Overall, which of the pairs are better leaders

Overall, which of the pairs are better leaders
Which race is better at invading worlds

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Diamonds are taller

Diamonds > Irken

Better Leaders: Diamonds aren't the Tallest basically figureheads? Even discounting that Red and Purple aren't particularly good leaders

Better Invaders: Irken

True, but they are not IRKEN. Filthy puny rocks cannot be true Tallest if they are not IRKEN.

obviously the tallest
we dont see the gempire do anything else to other planets except the fucking moon (which is just a stupid satellite) and diamonds cant do jack shit about earth while the irken empire has conquered so many other planets with competent invaders

It's bullshit anywat. The Tallest have cybernetic augmentations. That's cheating, yo

The Control Brains are the top dog but the Tallest do the day-to-day leading

The Tallest before Red & Purple commissioned the Massive to be built and actually seemed competent

The Irken Empire is the Roman Empire if it was ruled by idiots. All their tech and armies are from the races they conquer. But of course, that doesn't take away from the fact that they're naturally born for conquest and pretty damn good at it. Literally born to it.
One Invader is expected to debilitate a whole plant enough to allow for a full conquest, and sometimes a single Invader has been able to take over on their own.
Gems are more insect like in that they use worlds to grow more gems rather than taking interest in their inhabitants.
They're tech is quite advanced as well, but their entire weaponry seems more focused on fighting other gems rather than living organisms leaving out those explosives which do not discriminate.
The Irkens are clearly superior when it comes to invading worlds.

As for leaders... Red and Purple are pretty much teens bullying a bunch of preschoolers, but they have proven, at least Red has, some degree of competency in government and tactical warfare as well as understanding of their own equipment. The Tallest are also easily replaceable, which is a plus since (I'm assuming) growing Diamonds must be quite hard and perhaps not even possible considering Pink Diamond has never been replaced.
So, just out of pragmatism, I'd declare the Irken Empire has the best leaders as well.

Clear win on all accounts to the Irken Empire over Homeworld.

If the Irkens actually wanted Earth it would already be theirs.

The Irken species is so strong that one of their worst invaders can destroy planets by accident out of sheer stupidity.

Diamonds can't even fucking capture a 14-year old who thinks he's 8 who has limited control of his powers which is 1/20th the strength of theirs.

Red and Purple's main job just seems to be making sure all of the Irkens know what they're supposed to be doing. They're good enough at that, for the most part. They're immature, but they get the job done.

itt anyone who deludes themselves into thinking the diamonds are competent is s t u p i d

Diamonds can't even fucking capture a 14-year old who fucking SURRENDERED to them.

>which of the pairs are better leaders.

The diamonds because the tallest are terible leaders and that's literally the joke.

>Which race is better at invading worlds.

Irkens have reached the point where actually defeating an enemy planet is just a secondary goal next to style points of how you do it.

They win.

That being said Gem tech is fucking ridiculous and really hard to rewire. Time travel, pocket spaces, instentaneous interdimensional travel that makes the Irkens look like fucking bicyclists at NASCAR.

Gems are also ridiculously fucking durable. Like Lapis and Jasper both flat out tanked being straight up dropped from space. And of course Lapises can literally control all of the water on an entire planet.

The Gems are going to be way harder to track and pin down due to superior ship tech that cannot be replicated, but at the same time we really don't know how strong Gem space capacities are. I'd assume ridiculous, but at the same tine they've never really had to fight nongems.

I'd say that Irkins put up a fucking ridiculous war of attrition that brings the whole empire to the brink of annihilation, but manage to defeat the Gempire in the end.

>The Gems are going to be way harder to track and pin down due to superior ship tech that cannot be replicated, but at the same time we really don't know how strong Gem space capacities are. I'd assume ridiculous, but at the same tine they've never really had to fight nongems.
Well, an Irken ship was able to go through the sun with nothing but a few scorch marks. Zim has also been able to devise some pretty powerful devices despite being a failure of an Irken.

This is like the 3rd time we've done this.
We even did "the ultimate space showdown of ultimate space destiny".

Gems beat Irken.

>Gems beat Irken.
This statement is objectively wrong, no matter how much SUfags shill for it.

How about these fellas

Zim isn't really a good yardstick to use, because he's very talented but just has a moronic personality.

Would be ineffective against Gems, probably against Irkens too. Xenomorphs work best against people without the military might to just obliterate them.

I remember invader zim having some kick ass space battles. Cant remember the episodes...


