DCEU Full Slate

Nightwing- July 13th, 2018
Batgirl- October 5th, 2018
Aquaman-December 21st, 2018
Gotham City Sirens- February 14th, 2019
The Batman- June 14th, 2019
Shazam- September 13th, 2019
Untitled Superman Sequel- December 11th, 2019

Steppenwolf's design for Justice League was altered to look more like his comic book counterpart. Geoff Johns is heavily pushing for more comic accurate designs which is why Ares' final look was altered in Wonder Woman.

Aquaman film will take place place after Justice League but will have flashbacks similar to Man of Steel. Aquaman and Mera will have a complicated relationship in the film. The costumes for Black Manta, Ocean Master and Aquaman will be revealed at Comic-Con this year. Black Manta's armor will introduce Nth Metal to the DCEU.

Wonder Woman 2, The Flash, Green Lantern Corps and Suicide Squad 2 are planned for 2020. Justice League 2 will release November 2021. Black Adam and a New Gods films are also planned for 2021.

Black Adam film will depend on Shazam performance. Henry Cavill and Dwayne Johnson will both be in Shazam.

Justice League Dark has been delayed due to other films in the slate becoming a bigger priority.

The New Gods film will take place before Justice League 2. Orion, Highfather, Darkseid and Mister Miracle will be the main characters.

Robert Zemeckis and Mathew Vaughn, who was also offered the Man of Steel sequel, are the top candidates to direct The Flash. The studio wants the Reverse Flash as the main antagonist with the character returning for a Flashpoint film somewhere down the line.

The Nightwing movie is moving extremely fast. Chris McKay and Bill Dubuque have been working on the script. Nightwing will be a police officer in Blüdhaven and retired from being a vigilante at the beginning of the film. Blockbuster will be the main villain of the film.

The Batgirl movie will focus on Barbara's mindset after regaining use of her legs and dealing with the trauma she suffered at the hands of the Joker. A flashback scene with the Joker will be in the film. Penguin will be the main villain.

The Batman film is being rewritten. Deathstroke will still remain part of the film but Matt Reeves is adding more villains. The story will focus on how crime in Gotham has risen due to Batman being busy recruiting the Justice League and fighting the forces of Apokolips . Batman has to return to Gotham to clean up the streets once again. The film will also set up Red Hood for the sequel.

>Steppenwolf's design for Justice League was altered to look more like his comic book counterpart. Geoff Johns is heavily pushing for more comic accurate designs which is why Ares' final look was altered in Wonder Woman.
I hate Johns but that's a good idea.
That weirdo monster that was supposed to be Steppenwolf looked like shit. They should know not to do that kind of thing since the Galactus incident in FF2.

The sequel to Man of Steel has been developing in secret. Geoff Johns and Zack Snyder finished writing a story for the film back in November. Multiple writers were approached to turn into a screenplay including the writers from Watchmen and the 300 movie series. Brainiac will be the villain and Supergirl will be introduced to the DCEU.

Wonder Woman 2 is pretty much a done deal. The main villain hasn't been decided but Cheetah and Circe have been discussed. The studio will most likely attempt to cast a big female lead to oppose Gal Gadot.

Early ideas that were discussed for Suicide Squad 2 included Maxwell Lord, Scarecrow or Bane as villains. Killer Frost will be added to the team and Diablo will return.

>The Nightwing movie is moving extremely fast. Chris McKay and Bill Dubuque have been working on the script. Nightwing will be a police officer in Blüdhaven and retired from being a vigilante at the beginning of the film. Blockbuster will be the main villain of the film.
Here's hoping we get Soames as a super crooked cop and Nitewing as a punk wannabe.

>The sequel to Man of Steel has been developing in secret. Geoff Johns and Zack Snyder finished writing a story for the film back in November. Multiple writers were approached to turn into a screenplay including the writers from Watchmen and the 300 movie series. Brainiac will be the villain and Supergirl will be introduced to the DCEU.
>Injustice 2

>Steppenwolf's design for Justice League was altered to look more like his comic book counterpart.

Ok how about the writing because I have no interest in watching the New Gods get raped the way Superman, Batman, Luthor and the Joker have been. Plus they don't have enough in the tank for a reboot in 4 years, when Snyder fucks the Fourth World that's gonna be it for the Fourth World on screen.

Cool fanfiction

Yeah, sure. That's happening alright.

Snyder wasn't a writer in BvS or Suicide Squad.

Zack already took a hard stand against the Fourth World by killing off Jimmy.

He already fucked Doomsday by making him look like a 20fl foot blob of shit.

