*BTFOs prequelcucks*

*BTFOs prequelcucks*

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If the Disney Star Wars movies had white male leads Sup Forums would love them and continue to shit on the prequels

Prequelfags just deny these reviews exist. It's hilarious

>*lies and stretches the truth while making surface level analyses*




He really didn't, though. Most of this retarded analysis was based on character development, writing, and established context.

I'd argue it's far more in depth than a "surface level" analysis.

>watch 2 hours of autism

No, they act like everyone liked the prequels until RLM and that prequelhaters are just regurgitating points from the reviews

>t. prequel hater scared of being btfo

Which is false. And no prequelfag can argue against the points RLM raises

>tfw all prequelfags have to represent them is some retarded autist with a fetish for a CGI fish

Everyone ITT: Go back to R*ddit you Disney cock sucking fags

This guy's analysis isn't even good the first 10 minutes and he's already shot himself in the and completely ignores parts of plinket review he claims he's criticizing. If you're going to criticize something at least be thorough and make sure you don't slip up a half dozen times in the first 10 minutes of doing so.

I want to see what happens when the new Star Wars trilogy's MC is a white male. Do you think the same people lapping up Disney Wars would just shit on it vehemently?

this board’s obsession with this guy and his friend simulator show is borderline disturbing. Get help, faggots

People on twitter would whine about it, so Sup Forums would love it

No nigger
90% of marvel movies have white male leads and theyre almost as shit as nu-wars

whats wrong with your faaaaaaace

they sucked

If you want to study cult behaviour, look no further than Plinkett and his fans

>the prequels are so bad!
>The Force Awakens is a great movie!

How do they reconcile these contradictions?