Scenes where justice is served?

Scenes where justice is served?

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I love that it was a nigger too. Travis had no hesitation. He knew that's what it deserved

fucking stoners



when does that Deathwish remake come out? Is it already cancelled?

How would this scene play out in a 2018 remake?

A fucking 3.7mb screenshot?


Surpass this brucekino


In the original version he fucks her in the end..
Her corpse that is

YIFY detected


get off your bandwidth strained mobile, yify


youtube or webm?

>tfw no more Kino Shore

What film is this?

what's the context of this?

Taxi Driver

Thanks user

lol god damn

Is that how it actually goes down or is that an edit?

>this is kino according to americans

>still using dialup

Thot status: Patrolled

The fifth one this year Kek
This shit would never be made today

Taxi Driver

today you couldn't escape since even shitty stores have cameras everywhere. Also the dead guy would be a middle aged white male and the shooter a woman.

girl is bitching at the guy for taking liquor that isn't his. calls him ugly, asks him what he's gonna do about it.

our hero then knocks her the fuck down.


the last two cells are fake, he says hes going to go kill them

You forgot the fucking excruciatingly awkward 20 seconds during which Travis can't seem to find the fucking window and Scorsese is all riled up "what are you blind it's right there"

You’ve never seen Taxi Driver? Please get out and don’t come back until you’ve watched it.

But user we have Floribama Shore now

>a boxing glove on an arrow
Holy shit people can actually watch this unironically.

>our hero



Did you watch the movie bro?


The Sum of All Fears is the weakest Clancy adaptation but the ending is excellent.

kino movie




Here's why that scene is so good from a tactical point of view. They use it in special forces training for demonstration

I see. So he still gets cucked


>he doesn't understand the context
Green Arrow has been knocking people out long-distance for decades.

The original ending had Norton looking into the mirror then starts shaving his head.
They cut it out though



k, trumps getting impeached btw

I understand the context. I also think green arrow is a faggot.
>muh boxing glove arrow pewpew
>sick bro look at this shot

Dolph with dark hair is just wrong.

lol beat me to it


aaaany day now ;)


>you're a nice guy but I just don't feel like there is right chemistry between us, do you know what I mean? I think it's better we stay friends

Is this from the new Saw movie?


That scene is pure Italian-American kino.




Me in the middle getting clipped


Love how he’s just stopping in for a milk and a hostess.

*blocks ur action points*


Are we supposed to know what this is?


I guess technically we're not "supposed to." But a lot of us do. Instead of being a shitbag about it, why don't you say "what's this?" or just, you know, move on with your fucking life?

Give the dude credit that's a hell of a punch lol almost knocked snooki into a muslim

Of course it is you cuck. Not every movie was a fag fest like you're used to these days.


and then?

That's like the fastest kick ever recorded, dude just disappears

Woman got caught cuckin' her boyfriend and he ran her over. She's ok and they are getting therapy.

Remember kids, cops are paid bullies. :)

>I'm not gonna tell you because you're an asshole

And you think *he* is being the dick?

Oh thank god, I thought that poor clown was gonna get beaten cause of his cunt GF.

I think 99% of capshit is trash, don't give a fuck about your faggy DC vs MCU circlejerk


what a cuck, he just watches instead of killing both of them

He didn't ask to know what it was. He made a snarky comment. What do you believe it was my duty to tell him?

Nothing but Kino

And you're *still* being an asshole about it.

It's ok he can just comeback to life

>the absolute state of Sup Forums

I fucking love this scene
Solely because he's literally fucking 5 inches away from them
God damn perfect


Is that a behind the scenes bit?

You're boring