Who was the bigger waste of potential?
Who was the bigger waste of potential?
Green shit was annoying from the start and only got worse.
At least Peridot got some development. Even if they ruined her later. So I guess Lapis.
Shit man, that's a hard one to answer. On one hand there's Peridot: after a fun redemption arc where we saw her display a wide variety of emotions ranging from silly, nerdy, arrogant, bigoted, intelligent, homesick, sneaky, and assholish, she's now just a cringy, shrieking autist who panders to lesbo-shipping tumblrfags. I'm also baffled that despite being touted as a new Crystal Gem who even got to bubble her own Gem monster, Peridot got shoved into the barn to rot in irrelevance with fuck-all done with her.
Then there's Lapis, who had great potential as an icy, aloof ally with a fun arc of slowly growing to like the Earth, make peace with the Crystal Gems, and move past her trauma. I wanted more cute moments of her acting like a big sister to Steven, seeing her defrost from her icy attitude, and if she HAD to make friends with Peridot, have it done in a slow and well-written way. But nah, all her complexity and potential, like Peridot, was tossed into the trash in favor of being Zuked. Even worse is that her imprisonment in the mirror seemed like it was hinting at a genuinely darker side to the Crystal Gems, only for that to go nowhere.
Fucking damn it man, looking back at the time I was excited to see what would happen to these two makes me sad: I can't stand them anymore.
I don't get the autism everyone has with these two.
They're literally Team B. Like Teen Titans East, they were never meant to be main characters and were meant to be used less overall. .
Obviously Lapis, Peridot's redemption arc was great all the way to the end, even if she became a weaker character after.
Lapis barely had an arc, and was only ever cool for being the first new gem the show revealed and having strong powers. The more she showed up the less cool she got, after she came back from Malachite she's been consistently boring.
Lapis might have been sidelined, but Peridot has been absolutely destroyed as a character.
yeah what bothers people isn't just that they are under used although thats pretty stupid
like they only live like a mile away and we know they aren't doing anything useful with their time
however peoples real issue is that they took two relatively serious and interesting characters and basically turned them into useless joke side characters
Lars has had more serious episodes and a more serious arc than Lapis has at this point. Peridot had a serious arc and then just seemed to forget everything in favor of wasting her life watching shitty sitcoms and playing with trash
Not to mention calling them in to help with emergencies almost never happens, like hearing that Steven was kidnapped none of the crystal gems thought calling some backup against known heavy hitters would be useful.
This whole fucking show