One will love you, remain a faithful wife forever and have many children with you that will inherit her superpowers

One will love you, remain a faithful wife forever and have many children with you that will inherit her superpowers.

The other one will hate you forever and attempt to kill you until she's either locked away somewhere she can never escape from or destroyed in combat.

Who do you choose, Sup Forums?

>One will love you, remain a faithful wife forever and have many children with you that will inherit her superpowers.
That is a lie. This is me we're talking about. Chances are both of them will hate me and try to kill me.

Hmm, busty blonde ditz or a dominant strong woman...

Going with wondy on this.

Marry PG. Pretty sure Krypotonians are stronger than Amazons plus the super family is on my side. I'll also be in laws with Superman


Shut up, Boco.

This seems kinda unfair because unless she finds kryptonite somehow there's absolutely no way Diana can stand up to Kara.

>busty blonde ditz

"Ditz" has never been part of Peej's character. She's Supergirl - a character who has always been brash & tomboyish - taken up a notch and turned into a brassy businesswoman.


Is anyone here seriously implying that Wonder Woman cannot beat the living shit out of Peej?

Peej may be physically stronger, but she's no match for an Amazonian god-warrior.

Kryptonians really should be able to take down Wonder Woman as long as they keep their distance and attack from long distance with ice breaths, tornadoes and heatvision. Wonder Woman holds up against Krypontians because they keep making it a fist fight.

Do you think PG incorporates some gentle Freeze Breath during blowjobs?

Powergirl will love me and be my faithful wife.

Wonder Woman doesn't hate anyone so I won't have to worry.

Jesus fucking Christ with this versus bullshit already; and getting so much wrong while at it. Wonder woman is immune to cold and heat and I am pretty fucking sure a tornado ain't gonna fucking stop her from gutting Power girl.

Tough call. Power Girl has bigger tits, but WW is an ageless immortal and will stay hot forever. My immediate answer is Power Girl, but when I think it over... my final answer would have to be Wonder Woman.

Power Girl for wife!!!

Don't kryptonians live longer than Humans? Even if PG does age, she will still look way more awesome than your dick could handle in old age.

Yeah, but with Diana I could maybe magic myself into also being immortal. Plus I think dark hair is hotter.

>I could maybe magic myself into also being immortal
Now you're just making up shit.

PG has big tits and experience. WW basically lived on an island full of man hating feminist and would probably need the mechanics of Dicking explained to her.

No need for explaining for the pussy I will be spraining.

True but that also means WW may be more open to a threesome.

Unlike wonder woman, when powergirl says "when in rome" she doesn't mean it literally.

Doesn't WW has magic on her side? I feel like she would win.

I'm gonna have to go with being Wondy's live in sub of a househusband

I did not reach my decision easily. I am playing the long game on this one

>I don't actually read comics

In my fantasy WW is my lesbian mom married to Mera (stepmon) to form a Themyscira-Atlantis-Alliance.

And PG is my Wife but hates me because I have a mother-complex.
She wants to kill me but she somehow aso loves me.

No one wants to kill me, because I'm too unimportant and pathetic.

The End

Wonder Woman because she has an army of Amazon's to back her up

>And PG is my Wife but hates me because I have a mother-complex
>not indulging your mother complex with lots of nursing handjobs and making you call her mommy in bed

Your fantasies are shit.

How surprising. Another autistic wondy fag can't handle the truth.

I'd go with Power Girl because I have a thing for blondes and she seems a little more down to earth than Wonder Woman. That said, I have to wonder what would make Diana want to kill me. It's not like I plan to go to Themyscira and piss on their statues.

That's what I wanted to intend but couldn't write.
>Wincest threesome with Wondymom and Merastepmom while PG wife is watching angrily

I'll take Barda.

cuckposters need to leave

PG. she's my ideal woman. plus wondy usually has a stick up her ass

Given the choice, I agree. Peeg otherwise.

but dat stick could be your dick

Peej of course, I could have her etrernally pregnant and then enslave WW using my army of half kryptonian kids.

Why not both?

Oooh, which comic is this from?

Busiek's Superman, but i don't remember the issue.

Power Girl seems a lot more chill than Wonder Woman.

Peej is the schizophrenic r63 of Superman and he's weak to magic so I choose Wonder Woman who is THICC and is into bondage


Diana 100%. Anyone who says Kara is only thinking about the sex. I can see myself married to wonder woman, I can't imagine pg settling down into a long term marriage well. Plus Diana would wipe the floor with Kara

given that wondy is one of the most powerful DC characters and can mary sue out of almost anything it's not a difficult choice.

>I'd still choose PG because new wondy is awful.

Classic wondy is still a great choice.

Peaches has the better power set, but that weakness to green rocks is troubling. Do half-Kryptonians inherit that or would it wear off along with their powers as you increase the humanity?

Wondy had that old weakness to bondage, but is otherwise unbeatable without literal block-busting force. Also depends on how much of her invulnerability is equipment-based(eg, no bracelets=one good headshot away from assassination).

>Scott gets manhandled and princess carried by his tall amazon wife
Living the life

PG, every damn time.

Trick question because WW loves everyone

Wonder Woman of course.

Kryptonite won't work on PG unless it's Earth 2 Kryptonite.

Elaborate please? This guy was planning to make them his slaves, who else? Mera, Star Sapphire, Zattanna, Black Canary, who???

Can I take a 3rd option and have both OP girls hunting me together?

Patrician taste to go with patrician digits.

Otherwise gotta go Peegee.

We all know the Superfam rapes everything sans-plotarmor. It's literally the reason why Superh8 is a thing. Besides, Peeg has a better personality and better body.

I'm glad the WW movie has done well but Wondyfags are delusional ITT.

Barda could probably literally get away with murder. She gets off Scott Free all the time.

Isn't PG only vulnerable to Earth-2 Kryptonite? Since she's not on Earth-2 that's a rare commodity.

ur a cheeky one

>busty blonde ditz
You realize her alternate ego is Karen Starr, owner of Starrware, a R&D Tech company?

And if there is one word to describe her personality its stubborn, not ditz?

No you don't know that, cause you've never seen anything with her in it outside of porn.

While Power Girl is not at genius level like Terrific or Blue Beetle, she's definitely smarter than Wonder Woman.

It gives her a slight edge, but any of the superfamily still curbstomp her hard unless she can sucker punch them with a magic dagger or something.

After I posted it, I thought of a better statement.
>she's always getting off Scott Free

>Wonder Woman would destroy Power Girl in a fight.

Because she's more skilled sure, but if Power Girl is protective her mate and children, wouldn't that make her fight like she never fought before? I mean in RPG terms, it would give her a Morale Bonus or some shit like that. Mothers can be fucking brutal when protecting their family.

Wondy can't take on a kryptonian. Furthermore, Peeg a cutie and Wondy a shit.

Sexy bondage times Vs Mindbreaking titty fucks...

I can't decide.

I always imagine sex with muscley women would probably feel like getting your dick between a pair of rock hard abs


I imagine it's like getting a wet handy from *insert muscleman here*, but with the knowledge and visual affirmation that it is indeed vadge.