Is there a worse cartoon family...

Is there a worse cartoon family? They treated their genius son like shit and gave special privileges to their dipshit daughter who was, what, two years older? Surprised Dexter wasn't driven to Benoit-esque murder-suicide.

The Justice friends episode was pretty bad as well.

The Loud House Family.

Name one (1) thing anyone in the family did wrong.


Lincoln has it pretty made. He has his own room while his sisters have to bunk with each other. The parents do their best to spread out the love between their 11 kids.

Back to tranny universe general you go.

But user they don't exist.

Fail sex ed? When you are putting children in hall closets you are doing something wrong.

Dexter may be a genius, but he was also a twat who never did anything with his inventions and kept them all locked up in his lab.

> They treated their genius son like shit
Did they even know he's a genius? Because Dexter's thing was that he kept his lab a secret from his parents.

They weren't aware of Dexter's true genius
unless the plot or joke required it, and I recall he even tells DeeDee he erases their memory anyway.
At best his grades just made him seem very studious.
DeeDee probably gets doted because she's good at reading and working people over, Dexter usually doesn't bother putting on airs.

>Is there a worse cartoon family?

You're joking right? Like yeah Deedee is a piece of shit, but at least Dexter's dad takes him fishing, and teaches him how to throw snowballs. His mom is only guilty in how delusional she is in seeing him as like...a three year old. Dexter meanwhile is autistic and goes to needlessly complicated lengths to get what he wants. That doesn't make him terrible, just kind of derp.

Pic related is the undisputed royal family of completely unlikable people.

Well... eh. I got nothing.

The entire joke was literally that his family (and the world, really) has never, and never will understand Dexter. Deedee only felt *bad* for her destructive behavior twice in the entire show and is perma-blind to understanding how much she upsets him. His parents think a bike is the best surprise gift to give him and he can't even reach the goddang pedals; they never take a single thing he ever said seriously and clearly behave as though they never have a moment's doubt regarding what they think is best for Dexter wants/needs.

Which is pretty much how any set of parents will behave, in terms of trying to do what's best for their kid. However, again, that was the *joke.* Immaturity aside their son was building robots and time machines and mutagens and was billions of times smarter than they ever were, another joke about how kids are smarter than adults give them credit. But it was their world he lived in, and no matter how smart he was, he was still a child.


>The entire joke was literally that his family (and the world, really) has never, and never will understand Dexter

Well he hides who he really is from his parents and doesn't attempt to engage with his sister as anything but an annoyance when she tries to play with him and make him something besides an antisocial shut in

Dexter was actually kind of a huge douche. In a kind of Brain in Pinky and the Brain kind of way.

Bullshit, Dexter had friends, associates and activities outside his lab work.
He was just curt with people who were obtuse or ignorant.

>doesn't attempt to engage with his sister as anything but an annoyance when she tries to play with him and make him something besides an antisocial shut in

Really don't get where this trend of reimagining Dee Dee as a well-meaning sibling comes from.

Like, did any of these people even watch the show? Girl was a brat, straight-up- worse than Mabel Pines, even. Constantly invading her bro's personal space and breaking his shit and enjoying every minute of it.

Nothing tops this family.

She also saved him from his own self made problems (turning into a clown) and helped him develop as a person (way of the deedee). Dexter is not really comparable to Dipper. Dexter had so much hubris it was crazy, somebody had to take him down a peg and that job fell to deedee.

In terms of children's shows, pic related are the worst hands down. They purposefully neglect their son and leave him with sociopaths so they don't have to be responsible for anything. They constantly hint to their son that he was a mistake and that because of him, he ruined their lives. Definitely the worst.

In terms of children's shows though.are the worst in general.

>somebody had to take him down a peg
Fuck right off.
The clown case wasn't a self made problem, many of the ones she saved him from tie back to her interference or lack of cooperation.
Dexter's frustration stems from these things.

Let's not pretend his family is abusive or overly mean. Dexter's got a perfectly good, normal family and he'd probably get along with them a lot better if he wasn't always acting like everything they do is beneath him or not worth his time.

>Let's not pretend his family is abusive
>Posts the episode where Dexter is misplaced by his neglectful family and they barely even notice the impostor.
Mm, perfectly good and normal.

that same episode he got the family he "wanted" and he ended up hating them and going back to his real family

Dexter never realized his Dad was a scientist and never tried to bond with him

>She also saved him from his own self made problems
>turning into a clown

How was it Dexter's fault that her party clown bit him?

>helped him develop as a person
>way of the deedee

That episode ended with him destroying his own lab and even Dee Dee admitting she'd fucked up.

>a boy genius who ended both war and world hunger in the space of hours is not really comparable to a mostly-competent boy detective

To say the least.