Yep, it's summer.

They can't reproduce in Gems because they're light projections and I'm not entirely sure that Irkens are organic. While deadly, they could be taken down either with superior physical abilities or weaponry.

Irkens and Gems have two very different approaches to colonization.

It's hard to compare them.

As far as leadership goes, the Diamonds are superior to the Tallest. Their society actually has something resembling streamlined logistics and planning, much unlike the haphazard, and often foolish Irken armada. If you could combine Irken brawn with Homeworld brains, you'd have an unstoppable invasion force.

>Xenomorphs work best against people without the military might to just obliterate them.
This is only the case in an isolated environment. If there is an infestation on a home planet, there are few things that can be done. The gems would have nothing to worry about since Xenomorphs would have nothing to use to breed, but Irkens could have a real problem on their hands.

Irkens are like 50% mechanical and have a tendency to violently overreact to everything.

Now how would they hold up in 40K?

I'm not entirely sure Irkens even have living tissue a xenomorph can grow in, seeing how their vital functions are mostly done by a machine on their backs.

I'm also not entirely sure Irkens are far enough from cartoon physics to be realistically killed by a xenomorph. Skoodge was killed once and he came back saying he was okay now. Xenomorph attack would probably be the same to them.

They find Orkz, underestimate their capabilities, and get krumped for it.

>50% mechanical
That's still enough for a Xenomorphs to busts out in theory. It's even possible they could survive the process depending on how things go.

They technically aren't aliens, but they are invaders.

Could they give Gemkind and the Irken a run for their money?

Only marginally superior to the Imperial Guard and the Tau. Everything else slaughters them.

Tyrannid chow.

the tallest

This. Xenomorphs wouldn't be able to infest a gem world at all, and the Irkens would probably just vaporize any world that shows a hint of infestation.

>it's another "pls admit gems are the shittiest alien invaders in the history of western cartoons [in comparison to these overpowered characters] to meeee" episode
Just stop.

Red and Purple are morons and don't even run the Empire. The Control Brains do.

Irken vs. Gem: the whole premise of IZ is that the entire universe is filled with morons, so the Irkens, who are morons, manage to defeat other morons.

Despite what fans or people who hate SU say about its characters and bad writing in SU the stated premise isn't that the whole universe is filled with morons, so the Gem Empire has more of a challenge conquering races that aren't total idiots.

Even then I feel like the show isn't clear on its track record conquest wise. What is their usual success rate like? We really don't know. They suck with earth but there's weird political intrigue and assassination shit going on that might explain why they've left it along until now and even now don't push. If the earth shit became an excuse to assasinate Pink Diamond they may have been trying not to pull at that thread while making a very half baked effort to seem like they were doing shit, whoever killed her may have hoped it would just go away eventually and not actually care what happens to earth as long as it's either destroyed or survives quietly and out of the public eye.

Meanwhile if IZ hadn't been cancelled some spergy little kid (Dib) was supposed to almsot single-handedly destroy the Irken Empire. If the Crystal Gems win, they have problems, but they're immortal warriors and scientists, not some spazzy little kid. The loss won't be as embarrassing.

I would generally give it to the Gem Empire. The only way the Irkens win is that the Gems are very rigid and logical and might be thrown off by some of the Irken priorities like snacks, they might not be able to understand them and have trouble with them. The Control Brains are all the uploaded wisdom of all Irkens while Gems are just a rigid hierarchy of a few narrow minded aristocrats bred to rule, which is a weakness.

Ironically while I think the Gems could probably still take the Irken Empire I think Zim would destroy them

Literally the ONLY reason the xenomorphs are as successful as they are is because humans in the Alien universe are fucking retarded.

Don't get me wrong, I love the Alien franchise, but holy fuck every single one of those movies depends entirely on the humans being as fucking willfully incompetent as possible - they break quarantine, they bring dangerous unknown lifeforms onto their ships, they try to capture them alive, they disregard explicit orders not to do shit like go off alone or carry unauthorized weapons, they do stupid shit like try to breed xenos for domestication, yadda yadda yadda. And it's even worse in the comics!

Xenomorphs wouldn't stand a chance if humans weren't doing 90% of their work for them.

>Irken Empire

Irkens are actually a race of insectoid clones hell bent on conquering the universe. They even conduct their own exterminatus on worlds via planetary bombardment. They call it "organic sweep" They're like wh40k level of aliens

Huh, good point.

