>There’s a sense that, in comics, no matter how earth-shattering the latest event, things will eventually return to the status quo. That’s certainly been the line folks have used in defending the HydraCap storyline running through Marvel’s Captain America and Secret Empire — we all know that Steve Rogers will eventually be returned to his heroic stature. There are holes in this argument for this particular scenario, but for the purposes of the current discussion, it will serve. Captain America will be a hero again. Good will win out over evil. But for situations where you’re not dealing with good guys versus bad guys, when stories get into the more human aspects of superhuman life, changing course can be extraordinary difficult.
Gavin Allen
>Rebirth >innovation
Jordan Ross
What's your point other than trying to spark a company war?
Tyler Anderson
The entire argument about innovation seems to hinge on Jon existing. But he can always be pretty easily retconned out, and he likely owes his existence more to the fact that DC has realised Robin(s) sell comics.
Zachary Davis
Rebirth is the epitome of what mediocrity while playing safe and pandering to the audience could achieve and DC really took wrong lessons away from new 52 and DCyou. I'm at the point where I want to read what these characters are up to but I give up after 2 issues. King's Batman really pissed me off during the first 2 arcs but holy shit I respect it because underneath all the bullshit, it's one of the book actually willing to challenge the readers. Only DC books that's currently worth reading are side imprints, stuff like Scooby Doo team up, Flintstones, Wildstorm, YA books and I find it incredibly sad. Mainline doesn't even have 5 books that I could be compelled to read on weekly basis.
James Peterson
>Flintstones I'm getting so tired of people praising The Flintstones comic of all things, just because it made a little bit of social commentary. You brainless sheep will suck off anything if it makes you feel smart. Fuckin' retards.
Luis Bailey
>DC really took wrong lessons away from new 52 and DCyou That they're a publishing company, and comic book fans are more willing to buy 30 unchanging Batman and family books rather than spend a single cent on something like Dial H?
Kayden Clark
>Innovation is 70-year-old characters having a son and proposing
This is why I dropped cape comics
Christian Thomas
It covered broad range of philosophical and social topics even though a lot of it was shallow, gave characters emotional depth and worked as a black comedy. It was pretentious at times but what made it work was the sense of self awareness about all of its absurdities. I don't know what else to tell you. It genuinely entertained me. That you don't have to kill every ounce of creativity to sell comics in numbers, that should've been a good lesson but they went the exact opposite way.
John Butler
>You brainless sheep will suck off anything if it makes you feel smart. Actually I only scuk off things that get my dick hard.
Evan Thomas
Well, Dial H got a deluxe so obviously it did end up selling well for them. And Rebirth has been dropping in sales anyway.
Jackson Powell
>It genuinely entertained me. Then you are everything wrong with comic book fandom, and you should kill yourself at once.
Xavier Smith
shut up you event devouring bitch.
Adam Cooper
Thanks, I'll try.
Evan Wilson
Fuck off Flintstones was great.
Julian Carter
>drones SEETHING in this thread
All the shitposts in the world won't stop the mouse
Ryder Ward
When do we get the sales data from last month? Isn't it usually in the first weekend? I want to see if the Lazarus stuff had any impact on DeathStroke's sales. It was like neck and neck with America at the late 90's last month.
Nathan Nelson
>The Flintstones >great The entire franchise is inherently shit. It's like Cutie Honey, it's an IP people think is worth a damn only because they've been told so. The Flintstones trying be serious and philosophical is, frankly, kind of offensive.
Owen Davis
I share your view, not so much your vitriol.
You have to remember a large portion of any audience is casual, and therefore exposed and accustomed to its current averages. They will therefore be readily impressed by so much as a notch above that.
An expectation of high expectations doesn't add up.
Zachary Davis
How is Rebirth not awesome? I'm sorry, I'm enjoying everything but Wonder Woman, then again, what else is new.
I'm upset with Batman and Catwoman getting engaged because I don't think that's a good ship.
Otherwise, I like Rebirth.
Fuck all of you. --With a rake!
Isaac Taylor
>Flintstones trying be serious and philosophical is, frankly, kind of offensive. That's what makes it great.
Hudson Gray
>>>/reddit/ is that way fag.
Justin Young
>It's like Cutie Honey, it's an IP people think is worth a damn only because they've been told so. Jesus Christ, are you me? There's usually no one else in agreement when I'm firing off about the influence of social osmosis.
Colton Roberts
>How is Rebirth not awesome? It's just pandering to the fanbase that want status quo, how is it "awesome"? >Fuck all of you. --With a rake! Absolute cringe
Brody Fisher
I don't know or care what Cutie Honey is but the notion that people are "told to" like The Flintstones is absolutely ridiculous and makes me wonder if you fell into a coma after 1967
Angel Wilson
Merging Supermen was awesome! I totally didn't see that coming, really! I thought SuperDad was going to be the new Superman of Earth Prime. But then hey merged! To save Jon! That's so fucking cool!
Batman returning to being a detective instead of a fucking thug with pointy ears! Fucking awesome!
Wally's back! Fucking awesome! Slade had speed force power! Fucking awesome!
Batman Beyond rebirth! Solid as a rock! Great art! Awesome return of Bruce Wayne and the Joker!
What the fuck is your problem, user?
Do you miss your pussy ass Nu52? I don't. Nu52 fucking sucked! Back to front! Awful! Most Haram!
We're never getting Pre-Nu52 back. Ever. Sorry.
Rebirth is fucking awesome.
Eat shit, sempai~
Joseph Sanchez
Been on Sup Forums longer than you, Son. I was here before party hats. I was woke when David was a thing. Fuck you.
Jacob Smith
Eh I like Deathstroke, Aquaman, Green Lanterns.
Liam Wood
Oh and also I unironically enjoy Nightwing Rebirth even if its highs never reach Grayson's highs.
Austin Cook
I can not stomach Aquaman because the art is so fucking bad. Seriously if Abnett had better artist, I would totally read it past issue five. I might give Sejic's arc a try if it's more stand alonish.