He isn't "misplaced by his neglectful family", he fucking gets irritated with his family having fun shopping and decides to fucking kidnap another child and switch places with them because he thinks he'll be happier with that kid's scientist parents.

If you think Dexter is the the normal one in this scenario you're a fucking sociopath.

Selling Lincon's stuff and kick him out of the house because they thought he was cursed.

>and never tried to bond with him
Got that shit all the way backward.
Dexter put up with his Dad's shit in Catch of the Day and even helped him regain his manhood in Hamhocks and Armlocks when he could have just scoffed at his failure.

>this literally happened to me and it split my molar
Why didn't I listen?

Why are dee dee's feet so damn big? They're twice the size of her dads.

Throw out whatever canned armchair psychology buzzwords you've got, fact is the family doesn't notice or care at the end of the day. One son was as good as the other.
The attempt to shrug off responsibility of an entire family onto a child if anything is psychotic. Dexter's expectations and behavior are repeatedly shown to be a product of his environment. DeeDee's frequent, unrepentent vandalism and violation of his privacy and achievements, his mother's OCD and mysophobe tendencies causing her to keep her distance and his father's inability to assert himself.

Dexter is literally the only normal person in the family, he's the only one who doesn't willfully cause trouble for others. The entire crux of the show is even built on him being concerned and considerate enough to keep his activities to himself and only stepping in when they need his assistance. They seldom do the same for him or appreciate his efforts. Dexter gets terrorized by bullies and janitors and no one bats an eye.

>he fucking gets irritated with his family having fun shopping

Go back and rewatch that episode and just try telling me you wouldn't be embarrassed to be seen with them.

>and decides to fucking kidnap another child and switch places with them because he thinks he'll be happier with that kid's scientist parents

>being this surprised when a boy genius has a momentary fit of childishness

And yet the fact that his adult parents never notice the switch doesn't raise an eyebrow with you?

Bonding with your parents isn't a fucking Herculean effort that demands praise and attention - it's fucking expected. The fact that Dexter goes to great lengths to avoid spending time with his family is not praiseworthy.

Kidnapping is not 'a momentary fit of childishness', it's a felony.

>Bonding with your parents isn't a fucking Herculean effort that demands praise and attention

It is when the bonding is a one-way street, as was very much the case with Dexter's family. Just look at both times his Dad tried spending time with him- there was never any offer on his part to do something Dexter might like in return, or any attempt to find an activity the two of them could both enjoy. Nope, it was Dad's way all the way, and if his son didn't like it- well, tough shit, because that's what they were doing.

>Bonding with your parents isn't a fucking Herculean effort
Bullshit, Dexter went through days of disturbance at his Dad's whim
>that demands praise and attention
The lengths he went to satisfy him? Yes it does.
>- it's fucking expected.
You're fucking retarded
>The fact that Dexter goes to great lengths to avoid spending time with his family is not praiseworthy.
It is given both ends of the spectrum result in him being dismissed and ridiculed.

>Dexter saves or defends the honor of his family
>"Who cares"
>Dexter wants some time to himself
Never have children.

Yeah, Harry was abused, are you agreeing that putting Lincoln in the closet was wrong?

Because these two situations are completely different, Harry was mistreated in far more ways than Lincoln, who despite his parents fucking like rabbits, is still loved by his family and lives a healthy(as healthy as a boy in a house full of girls and only one male role model) life, surrounded by friends and family who care about him, despite the cartoonish dangers he gets caught up in.

I don't quite remember this episode.

He was still a straight A student. He got called in just because he got an A- one time.

>all these dead serious "Dexter is a sociopath" or "Dexter's family are abusers" posters

Children's cartoon with an air of wacky, Anons. Dexter's family was pretty cozy if you get past the crazy plot of the week. It's not unusual for anyone, even your kids or parents, to be less than enthused if your hobbies don't sync with theirs. "Kid goes camping against his will" is as old a cartoon plot as it gets.

he might've been talking about a post-movie episode about dexter's grandfather being a scientist

it's a great idea but i don't think it was executed well iirc

To be fair lots of people did things wrong, but it's pretty evenly spread out and understandable since they're children. They usually come around by the end of the episode too.

>you are doing something wrong
Running out of space? He's the only sibling that has his own room anyways, so it's not so bad.

This happened to me too. It fucking SUCKED

>This is just a reminder that none of them feel any remorse for killing Meg.

He lives in a renovated hall closest, when you are at the point where more children means one has to live in a fucking closet its time to stop. It was time to stop long before that.

>fucking chip > enamel

how weak are you?

bitch! brush your teeth!

Wasn't his grandpa a scientist?