Points to the Irken Empire.

>one of their worst invaders can destroy planets by accident out of sheer stupidity

Zim's a bad example. When it comes to destruction, he's some kind of savant and even kicks ass when it comes to saving the world. He seems like an idiot but in certain situations is some kind of terrifying genius and crazy skilled engineer.

Irkens and Gems are best compared to insects.

Gems are colony insects, like bees. Bees are highly organized, they have different varieties with specific jobs, and have built in efficient weaponry.

Irkens are like wasps. They are solo creatures that can destroy an entire hive alone.

The thing is Irkens are chaotic and creative. They are like humans in that regard. Totally unpredictable. They may be stupid, but its that stupidity that makes them so dangerous.
Gems are organized and follow rules and roles. They have little creativity. In fact, it seems creativity and individuality is frowned upon in Gem culture.

So Ill give it to the Irkens. War is like a poker game, and chess players suck at poker. Irkens are clearly poker players and gems are clearly chess players.

Blue Diamond's the only one who wants justice. I don't think the other leaders care about catching Steven. I think whoever really killed PD is probably happy to have Rose out there as a scapegoat.

Zim is disturbingly competent when he wants to be.
It seems like he can only do his job well when he has a personal vendetta involved.
>that episode where he simulated Dibs entire life just to figure out if he hit him with a muffin.

Maybe that is why he hasnt conquered Earth. Earth hasnt spited him enough.

Let's put it this way: if Irken wanted Earth conquered, Earth would be conquered. They sent Zim to some back-water Podunk to get him out of their hair.

They get raped, get eaten, get mutilated, or a combination of all three

Irkens as a whole aren't even that stupid, especially when compared to humanity in that show. Humans in Invader Zim seemed to experience PHYSICAL PAIN every time they tried to process a semi-complex thought. The only Irken who is anywhere near that stupid is Zim himself, and he still succeeded at taking over the world with his Santa/Easter Platypus scheme.

The Tallests are kinda dumb, but even they know how to successfully command a space armada. At least as long as they have snacks.

Thats fucking retarded

The Gems cant even defeat a 14 year old boy, while Zim, who canonically is a absolute failure and actually was supposed to just die in where the assumed would be nothing, got closer to conquering earth then the Gems with their best.

The control brains are also easily corrupted.

When Zim was put on trial (it was a full script of an episode that went unproduced since the series got cancelled) and his thoughts were made available to the control brains it drove them INSANE and they declared Zim the greatest Irken ever, awarding him free 5 minutes of piloting The Massive.

The control brains are also morons.

The gems greatest flaw is their inactivity. They simply continue to exist (unless something comes along and shatters them) and it gives them no sense of urgency.

How the hell did you determine that?

Irkens send lone warriors out to conquer planets on their own using devices which can destroy/strip planets on their own in an instant.

Gems slowly harvest planets one at a time using the entire brunt of their bureaucratic arsenal, having maybe 40-60 planets total under their belt.

Never mind the individual competence/incompetence both species have demonstrated, in terms of scale it's not even comparable.

The Gems' opponents were Rose Quartz and her huge army of other gems when they were trying to conquer earth though, not Steven. The issues there were with an internal rebellion and a culture fissure threatening the society. They probably became more worried about the disorder and chaos Gems defecting and destabilizing society caused. Now the earth seems like an afterthought at best that they mostly have left alone.

Kek. Well first post'd.

While I support the motion that Irkens would beat the Gems, it's not a really good example because the reason the gems weren't done with the Earth in no time was because of insubordination among their ranks.
The closest thing the Irken Empire has to a rogue element is Zim, and that's because he's too faithful to the Empire.

> Humans in Invader Zim seemed to experience PHYSICAL PAIN every time they tried to process a semi-complex thought.

the earth in Invader Zim always seemed liek someone was keeping everyone deliberately retarded for some reason

Given specific orders and goals, Zim is brutally, terrifyingly efficient; we saw that in the water balloon and Hobo 13 episodes. It's when he's given agency that things go south for him.

If the Tallest had told him to go to Earth and conquer it a specific way, he probably would have done if the first day.

The Heartless just need to find a Keyhole and it's game over for that entire dimension.

Neither Gems nor Irkens are even close to their level.

Something in the atmosphere, if I remember correctly. Membrane kept his kids indoors until they were too old to be affected by that.
Although that might be some headcanon I read somewhere; I could be very wrong here.

