Spider Man can't punch anyone

>Spider Man can't punch anyone

And into the trash it goes.

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Good thing it's a kids movie for kids. Your presence won't be missed in the sold out theatres

He didn't punch anyone in "Civil War" and nobody complained.

Nobody wants to see a kiddy Spider Man movie.

Not even kids. This is going to bomb.

Dudes, he punch people in the very first teaser we saw of the movie:
I don't know where you are getting your "info", but stop getting your news from clickbait.

The "no punch" rule only existed in the 90's cartoon and even then that rule was broken.

I think you need to watch that clip again.

t. Edgelord

I guess I was edgy for liking the Raimi trilogy.

Not punching people means they're forced to find more creative and interesting ways for him to deal with bad guys. This is a non-issue.

I watched it. He punch someone in he chin right at 0:09. Please learn to use your eyes.

Are you blind?

That was the butt of the other goon's rifle.


Man, imagine if they applied this rule to Iron Fist.

And then at 10, he use the punch of an other goon to punch an other one.

That's still a punch.

I like your denial, friend.

That's not a punch you stupid shill.

>This is going to bomb.
Tracking for the highest grossing movie of the summer user.

You know what kids don't care about? Whether he punches someone or just webs them up. In fact most people would rather see the latter.

>They aren't actually punching each other!

It is a movie. Of course it's a fake punch. Spiderman, the character, is still punching someone in that scene.

>goon receive punch in the face

Also if Spiderman ever full on punched a normal dude it would rip his head off.

Homecoming is shit, and no-punching is just the tip of the iceberg. Fucking delusional people deserve the disappointment they're going to get.

He threw the one guy into the other, he didn't use the one guy's arm to punch the other.


How fucking stupid are you?

So would Iron Man and it didn't stop him from punching anyone. Fuck outta here.

>Superhero has to awkwardly leg wrestle each villain they meet until they submit
>Final bad guy is someone into ultimate surrender and gets off on it.

That's what I was asking you.


This didn't have any punches either and I don't see you bitching about it.

Neither did ASM 1 and 2 but that's not the reason they're shit anyways.

Can someone explain to me why the fuck they didn't just adapt Spider-Man Blue? Fuck Bendis and his shitty Highschool shenanigans meme.

Source for this? Because that's really retarded

>touching the Gwen subject
>after the ASM2 trainwreck
>before at least a 10 year lapse, minimum

>I didn't read Spider-Man Blue and I don't know what it's about, but I'm just going to assume it's about Gwen dying and not about Peter flashing back to remember his college experiences.

Fuck, if anything there's more of a focus on Peter's relationship with Harry in it.

This guy NEVER EVER threw a single punch in 5 fucking seasons of 11-14 episodes each, and nobody said shit

But he did in the Scorpion episode.

Fuck you. I did read it.
Gwen is a focal point for Blue's story to develop and it actually carries the narrative with constant references. All of Pete's memories in that story are there because of Gwen's ties to them

He punches people all the time in the comics. Look up World of Cardboard speech.


The show sucked. Spectacular is the patrician show.

>37 posts
>17 posters

Wew the shill is working overtime.

It's an addendum to the 90s cartoon where it was true.
It's just a rumor as far as live action is concerned but it's one that meme posters have latched on to.

Spider-Man punching people was always retarded to me. There's nothing exciting about seeing a grown man play punch an infant, and that's essentially what he's doing when he's fighting normal people.

For all we know, I could be You replying to yourself to extend the circlejerk

Bullshit you did. He brings up the incident because it's the reason he's having the flashbacks. Spider-Man Blue is a call back story that shows his relationships with all his friends, Flash and Peter becoming friends, his relationship with Harry and Harry's father, him falling in love with MJ, and yes, him touching on Gwen's death.

It's the perfect plot for a reboot because if you do this story you don't have to tread the old grounds, like origin of Green Goblin or any of the shit that happened in the other movies. Blue sets up the fact that Peter's been around for a while, gained a rogues gallery, and went through all the shit we've seen in the other movies off screen. And it makes perfect sense with ASM2 having happened, because we get to see the mourning that they skipped over in the movie.

>Spider-Man punching people was always retarded to me
Dude, then how do you want him to fight? Shoot webs out his all day?

>Spider-Man punching people was always retarded to me
So how he suppose to beat villains? Just spray goop on them?

>There's nothing exciting about seeing a grown man play punch an infant, and that's essentially what he's doing when he's fighting normal people.

So you dont read any capeshit comics then?

Go fuck yourself. youtube.com/watch?v=hfSz0bQzZuM

>a kids movie for kids
As opposed to a kids movie for dogs?

And they say the Disney brainwashing isn't real. Holy fuck.

If you make a character wholly obsessed with not killing then you have to make me believe he's not killing. It's not Dragon Ball Z, he can't hide his powerlevel, he walks around all day with the strength to punch through concrete and I'm supposed to forget that when he's fighting gooks?

>So you dont read any capeshit comics then?
Plenty, I'm usually not reading for fights though. Story and world building are priority when it comes to capes.

