I love adventure time

I have recently rewatched the entire series and I really like the show. Islands and elements were both great and I'm very excited for the final season, and hopefully the movie eventually.

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I'm pretty curious to see how they conclude the show. I think maja the sky witch will be subdued by the litch and convince APTWE to attack the candy kingdom and almost everyone will die. All the candy citizens will be kept in hyper sleep inside a gum ball guardian and princess bubblegum with sacrifice herself Doing it. No idea about fin and Jake though.

Discuss adventure time?

Ye. How's it going to end?

I feel Finn might sacrifice himself in the movie/season 9 because they have done a bit of sacrifice foreshadowing since James.

Does anyone remember the scene where Fin uses the term random act of kindness?

Also which gurl will fin end up with?

I've accepted two outcomes:
Some out of nowhere character



I think he'll end up with bubblegum honestly, mostly due to tropes and how he is starting to mature at the same time she is calming down about her control issues. I could also see it ending up with a new chick.

I don't remember the scene... but I'm thinking he won't end up with anyone. As sad as that is.. there has been an ungodly amount of foreshadowing between Finn and PB. So if he doesn't end up with her, I don't think he'll be with anyone.

lol no.
There's only 3 outcomes
>Some random
>No one


Huntress Wizard.

Huntress Wizard

Personally I'm betting on PB or no one though

although I personally would prefer Finn ending up with PB and Marcy, but that will never happen

There has been a lot of foreshadowing for PB tho. and it would fit well with how both of their characters are changing.

Ah. Thanks bro
I could see that happening.

No, there hasn't. Fubble died all the way back in season 3 mate. The Elements scene was yet another nail in the coffin.

Haha I'd be ok with that or just Finn Marcy because of how similar they are.

I disagree. The slumber party episode in season 6 alone is what made me think it could be possible as he gets older. Also TIMMMMY was an amazing random addition to all of PB's pets.

yeah but they shut out the idea of FinnxMarceline in like season 2 and have basically never gone back on that

fubble YES!

The point of that episode was to show how Finn had moved on. He was able to hang out with PB without spilling his spaghetti, and just enjoy being her friend. I guarantee you it will not happen.

Why doesn't anyone include the name of cartoon !!!!???

HW is getting Fern mate

The last scene of Too young where jakes give the monologue about winning the heart of a princess and ends with a shot of PB in the tower.
And the last scene of breezy really sealed the deal. The reason that Finn gets his arm back is because of his love for PB. She says my hero arise. Let love be your guide. He has to end up with PB. m.youtube.com/watch?v=iJO9NCywxu4

All I can say to that is, be prepared for disappointment. No shot in hell.

What do you predict will happen? Not just involving relationships, but with the conclusion as well

I predict Sup Forums won't be happy regardless of what happens.

This has the possibility of happening I think but it would be pretty dumb. The show shouldn't have spent all those years pushing Bubblegum and Finn apart if it's just gonna end with them getting together anyway.
It'll be the ultimate example that "will they or won't they" will ALWAYS end with they will even if it goes against any sense of logic.

>Does anyone remember the scene where Fin uses the term random act of kindness?
No and it's bothering me that I can't. What was the context of this? Was it from a recent episode?

God knows really. I think Finn and Jake will go their separate ways, or Jake might even die. It would be bittersweet, but it'd be a nice way to cap off Finn's journey to adulthood.

Why does rewatching Adventure Time make me feel slightly glum? Is there a subtle misery inherent to the series or is it merely what I brought with me?

Agreed. I wouldn't mind that ending.

AT is a very bittersweet series to me. To start with the setting is a vibrant, colorful wonderland built upon the ruins of humanity in a nuclear war. Then there's the way Finn started off as a peppy idealistic kid who was always happy to kick butt and have fun then as he got older life started shitting all over him to the point where he had depression for a bit. And lots of the characters have tragic aspects to it.

It works in a meta way too since I get bummed out thinking how popular the show used to be compared to its current state.

Idk why but I really fucking love Finn and Marcy

I think it's mostly you. The show itself can be glum and grey at points. but you might be feeling glum because AT is, at its core a story about the loss of innocence through harsh reality. You may have over valued the imaginary land of magic and adventure and realized it's not truly meant to be.


??? Name of cartoon??

Adventure Time..

Adventure Time

it says so in the title of the OP, are you retarded?

I've always pictured myself as Finn in a way. I love hiking and partying and I've always tried to be brave when the situation called. But I've always had an underlying depression thats never quite gone away. This show has always given me a bittersweet feeling when the episode ends. Even when it's a happy one.

AT, and specifically fin reminds me of my former self, always happy optimistic, everything exists in some shade of rainbow, everyone has good intentions and does who don't are only misunderstood people.
As the series moves forward all these kind of ideas slowly die in small plot elements, from a small random quirky animal being animated towards its dead to a fun charismatic character devolving into a more obscure shade of its former self.
I went through a lot of shit in late 2015, and adventure time was one of the only few things that kept me up float on that time, rewatching the episodes only revive those same emotions, those bittersweet emotions, the sweet feeling of being able to grow up without stopping looking backwards to the former naive self.
I dunno if the staff of AT made it this way or it was just some random miracle, but this piece of animated media has itched in the deepest corners of my soul in a way I had never imagined was possible.

Well said..


I don't remember. Just that there was someone weird or weaker than fin amd jake who jake was annoyed by and Fin chose to help him and used that term.



Adventure Time has a history with disappointment.

If you believe Fubblegum will happen, you're kind of asking for for disappointment frankly.

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