They didnt even know there was something there IIRC, they hoped he would just starve or otherwise die

>The Tallests are kinda dumb

Between the two of them, yeah, but that's because Purple drags down the average so much. Red seems much more competent.

I think johnen or one of the writers said some kind of mid level cataclysm set humanity back a good while and theyve kinda stagnated.

IZ Earth seems like some dystopian cooperatist hellhole, I mean just watch the episode where they have that election in School, and the winner gets literally lobotomized so he becomes a obedient "Evrything is awesome" spokesman. As a fucking kid. They lobotomize fucking children who are shown to have any kind of leadership capabilities.

So, yeah, you just might be right.

The Irkens mostly just bomb the shit out of worlds and turn them into stupid thinking like parking lot planets, so they don't do a very good job with efficiently using their resources. They do also take tech from races they blow up though this might be a problem for them in a real fight since they didn't come up with any of their technology and might not understand it very well mostly.

Usually the Irkens seem to encounter no resistance because the races they conquer are so dumb. Zim's "brilliant" disguise is standard and usually works, they just roll in and get surrendered to.

I don't know what would happen if the Irkens actually ran into resistance or how they would deal with that. Gems actually create and understand the weapons and technology they use unlike Irkens. In a fight that could be a problem. I don't know how Gems would deal with a real resistance either though. It's hard to say.

I think the Irkens biggest advantage might be what people say, the Gems have no creativity and cannot think outside of the box, if it's no a routine harvesting mission I don't know what they would do. Meanwhile the Irkens are mostly just stupid. So it's stupidity vs. mediocre routine processes that can't deal with deviation. Almost a who is worse scenario.

The thing that makes the gems an odd case is that the planet they were invading was pretty primitive at the time of their invasion.

The only thing that really held them back was the gem rebellion. So we don't really have a good picture of what a full tilt gem attack is like. It's also worth noting it's not like the diamonds failed to invade earth, they just figured it wasn't worth the effort so they used it for the cluster instead. If Peridot had made it off the planet before turning, it would have been an easy win. It's also possible that if they wanted to soak the losses, they could have defeated Rose.

But I think the better answer to this question keeps in mind the tone of the series writing. I feel like the Diamonds being defeated is a likely outcome of SU, but IZ has a much more cynical tone where aliens conquering earth and the known universe is something that would happen.

Invader Zim is not a serious cartoon and the Irken Empire was obviously thought to be absurdly overpowered as a joke.

Comparing them to Gems is apples and oranges.

>they declared Zim the greatest Irken ever
Which is probably technically correct. Zim is ultra-talented, he's just so petty and self-destructive

One wonders why the let Membrane run around. He's a very respected and well loved scientist and it's amazing that a man of science can gather that much admiration in a world of morons. I wonder if Johnen was making fun of your society by saying that even in a world of idiots they appreciate scientists and their work more than us do. I'm probably reading too deep into it. But anyway, could it be that Membrane is the one keeping everyone down?

I mean, in a straight up fight the Gems would probably stomp. Garnet could kill like a room of Irken soldiers before they lifted their weapons.

I'd say the Irken have been more successful though.

>Usually the Irkens seem to encounter no resistance because the races they conquer are so dumb. Zim's "brilliant" disguise is standard and usually works, they just roll in and get surrendered to.
Is it? Tak's disguise was much better and Zim went by several much better disguises before picking the wig and contacts just because his Irken pride wouldn't allow otherwise.
I think the disguise is just Zim being Zim.
I don't know what would happen if the Irkens actually ran into resistance or how they would deal with that. Gems actually create and understand the weapons and technology they use unlike Irkens. In a fight that could be a problem. I don't know how Gems would deal with a real resistance either though. It's hard to say.
There's the Resisty, if anything. They dealt with them quite swiftly.

The Irken have some pretty potent firepower. Remember that super robotic suit Zim received by mistake?

Membrane seems to have somme kind of deal where he does "Bill Nye the Science guy" kind of shows for the population to hype them about all the awesome science shit the goverment does.

The thing is, he never actually seems evil, just... incredibly autistic. He does SCIENCE all the time. And gives no sht about his children, or that everyone else is a retard, or anything unless it has to do with SCIENCE. So I figure whoever runs shit just leave him allone since his stuff actually is usefull, but he doesnt seem like he would ever spark a revolution or anything, sicne he couldnt give a shit about anything outside his lab.

>The only thing that really held them back was the gem rebellion.