>It's not Dragon Ball Z, he can't hide his powerlevel, he walks around all day with the strength to punch through concrete and I'm supposed to forget that when he's fighting gooks?


You stupid casual fuck.

I bet you think Venom blasts are fun. Do you forget that some of his villains are superhuman?

So cool, it's Spider-Man fighting a genetically enhanced super soldier in a combat armor suit. What does this have to do with what I said, retard?




I doubt you actually read capeshit because they do that all the fucking time

>I bet you think Venom blasts are fun.
They're not, especially when they shortchange suspense against actual villains. Wouldn't mind it for garbage clear though, for all my afore-mentioned reasons.
>Do you forget that some of his villains are superhuman?

>The shill doesn't even understand the topic he's shilling for

>Spider-Man punching people was always retarded to me

I'm convinced you're retarded.

it's like spiderman mostly shoots webs and kicks people while swinging or something

Yikes, I'll give it a miss

It's like you've never read a comic or something.

Good lord you comic book nerds are pathetic. There's no way any sane person would have even noticed if creative web-swinging teenager never went bare-knuckle brawler in his goofy action film. Hell, I can't tell you whether or not Wade ever punch anyone in Deadpool or if he just used his swords and guns. But here you are making a religious objection to it.

Why can't spidey punch his super strong villains?

I'm fairly sure I don't have that problem reading Daredevil or Hawkeye, and you seem to be under the impression that I lack suspension of disbelief because I have the nerve to challenge one facet.

Also I'm not autistic, Spider-Man punching people doesn't trigger me as much as the faggots in this thread chimping out that over the notion that he doesn't.

Spiderfags are honestly full spergs. Something about that character turns his fans into playground children.

>defending pointless censorship
There's no reason to get rid of punching if he's still gonna hit niggas in the face with shit

>Spidey can't punch anyone

Damn, son. When is the president going to pardon him and lift the moratorium on Spider punches?

>The shill is getting angry

Tell your masters nobody wants to see their bastardized version of Spider Man

Anons, hold my beer.




as opposed to a kids movie for adults trying to recapture their youth they squandered away not going outside and making friends, falling in love, and starting a family.




>He threw the one guy into the other
No. He punched the guy with an other guy punch.? It's 100% certain.

He took his arm, directed his fist and punch the other guy with it. use your eyes.

>people getting mad about spider-man not punching people but still can't spell his name right

People did and still do bitch about it though.

It's fucking stupid, no matter how good you are at mental gymnastics.

Use yours, before they collide the guy being thrown moves his fist out of the way.

Only three posts spelled Spider-Man "Spiderman" and those posts are supporting the no punching rule.

Is it even a rule? IIRC the original quote was just that he has no actual martial training so he doesn't really throw punches.

You realize shitty restrictions like that are what fucked with the 90s cartoon, right?

What kid goes to see an action movie of their favorite hero, and he doesn't get to beat up the bad guy? Nobody, which is why they always have to get around that stupid restriction.

>he has no actual martial training so he doesn't really throw punches.
Then he would rely punches even more since he doesn't know how to fight.

You have no point. Just about every single hero with super powers holds back when fighting someone weaker. Getting annoyed when Spider-man does it is stupid as fuck

>IIRC the original quote was just that he has no actual martial training so he doesn't really throw punches.
The fuck kind of rule is that? You don't need to take a class to throw a punch. And Spider-man was untrained for years until he learned that spider-fu shit when he lost his spider sense

Idiot suits think this way, idiot suits also caused that shit heap, they also caused the spiderman 3 shitheap. All you need are passionate people with a decent budget and a good story, with heaping helping of respect for the source material.

What you don't need is a ten year waiting period to fuck audiences like you did the last time.

And only because I really like badass Spidey moments, I'm posting another.

>punching is bad
>kicking is good




I wasn't really saying that they shouldn't, but rather, that they won't.
Suits gotta suit.

not muh spiderman!
My spiderman wouldn't PUNCH people, he'd just rip their face off with the mark of Kaine!


It's not even a rule though? Just that he'd be hopping around more than... you know, hitting people.


is it at least tied to the fact he is still young and thus not fully in control of his abilities?

because if it is that could at least be tolerable, whereas with an adult or at least older peter it would be pretty inexcusable since at that point he should have plenty of control to not rip someone's head off with a punch.

Fair enough, I just get used to be seriously thinking that that's a valid reason to not try it.

This is now a badass Spider-Man thread.

Prudish potato logic man.
You can't win.

; ^ )

>Just about every single hero with super powers holds back when fighting someone weaker
Not universally an issue, as I proved with Daredevil but sure even then it's not an issue with reading Thor.

What's holding back when you can crush skulls with your index finger and thumb?

Why is holding back for someone with super human agility and a precognitive sixth sense that warns you about attacks before they happen throwing play punches?
The burglary scene from the trailers is perfect in that regard. He shouldn't expend any amount of effort over that for fodder.

If he's fighting Rhino or Scorpion? Sure, punch the shit out of them. Don't be punching some fat jewelry thief then have him get up for more. It's not becoming.