ITT: funny comics


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Yea, I would have Imperious Sexed Hope in a heartbeat.

None of these are funny

You may as well kill yourself now.

mother fucking namor


t. a redhead

Did Namor ever Jean Grey? I think there might've been a poke at her somehow.




Kinda hot desu










lol, which issue is this?

Let's play a game. Find the stock all the photos used.







I unironically enjoyed Hopes and her Gang of Misfits



I miss this marriage..



Using The Redeemer is cheating.
Best Hawkeye debate solved in one page.
It's nice that he's got a sense of humour, too many people seem to think costumed goof ball is a prestigious line of work.
At least it ended in a sensible manner at for what it's worth they might still be married under sucubuss law.





Every chapter with Dr. Dinosaur is a gift to humanity.

>a gift to humanity.






Deadpool and Cable IIRC. Somehow DP and Bob found themselves working with Cap.

I love seeing energy weapons with a proper power supply! I can usually suspend my disbelief an write it off as alien or future tech, but when someone actually shows the cables and bulky fuel cells, the nerd in me is just tickled.

>Redheads! Ick!Ick!Ick!

He deserved to get his shit pushed in by the Squadron Supreme.





I don't know why I laughed so hard at that.

Clint looks like Cunt if it's in all caps, huh.

Bad kerning can make every issue of Hawkeye sound very Australian.






And here we have the only time a trigger warning joke has actually been funny.
Because get it?

Dark Forbush Man

Dillon really could do Prince justice.

to be fair you'd have to post the entire series

> checker
> Monopoly pieces
This doesn't make up for removing Silvermane but it helps

This and Dr. Sargon are the kinds of tributes I doubt we'll see for Neil DeGrassi High in thirty years.