Yes the shit that's a problem for the Gems are rebellion among their own and also apparently the ruling class killing each other (or something, we don't know what's going on yet) not failing to conquer earth per say.

The Irkens don't have the same problem though Zim did manage to take out two Tallest by accident already. If "aberrant" Invaders like Zim or Tak out and out turned on the Irken Empire I think it would have a huge problem (well and harnessing Zim's usual idiocy into his moments of shining competence).

Actually worth noting is that the gem's concept of "conquered" is quite a bit different than a conventional conquering.
They are so far advanced that they are pretty much gods. hell they are referred to as magical throughout the show.
'Conquering' a world to them, is probably just setting up a kindergarten. They didnt even bother wiping out the humans, that was just a natural effect of their existence. Eventually enough gems would be born that all life would drain from the earth.

Their unchallenged presence is "conquering". Humans had no hope of taking a war to them. Hell they werent even entirely aware that their presence was at all sinister.

He does care about his children though. Not enough to spare Dib's feelings when he tells him that Gaz's his favorite because she isn't insane, but he does love them and they love him in return.
Gaz got really pissed off that one time Dib almost ruined their yearly dinner with dad.
And Membrane refused to show and utilize his latest invention that he had taken so long to create because the crowd was impatient and didn't want to wait for his kids to be there. That's some serious love for your kids.

Has anyone ever brought up the fact that the Irkens would just do an organic sweep on Homeworld?
Irkens are superior tech-wise. They've enslaved the smartest and brightest races like the Vortians and are pretty talented themselves
>But Homeworld is made of gems
The Irkens literally terraform planets to turn them into parking lots and storage lockers, doubt any sort of rock would be indestructible to Irken tech

What? He does give a shit about his kids, he just doesn't have time to listen to Dib's paranormal nonsense. He goes through the trouble to schedule actual weekly family time at a restaurant of the kid's choosing, and during most of the time that he's out busy he usually has a drone so he can talk to the kids while he works.

This. His kids might come after SCIENCE! but they hold a special place both in his heart and his schedule.

>Is it? Tak's disguise was much better and Zim went by several much better disguises before picking the wig and contacts just because his Irken pride wouldn't allow otherwise.
>I think the disguise is just Zim being Zim.

No, when they show Invader Flobee having successfully conquered the Rock Creature planet, his disguise is just as stupid as Zim's, actually much dumber since he just ties some rocks on and looks even less like the rock creatures than Zim does like a person. Aliens in IZ are just dumb.

>There's the Resisty, if anything.

The Resisty are idiots, too.

You mentioned Tak. Tak is unusually intelligent for an Irken and actually for anyone in that universe. She, Dib, Gaz, and probably Zim when properly motivated could probably conquer the entire Universe in a day if they got their shit together. A few characters are big anomalies when it comes to even being capable of rationale thought. Most character alien or human we see in the show realistically would not be able to feed themselves and would just walk off a bridge or something.

Hmm, true enough. Lemme rephrase.

He seem more like he cant connect with his kids. There was a comic(?) or such where Dib stops the whole Alienshebang and actually becomes ascientist and connects great with his dad, and Membranes heartbroken when Dib stops science and goes alienhunting again.

So, yeah, I stay with my "autsitic" wording, but yes he does care about his kids, he just cant bring it over at all, which makes it often look like he cares more about science then them. While its just that he doesnt know how to do LOVE and PARENTING properly, but he knows SCIENCE, so he concentrates on that.

Been a few years I wateched the show though, so it might actually have been a episode, but I think it was a comic.

>Well, an Irken ship was able to go through the sun with nothing but a few scorch marks.
Said ship WAS the MAssive, the Irken flagship. No telling if the other craft are as sturdy.

Which needed to be plugged in?

I believe what you're remembering was the plot for an episode that never got made, but it was only the broad concept of it with no mention of Membrane's reaction after Dib inevitably goes back to his weird shit.

>He's a very respected and well loved scientist and it's amazing that a man of science can gather that much admiration in a world of morons

Membrane and his science is useful to the Earth, so whatever shadow government or Illuminati in charge just lets him do whatever he wants.
The man has a island laboratory dedicated for a sole propose of destroying Santa Claus after all.

The Gems raw physical power would seem like a hard counter to the Irken they rely on tech. But I'm sure Zim to defeat the Gems in a second round given preptime and a better understanding of their powers.
I could actually see Amethyst stalking and pranking Zim from time to time on account how much he remind her of Peridot.

