicated her life to studying Vibranium and it's scientific applications, and has designed the Black Panther's weaponry.

so instead of making him as smart as Stark like he is in the comics, presumably to prevent T'Challa from being a mary sue, they instead make his sister into a mary sue....

Absorbing man has appeared and had shout outs in Agents of SHIELD and the Netflix shows

Was MCU Whiplash a hybrid with Crimson Dynamo or Titanium Man? If he was meant to be more Crimson Dynamo we aren't getting Rourke to come back, but it's not like either of those two armored soviet supervillains haven't had multiple incarnations.

He'd be insufferable if he was both the noble supersoldier (Steve), the genius inventor (Tony) and the royal heir to a superadvanced nation (Thor).

Whiplash was just a Russian who eventually got a big mech suit. He wasn't Crimson Dynamo at all.

except he's literally all of that, he's even slightly magic

taking away from the character like that is frankly insulting, fucking go all in otherwise what is the fucking point?

Real talk, when was the last time a cape hero got as neutered as T'Challa?

> shout outs in Agents of SHIELD and the Netflix shows
be realistic user

>comics Anton Vanko
>First operator of the Crimson Dynamo suit

>Iron Man 2 Ivan Vanko
>Son of Anton Vanko
>"Not a Whiplash.Crimson Dyanmo hybrid"

> Thor
> Scarlet Witch
> Vision

All nerfed to fuck.

The thing that's more interesting to me about that movie is how many people are gonna watch it outside the US.
Will it being Marvel be enough to counter the adversity black fronted films tend to face internationally?

There was some interesting stuff to do with Anton Vanko that got ditched due to all the (unnecessary) Avengers set-up shoved in.

Scarlet Witch I'll give you, but Vision and Thor are more or less how they are in the comics, just nerfed as far as what they're capable of, at heart they are the same

they literally stripped T'Challa, one of the 8 smartest people in marvel, of his genius level intellect

I'd go with
Arnim Zola as leader (with a fakeout pretending to be Ultron).
Supersoldier Zemo
Absorbing Man
Yellowjacket II (the female one)
Baron Mordo
Radioactive Man/Wonder Man
Whirlwind ("restored" Quickslav?)

Tony Stark (as mentor/organizer)
Bucky Cap
Doctor Strange
Scarlet Witch
Black Panther
Captain Marvel

This presumes that Evans and Hemsworth are retired from it at this point.

Even Batman doesn't invent his own shit at this point.
Bruce invented bat-shurikens. By BvS he's an angry moron, basically Ben Stiller's character from Mystery Men.
Having your lead be Incredibly Handsome, Super-Rich, Physically Perfect AND a Super-Genius just gets ridiculous.

why would evans and hemsworth be retired?
did they become allergic to money?

Both of them have spoken recently of retiring from acting.

What kinda person trusts a guy named "Killmonger"?

My girlfriend's Opthamologist is Dr. Blinder.

Setting him up. Klaw had a sonic weapon on his missing hand in his first appearance, before he converted himself to solid sound.

Since being solid sound is a rather silly thing, they may skip it, but casting Serkis strongly suggests that Klaw will become a CGI character eventually.

neither of them like the workout and dietary regiments to maintain their physiques

fuck if I know why RDJ wants out, he doesn't even need to do motion capture work in theory, he has the cushiest cape role in all of capefilm

I'm sure he joined the Avengers to know their intentions, to know if they were a threat to Wakanda... they explain it in the comics.

>Enchantress was in AOS for how little that matters

No, that was her younger sister.

>casting Serkis strongly suggests that Klaw will become a CGI character eventually
fuck I didn't even think of that

>they literally stripped T'Challa, one of the 8 smartest people in marvel, of his genius level intellect

Nah, they just shifted him into being a Batman-type genius.

>to South Korea
is this a big location in marvel comics? didn't they also shoot ultron in korea?

This is going to be 10/10

I can't fucking wait.

Or they simply cast him because he is a good actor.

>Will it being Marvel be enough to counter the adversity black fronted films tend to face internationally?

Adversity is suppression and active attempts to prevent shit. Chinks just don't care for dark pigments in their capeshit, so it's disinterest. Them goofy chinese martial arts movies do extremely well domestically but usually have limited success internationally, despite proper international release.

Some people just cannot be forced to like some things, no matter how much high verbal IQ trickery is thrown at them.

With Wakanda on the world stage there is no need for the Avengers.

Why would you need a fire team of six people when an entire advanced nation can defend the world much more effectively?

The Avengers have nothing that Wakanda does not already have.

Guarentees Asian Cinematic market.

Damn you people are quick.

Please promise you'll stay in Sup Forums where you belong.

All of his big roles are motion capture, though. Gollum, Caesar, Captain Haddock, Supreme Leader Snoke...

Wakanda has little interest in being the world's police. Also while they are very advanced, they're not any more advanced than, say, SHIELD was.

I thought china was the big market
and china isn't fond of korea


if Moonstone shows up in Captain Marvel and Whirlwind shows up and survives Ant Man & the Wasp you've got a squad right there.


The doctor who did my prostate exam is Dr. Fister

Yeah, that or apathy are better words for what I was aiming at. English is not my first language and I couldn't come up with a fitting word.

isn't bucky on wakanda

Ian Dury wasn't CGI.

>they literally stripped T'Challa, one of the 8 smartest people in marvel, of his genius level intellect

Why is everyone assuming that shifting Shuri's focus to a scientist and inventor and T'challa's focus to leadership means that T'challa somehow ISN'T a genius?

None of the sources have said his intellect was "taken" from him to be given to Shuri. They're related and were born into incredible resources; it's entirely plausible that both of them are brilliant.

>Michael B. Jordan

I was also worried about them not giving Klaw his sound cannon hand.

So... nothing interesting.

This nigga gets it.

I hope they die the full body suit later, but Klaw having his sonic arm is hype enough. Also love how Serkis looks just like him.

He was supposed to combine elements of the two.
He had Vanko's name and more of his intellectual attributes (albeit his father was Anton, not him), but he has the physical look and prowess of Boris Bullski (including the scar on his cheek).

I hate that Favreau pussyfooted the whole thing instead of just doing a straight up Crimson Dynamo story, complete with Vanko using electricity to successfully match Stark's "Arc Reactor" tech and involving Black Widow. The only real alteration needed would've been making CD more electric power based and replacing the KGB with Hammer.

>Why is everyone assuming that shifting Shuri's focus to a scientist and inventor and T'challa's focus to leadership means that T'challa somehow ISN'T a genius?

Because a woman has a super-skill and therefore is a Mary Sue because reasons I'll keep making up on the spot and changing whenever I'm challenged.

They'll argue she's a Mary Sue because she doesn't have seventeen distinct, crippling character flaws and might inf act contribute to the plot or do something useful, while Panther will be a supreme badass who's major issues will be "naive' and "hothead" but not be called a Gary Stu. it's just the way of the world.

This happens every single time and will go on until the heat death of the universe.

It's fucking Klaw.
What did you expect they would?
Why should we be hyped about that?

Sounds cool.