Star Brand

>Star Brand
>a 2cool4u extreme biker
>a tragically misunderstood genius
>has a MILF gf
>and a retarded(?) girl who loves him that he uses as his personal fucktoy
>and a stacked seventeen-year old wants to have sex with him

What the fuck was Jim Shooter thinking? Why didn't one of his Marvel bosses veto this?

>Why didn't one of his Marvel bosses veto this?

He's a self-insert.

>Why didn't one of his Marvel bosses veto this?
Shooter WAS the Marvel Boss.

You're asking why Jim Shooter didn't veto Jim Shooter?

Well Byrne got him pretty good in the end

Was the Marvel EiC really that powerful in the 80s?

Powerful enough to get away with somewhat questionable choices in his own book? Of course!

Well it was the New Universe.

Heh, yeah he did. I don't usually praise Byrne, but that shit was kek-worthy.

Meanwhile, 616 Starbrand was denied his waifu.

>having Shooter's self-insert blow up Shooter's home town out of his own stupidity and negligence
It was brilliant and only got more ridiculous from there.

Does someone need to explain what Editor in Chief means to you

I figured that there would be a CEO, COO, Board, etc. that could rein the EiC in.
I guess not.

They don't usually do that unless it actually affects their bottom line.

Comic books are a madhouse.

Ah yeah, Starbrand. Despite all it's flaws, all it's "experimental" oddness, New U managed to put out some great comics. Starbrand and DP7 were the best of them.
>OK, gotta hide my super-power object. I'll just move it to my head. OH GOD I gave myself a bald spot, what was I thinking?!
It's like the life-threatening misadventures of Booster Gold's ancestor.

That comic was fun as fuck. Shame the next writer will probably just ignore it.

It would have been better if they'd had original Nightmask instead of "hello I am an alien with all the personality of a robot, perhaps less" new Nightmask.

Shooter was probably the most powerful EiC aside from Lee. It was still the time when business side of things didn't touch plots and at the same time, he was the only who behaved and clothed presentably enough to actually be taken to business related meetings.

New Universe got fucked by it funds being cut. It could probably do better if they could assign actual high tier staff to it.

is he the green lantern of marvel?

No. That was Quasar for a long time, in terms of how the character functioned. And the Nova Corps in terms of the "space cops for designated areas" schtick.

Star Brand was about a guy who got a universal level energy manipulation tattoo in a Green Lantern-esque twist of fate, but was not trained with its use, and became a total fuckup as time went on. Sort of like if Hal Jordan were dumber than he comes off, and had no training or upper management.

So... Gary Stu is awesome. And heterosexual. Heterosexual! HETEROSEXUAL!

The new Star Brand was an absolutely shitty character, but there's one thing I liked about him: He was basically a school shooter waiting to happen.

His introduction was funny as hell, because the whole issue was about promising young individuals - An Obama-esque black genius, a loving couple, a smart jock who stood up for women, another genius who wanted to break away from his controlling father - and it turns out that Star Brand is the guy doing menial jobs in the background, beneath their notice.

Then he accidentally kills 3,000 people when the White Event hits.

>Then he accidentally kills 3,000 people when the White Event hits.
Original Star Brand accidentally killed everyone in Pittsburgh. I think he's got him beat.

>Gary Stu

Would you consider dying and cleaning up the gene pool?