Here's a series that probably won't get reprinted any time soon

Here's a series that probably won't get reprinted any time soon.

If you have to ask why, google the writer






So that's why

Placement of the figure in relation to the background is fucked here, he's literally a giant














I wonder how many kids el Diablo has diddled.



sigh I hate the fact that because of it his material is going to probably be buried, his history of comics are important and they may end up getting lost in the shuffle.




















How this version of El Diablo came about!



















































And that ends the first arc.

>The Writer was a lolicon

Does he get any powers anytime soon? Why dafuq is he El Diablo, anyway?

>Does he get any powers anytime soon?

He doesn't; like Jones says in they wanted to do a vigilante in a style that went against the DKR/Watchmen type of thing, so he was a non-powered vigilante.

>Why dafuq is he El Diablo, anyway?

They did his origin in Secret Origins #45 here.