Stop. He made BvS and he's responsible for the DCCU. When the movies are great he gets the credit and when they're shit he takes the blame. That's what it means to be in charge.

>Nightwing- July 13th, 2018
>Aquaman-December 21st, 2018
The Aquaman movie is filming right now and the Nightwing movie doesn't have a finished script nor has it been cast.

What do you expect? Its the weekly bullshit DCEU rumour thread made up by some user.

R-rated Hitman movie will depend on Lobo's performance.

>Nightwing- July 13th, 2018
>Batgirl- October 5th, 2018
>Aquaman is filming yet those other two don't even have casts yet

(You) didn't even try

Me getting a footjob from Emma Stone depends on Nightwing's performance.

How many honestly think the Nightwing movie is going to happen?

>Justice League Dark has been delayed due to other films in the slate becoming a bigger priority.
can't just say it's dead anymore, huh? sad

Rally? There is no need for her. She sucks.
>Zack Snyder
Keep that guys as far away from Superman as you can.

>Nothing for Sirens
>Yet still know the release date

Yeah, ok. Cool fic bro

Realistically how long would it take to film Nightwing and Batgirl. Civil War was filmed in four months.

>Untitled Superman Sequel- December 11th, 2019
>Aquaman-December 21st, 2018
>anything competing with star wars
It's the one thing that can beat capeshit. Any blockbuster going up against it is committing suicide.

>>Injustice 2
It's not that far off

And BvS took 7 months. What's your point?

Star Wars moved to May. Greedy Disney cunts taking all the money. Now they doing live action remakes in December.

Considering how hard Snyder aped the visual aesthetics for Injustice especially with the Flash costume I wouldn't be surprised.

That Nightwing and Batgirl shouldn't take much to get going or finished. They will most likely be low budget and grounded.

TLJ comes out Dec. 15

user do you realize you're doing mental gymnastics to justify the claims of someone LARPing on Sup Forums?

>Realistically how long would it take to film Nightwing and Batgirl
If they take a Deadpool approach to it, as in low budget, they could start filming before August and get the films done. Deadpool started filming in May 2015 and came out Feb 2016

This year. After that they moving to May.

>Nightwing- July 13th, 2018
>Batgirl- October 5th, 2018
There is no fucking way this is real.

July 13th, 2018 is literally only 13 months away and the movie hasn't even been officially announced yet.

>Zack Snyder
>the writers from Watchmen and the 300 movie series
Now I really hope you're just bullshitting.

>writers from Watchmen

Kek'd at the thought of Alan Moore sitting with Zack.

>no info on Green Lantern Corps
>Justice League Dark delayed (probably indefinitely)

just fuck my shit up

The Batfamily movies (GCS doesn't count) all sound pretty interesting though, especially Batman. I wonder if it'll take any inspiration from something like No Man's Land or Arkham City.


Actually usually I like these fan-fic threads because it's cool to just kind of fantasize about what direction we'd take the series in, but most of this stuff is boring anyway (who really wants to see more Under the Hood shit or a Batman movie that doesn't have much of a theme other than "there are a lot of bad guys and Batman has to fight them").

I've got, like, my whole ideal DC movie universe planned out in my head, but kinda pointless to post it because it'll just be walls of text that people will scroll past.

>which is why Ares' final look was altered in Wonder Woman.
Stupid fucking piece of fucking shit, the scrap metal look was fucking garbage compared to the goat skull toy design.
If he wanted to be faithful they should have made EXACTLY pic related super slick and reflective.

>Aquaman and Mera will have a complicated relationship in the film
Please don't be cringy like Gamora & Lord.
Please don't be cringy like Gamora & Lord.
Please don't be cringy like Gamora & Lord.
Please don't be cringy like Gamora & Lord.

>That weirdo monster that was supposed to be Steppenwolf looked like shit
Fuck you.
>They should know not to do that kind of thing since the Galactus incident in FF2.
Your a delusional fucking retard if you think they are closer then a million light years to being even remotely comparable.

>and Supergirl will be introduced to the DCEU.
Do NOT fucking do this you stupid bastard fucks, focus on Clark & cultivating his earth relationships.


>Nightwing- July 13th, 2018
>hasn't even started filming and has no cast yet
Yeah, no.

>The film will also set up Red Hood for the sequel.

Thank good ness for Wonder Woman for saving the DCEU.

>Nightwing will be a police officer in Blüdhaven and retired from being a vigilante

>Nightwing- July 13th, 2018
These threads are always bullshit but you didn't even try with this one

I'd wager a guess that there's really only 2 dceu movies that are 100% a thing right now
