The fire nation did nothing wrong

There are people in this board right now that thinks the fire nation were the evil guys.
>be Fire nation
>most developed nation on the planet
>has to live in two fucking islands
>dirt eaters don't even use all their land
>water savages living on the ice age
>old air farts living the exact same way they did thousands of years ago
>decide to take land that the Earth nation wasn't actually using for centuries
>they get pissed and start the war
>get BTFO
>other nations will definitely join their side, decide to strike first
>uses the comet to avoid literal GOD from murdering you when the time comes
There is nothing wrong in war for territory, you cannot deny this.

No it was more of the psychoticness of their leaders

>Thinking morality matters in global politics
Just gonna put this down before the Moralfags come, the Only people you have any obligation to give a shit about are your own, everyone else is situational.

You have to be 18 to post on Sup Forums.

Wow didn't take them long

>Any opinion that isn't American brand "Imperialism is wrong because muh freedom" must be from an underage person,

Why didn't they just negotiate for more land from the earth and water people?

They could have used all that super advanced technology as leverage for bartering.

Let's face up, They did everything right except lose. The Fire Nation needed that land to feed it's people and develop infrastructure, infrastructure that was STOLEN after the war by backwards savages.

He is right. The world would also be safer if FN had won.

>it was more of the psychoticness of their leaders
True, Ozai was a villain, but the fire nation wasn't.

4 reasons Azula did nothing wrong:

1. She's a princess
2. She's cute
3. I love her

Scrapper, is that you?

>Most advanced nation on the planet
>Somehow mastered steam power before hot air balloons, a feat so impressively retarded it means they actively ignored ten thousand years of knowledge of their own form of bending just to achieve it
>80% of the technological advancements they displayed came from a single Earth nation inventor, at best they were capable of only improving existing designs, at worst they were shown up by a single self-educated crackpot who had a million times less the man and brain power at his disposal than they had

Not even getting into the fact that they started the war in the first place by exterminating the Air Nomads as a deliberate and at least somewhat tactically sound move of capturing the Avatar before he was a threat. The eradication of an entire race galvanized the sluggish and inefficient Earth Nation into declaring total war on the Fire Nation, which left their fledgling colonies right on the firing lines while the Home Islanders were content to sit by and let them be buried. They even brought the Water Tribes into the fight with that callous act, who before would have probably been amenable to the idea of working with the Fire Nation Navy for total domination of the seas.

In one fell act Sozin not only failed to achieve his primary goal of permanently stopping the Avatar from halting his military conquest of the Earth Nation, but he single-handedly eradicated any possibility of alliances or trade with the other nations. Before the Earth Nation would have been willing to negotiate the handover of land, after the genocide they mad it clear they were fighting for their very survival. The Earth Nation endured a hundred years of losing the war because they knew Sozin's armies would eradicate them from the face of the planet without hesitation if the ceased resisting.


>by exterminating the Air Nomads
They were already at war with the earth nation.

Sharing information,culture,and technology is perfectly fine. Killing innocents,committing genocide,and invading other sovereign nations is not.

>Killing innocents
They were Guilty of not defecting to the Fire Nation willingly
>committing genocide,and invading other sovereign nations is not.
UN please. Go back to generally being ineffectual and unimportant.

sl*vs deserve no less

Didn't work out to well for the German though.

>the sovereign land meme
No one owns land. They have just as much claim to it.

Think: who gave you your home?

go back to Sup Forums

you're either trolling or too stupid to understand what is wrong about what you're saying, either way there is no use explaining it to you

Or this is bait or you are a stupid Sup Forums nazi.

Ever heard of the word Genocide user?


Source on vid?

I'm not Scrapper, but those are very good reasons.


Mein Krieg.

Show me all the people fire nation people killed.

I am Scrapper, and not only do I masturbate to little animals after I murder them, I shitpost endlessly about a two-dimensional teenage psycho because she's underage and mentally and emotionally stunted like me. Unlike me she's attractive, not a pedophile, and has an IQ past double figures.


Alright go fuck yourself, Scrapper has an IQ of 129. And shove it with the stunted crap. Just because Scrapper and people like Azula don't fit your stupid narrow criteria of what makes a "healthy" mind doesn't make them crazy.

>make a bait Korra thread
>bump limit
>make an actual good question about Fire nation's culpability
>It dies in a few hours
Sup Forums is doomed.

>actual good question
>was the unprovoked war that resulted in thousands dead or enslaved fine?

Let me guess, are you also "good friends" with Scrapper?

Yeah, because you must be forced to stay in two fucking islands instead of expand.

In all honesty, the Earth Kingdom should have just sent a squad of benders to sink the Fire Islands the first time they tried to fuck with Ba Sing Se.

Healthy people don't kill small animals because it makes their crooked little pee pee a whole two inches long Scrapper. You forgot the decimal place in your IQ again, it's 12.9 remember.

Talking about yourself in the third person, killing animals and wanting to exclusively fuck children are not exactly a narrow criteria for sanity, even the majority of people on this image board only fail two of them at the time. But hey, keep telling yourself otherwise. It really says a lot about he Fire Nation that their most stalwart defender is a subhuman retard with textbook psychosis with shit taste in waifus.

Mixing Sup Forums shit with Avatar never manages to be funny. Its the same shit over and over again, everytime that Sup Forums tries to mix their memes with anything.

Its like a person that can only tell a single joke.

holy shit

>pol shit
it's the truth.

