Are there any non porn comics that are just all out fan service?

Are there any non porn comics that are just all out fan service?

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Depends where you draw the line at porn.

The better question is where can I read more of this online?

Dicks and shown penetration

Just look at actual porn and fap instead

But that's...not the experience I'm after.

(not op)

yeah, all of the boundless comics stuff. Though there is some shitty sex scenes in some of those like jungle fantasy.

But that's boring

Stuff from publishers like Verotik and London Night


the Phoenix one that looks like one of those manga tutorials for kids

but the imagination is so much better

I need to be teased so my thoughts can fill in the blanks

Perfection can only exist in the mind dont you get it?


No sex, as a rule. It's literally the creator's donutsteel waifu that he built a studio around.

Metabarons, if you're okay with things getting really fucking weird

>exposed vagina
This seems like its just porn at that point

God, thank you for reminding me

Yeah but with a slightly more nonsensical plot than most porn.

Seriously though, I need to look for this some more. A bunch of pages got posted on Sup Forums a while ago and it was badly good.

Reposted with a spoiler, not quite safe for work.

literally my fetish


Think I've found it. Called Tarot: Witch of the Black Rose.

readcomiconline to/Comic/Tarot-Witch-of-the-Black-Rose

This looks like it has it all.

Read this comic called Belladonna. It's a comic with lots of sex and violence

It's right there in op pic...

Reading it right now, sweet warrior women with a habit of collecting the cocks of their fallen foes. Amazing.


Which issue is this and is that skelly drinking her cum?

Gold Digger by Fred Perry.
Fred Perry also draws canon rule 34 of his own series, but it's not technically part of the actual comic so there you go.

And spreading it on toast

Issue 45, and he thinks it'll give him magic power.

where might i read this?



Vampblade's pretty close.

No one has posted the best page of the Tarot series.

Ghosts? In MY Vagina?

It's more likely than you think.

Anything with Enrico Marini on art.

Actually anything with an Italian on art has decent chance of being chuck full of fan service.

Bless Jim Balent for being the filthy old man we should all aspire to be


Gen 13
Dejah Thoris

I haven't read it but going by the covers I'd think it fits the bill.



The entirety of Empowered

Good condition copies of this are very hard to come by since most existing copies ended up with the pages all getting stuck together.

Dude, great call - this comic is awesome

no, there are no sexy women or men in a medium that's constantly criticized for having a crazy amount of overly sexualized people.

Yeah, but the people who make that sort of criticism get offended by anything.

That line is always funny to me because I used to watch Travel Channel all the time

She really only looks good when drawn by Budd, and he doesn't do anything other than some variant covers anymore.

Most of the other artists, she looks like she's drawn by 12 year old boys who just started going through puberty and discovered that girls have boobies.

Japan solved this years ago with the ecchi genre

Is there an equivalent of Bastard!! ?

>I felt my breast's swell

I think the real question if there are porn comics that are just all out fan service.

That is implicitly impossible.

You can torrent it, but empirestash also gets Tarot.

That is not as much fun. Don't ask me why because I don't know.

There's Fred Perry's Gold Digger, depending on how you feel about references and lycanthropic chicks.

And if you ever say, "You know, I just want to see some of these characters fuck.", Fred draws that too and posts it online.

Was She-Hulk always like this? That was an interesting read.

Mostly when was wriiten by Byrne.

Danger Girl is the best one, the IDW stuff is good too.

It's just not the same.

One of these days Sup Forums is going to have to have a long look at Gold Digger.

Guys please stop muh dick.


It's constantly breaking the 4th wall and I'm really enjoying it.

What issue is this from?

Are there any non porn comics that are just all out fan service?
what about that and still have good stories? Pic unrelated?

Aspen and Zenescope have some of those.

the grimm series? never read one

No, that'd be the Dark Moon Chronicles or Requiem Vampire Knight.

Robyn gives me bowner

80s as fuck.

frank thorne the best

holy shit. thanks alot user

she's a big girl

what should we call it then? pee (derived from perverted)?

Don't bother. The covers are great but the interior art is typically garbage.

yeah, the one you just posted

the shading on that kinda makes it look like somebody rendered a Poser model in color and then got an very bored Adam Warren to trace some phoning-it-in linework over it

Pretty much literally what Ryan Kinnaird does


Adam warren trying look like shirow?

Bettie Page Queen of the Nile

i don't understand how fleeing is supposed to help in this situation. haunted vagina ain't really a problem you can outrun.


Who's on this art? It looks a little like Shade, but I know that would be too much to ask.

Little Annie Fanny
Rascals In Paradise
Jungle Girl
anything by AC Comics
anything by Heroic Publishing
any Bettie Page comics
The Erotic Worlds of Frank Thorne

Sensational She-Hulk is FANTASTIC. One of the best comics Marvel ever published.

This is hardcore porn.

>This is hardcore porn.
Are you sure?

What kind of dinosaurs are those?

Can't go wrong with Danger Girl

>cock dinosaurs

Triage X
Tende Freeze
Dirty Pair
Bubblegum Crisis
Lann (unlike the others, I never actually read this one, so I don't know if it's porn or not, but it doesn't look like it)
Sally Forth
Blas Gallego's Dolly
Don Lawrence's Carrie
Brandi Bare
Route des Maisons Rouges
Sexy Gun
anything by Dany
Agent 327

everything in these 2 posts except for Agent 327 is here:

I've read the entire series. It has cumshots and everything and frequent anal.

Do swimsuit specials count even though they don't have a story?

From what some girl died and her parts were all donated to different people for transplant, now the vengeful ghost of the dead girl is coming to get all the girls who have her body parts

Actually Triage X isn't there either, I forgot.

Danger Girl a best

Weird, my LCS doesn't even bother bagging it. I pointed out a particularly lewd one to the manager and he just shrugged it off saying "If the office wanted it bagged they would have bagged it"

Lann is on par with Ghita for lewdness.

That's a classic

>adding in marvel

hey, that's cheating