The episode you referring to is an unfinished episode of the show. What's funny is that Dib is shown to be a genius at regular science like his Dad. Dib is literally wasted his talents obsessing over Zim and other paranormal stuff.

>The Irkens literally terraform planets to turn them into parking lots and storage lockers, doubt any sort of rock would be indestructible to Irken tech

Well you're assuming that the Gems have no defenses and have never faced other destructive Empires, we don't know. They have weapons and force fields. Also the Irkens do not know how their own weapons work while the Gems have whole classes of gems who are engineers and build their weapons and defenses. So I don't know. For both Empires we've only really seen them go up against races that can't or don't even mount a defense though that doesn't mean they never have just that we've never seen it.

I find it funny that the only intelligent characters end up getting shafted by Zim's stupidity. Gaz is the only one to remain unscathed.

Its almost like stupidity is the law of the IZ universe and it self corrects via extra stupid.

Perhaps Gaz realized this and is totally uninterested in anything because she knows the stupid effect will destroy her if she uses her intellect.

The real question is how would Dib react to the gems on Earth

Damn, I'd forgotten about that.
Yeah, that could be a problem.

How well would a Homeworld invasion on Invader Zim Earth would go?

If the Gems are able to think creatively and have any Era-1 Peridots left over, how much damage could they do via shapeshifting?

Like Rolando, except we'd actually like him because he'd get hurt more often.
He'd also be dismayed over nobody in Beach City batting an eye at the presence of fucking aliens running around.

Ohh right, theres a animatic of that in videoform floating around, thats why I was confused about it beeing a comic.

Well that secret council Dib is in contact with actually seems not retarded

And the Ancient Aliens show guy is (at least at the start of the episode) sane and knows that what he does is trash

>I could actually see Amethyst stalking and pranking Zim from time to time on account how much he remind her of Peridot.

Sounds like a recipe for disaster considering what Zim did after being thrown some water balloons.

I could picture a "Prank war goes too far" kind of episode already.

Membrane could fight them off; he's a very competent scientist and has the means both in tech and manpower to put a stop to their invasion. Reverse engineer a few of their gadgets and voila.
Also, we'd get Zim getting pissed at another alien invasion other than his and would sabotage it as much as he could. When it comes to destroying Zim knows better than anyone else of his entire race. It would not go well for the gems.

ZIM would've conquered the Earth by now if it actually wasn't for Dib. Like, it might look like they're two idiots stumbling on their faces trying to have a rivalry, but ZIM's gotten pretty damn close to destroying the Earth and Dib (Or Gaz) managed to stop him.

Although knowing ZIM, he probably would've blown up the whole planet and have nothing left to conquer.

>Well that secret council Dib is in contact with actually seems not retarded
Wasn't he a janitor in a government facility?

Humanity would literally notice no change as the process occurs, and the gems don't even attempt to do anything but just kind of shoo off humans with a broom.

The only problem MIGHT be Professor Membrane, but he could just build some kind of space ship and ditch the Earth and take some humans with him and the gems wouldn't give a shit.

I don't know where you're getting the fact that the Irkens don't know how their weapons work, most time Irken tech or other alien tech shows up, the Irken seem to be able to handle it very well. Unlike the Gems, the Irken have to think on the fly and usually will have to adapt to using the world they're currently invading's technology to blend in.

The only times an Irken got fucked over with their own tech was when that slave swapped packages and sent Invader Tenn malfunctioning SIR units and when Zim took control over the Massive and even then Red got the systems back online manually, found out what happened and teleported the power core to the Vortian Ship

Someone in this thread pointed out that Gems don't even really bother "conquering" anything they just immediately start setting up kindergartens and harvesting resources and growing Gems. Eventually the native species is just slowly wiped out as a side effect.

Probably no one on Invader Zim Earth would even notice what was happening in plain sight except for Dib.

>They find Orkz, underestimate their capabilities, and get krumped for it.

...alternately, Orkz and Gems form an unholy union wherein all da Boyz gotta go on a vision quest for the Diamonds. If successful, they're granted their very own Quartz gem to bond with and use Stand-style.

>OI! Dis 'ere's da ultimate Jasper, [Hello It's Me]! Weez gonna break yer face!


Yeah but hes still rather intelligent and capable for, yknow, the Universe hes in.

>Despite being a janitor, he has impressive engineering skills (having repaired an old rocket NASA once used to shoot monkeys into space)