>It's completely moral to destroy an entire civilization if it's for the sake of imperialism because your society is "better." Despite the fact that none of the people in other nations were shown to be largely unhappy or downtrodden, and if they would have better lives under the Fire Nation they have the capacity to make that decision for themselves and submit peacefully, which clearly no one wanted to do.
>Implying a society that executes anyone who halts their conquest is anything less than savage
>You've basically justified the Islamic crusades

>This retarded collectivist argument that because a race commits more crime somehow the entirety of the population is responsible
>Making this argument despite a statistical majority of them not being criminals themselves
>Not realizing this same argument justifies destroying the entirety of life on Earth
>Applying this to Avatar where the initial premise of racial differences in crime isn't even true
>Thinking Aryan Fire Nation meme is funny in 2017

>cause war
>ends war
>all nations starts to copy development and improvement from Republic city (old fire-earth colonies )
>the world goes tech boom and begins a golden age of peace

KEK... thank you fire nation

Oh yeah, war and genocide were definitely their only options

>Implying the world wasn't at peace before this
>Implying it was at peace after
>Thinking what little bit of peace didn't exist entirely because the Fire Nation's rabid expansionism wasn't halted and the world returned to its natural order.
>Implying half the technology in Korra wasn't fucking pointless the minute you realize that most people can bend.

>destroy an entire civilization
It's either that, or a literal God defeating your nation. What was the other option?

>your society is "better."
It has nothing to do with better, even if objectively it is. It has to do with expanding. There is NO way you can defend the earth nation having more land than the fire nation.

>Making this argument despite a statistical majority of them not being criminals themselves
The statistical majority of muslims are peaceful people. The problem is that the 20% of radicals are as big as the motherfucking United States.

The earth nation would kindly allow them to take land?

>What was the other option?
Not murdering an entire race of people.

1- The earth nation could just Not try to take the land back
2- The option you're giving is to stay in their small island and die.

>Defeating your nation
The Avatar was never going to destroy the entire Fire Nation, their other option was just to not commit genocide and progress towards global conquest.

You have no idea how many Earth nation people there are, nor do you know how they got that land, it doesn't necessitate doing wrong to the Fire Nation to own land.

And some societies find benefit from living closer together in cities than others and naturally choose to live in much tighter spaces.

This is why you require the ability to ensure that individuals who aren't dangerous or radical are being separated from the ones who aren't, it is because it not possible in many cases to separate the dangerous elements from the rest of the group that caution must be taken in the approach to those groups.

This does not mean that all Muslims are somehow responsible for the actions of others

And again, there is no comparison to this dynamic in the Avatar universe.

The Fire Nation was never dying, they were prospering, and Sozin's reason was never that they were confined but that he felt like he needed to spread their greatness to others. And he made the decision to do this involuntarily.

>The option you're giving is to stay in their small island and die.
Nigga what? Now you're just making shit up.

>Some how made steam ships, blimps, tanks, and a fucking DOOM train before fire arms.

They didn't need firearms, they had fire arms.


And Hitler was one of the first people to implement vacation days and no smoking zones. Along with a bunch of other shit that gave workers plenty of rights.



>The Avatar was never going to destroy the entire Fire Nation
They don't know that. The avatar was known for challenging entire nations before. And there is no way to go back after annexing land from the Earth nation; genocide was just the next step because they KNEW the avatar would fuck their butt.

>This is why you require the ability to ensure that individuals who aren't dangerous or radical are being separated from the ones who aren't
Why should you care about them instead of your own people?

Also, if they are muslims, they ARE radicals; 1.1 BILLION of them believe the sharia law should rule (there are 1.6 billion muslims on the planet).

>The Fire Nation was never dying, they were prospering
They literally had nowhere else to expand anymore. They only had two small islands. That's how a nation dies. That's why Japan was so desperate to attack China. A nation, in the end, is just as rich as it's territory.

As i said, a nation is just as rich as it's territory. Without a good territory, it will become weak and easily taken by others.

>believing the 6 million air kikes hoax.

>There is nothing wrong in war for territory, you cannot deny this.

They literally killed all the air nomads but the avatar itself, its not a "6 million jew hoax", air benders stopped existing right after that and passed on to myth, they also wanted to kill the fucking moon so the water people stopped having powers and they were probably going to kill all them too, not to mention they were going to literally burn the earth kingdom to the ground, that's far from adolf hittler territory anymore, that's genghis khan levels of dickery.

>All is fair in love and war

They were going to nuke the world and salt the earth for profit, but if they had won all of their battles and the war then there wasn't going to be any profit, becouse the fucking moon is gone, and so does the avatar, and now Ozai and Azula are in charge and those people are fucking crazy, and now there's no one to stop them. No matter how you look at it the world ended up as a worse place becouse of that 100 years world war and it could've been way worse if they had won.

How long until Scrapper shoots up his local market?

>Being this much of a tree-hugging, spirit-loving hippie



>air kikes
>live a lifestyle of little attachment.
Dude get it right. It was the rape of Nanking but with air people.

Some people are better being ruled by their betters, sometimes indefinitely, sometimes only long enough to learn. Compare post-Colonial "Rhodesia" to post-Colonial Hong Kong.

Next you'll say that Swiss are just "simple mountain folk."

They could have just, you know, asked. It's not like the earth nation were a bunch of dicks or anything and like it's been pointed out there's plenty of land.

C-can I be raped by Eska and Desna?

>Air Jews
>Population of 4
>Have a seat on the Goverment

Fire nation did nothing wrong