The Cat Orgy/Two guys/jewbilee trilogy feel more like a pilot for a new show than new episodes of South Park...

The Cat Orgy/Two guys/jewbilee trilogy feel more like a pilot for a new show than new episodes of South Park, and really changed the show for the for the worse. Started a lot of bad trends

>bad trends

Examples being...?

Are you implying that Butters was a bad addition?

South Park? That show my grandpa used to watch lol

he's talking about the story arcs of the past few seasons, and he's wrong. those episodes aired a decade before they started doing that shit, it was just a cool gimmick until the coon/guinea pigs/assburgers shit started.

you're right. they didn't do any story arcs for years after that

I'm not sure what this thread is about.

Either way it's obvious Trey is getting bored with South Park which has led to the season wide story lines.

That triliogy was peak south park, I don't know what you mean by trends though.
it had elements of every kind of south park episode that existed at the time condensed into three episodes, minus the celebrity guest episodes.

What? Matt and Trey expressing their latent gayness for one another?

Honestly I feel like I'm the only one who enjoyed the last season's story arc. I thought it was a funny way to deal with the direction our society is going and was a nice return to form for south park, but expanded.

Yeah a lot of people like the story arcs but last season misread the election and became one giant mess. I feel they will take some time before they try that again.

>I thought it was a funny way to deal with the direction our society is going
Where the fuck is our society heading? Getting taken over by sentient grapes because nostalgia sells?

How does an overarching story arch work when the plot of a South Park episode is made like a day before?

Well, Sup Forums?

Is it gay to have a hot tube bath with another man?

Well, we're all a little gay...

Things are shitty, but people close their minds off to it because of all the nostalgia pandering. See, popping a memberberry in your mouth and just forgetting about your troubles is like taking a drug to numb yourself to how shitty everything is. They could have just gone with a drug, but they went with Berries because it's not so on the nose I guess?

Imagine being so uncomfortable with your sexuality that you couldn't share a hot tub with another man without worrying about what it meant for your sexual preferences.

Episodes are created within a week. It doesn't mean that they can't plan out stories in advance.

But those were good episodes. Fuck you.

The story arc usually plays out mostly through the B story that is pre-planned whilst the A story is more off the cuff in reference to current events.

the stories didn't really crossover, its more of a what's each character doing on one night trope.

I like the story arcs. 18&19 are great seasons. 20 failed. No only because of the election problem but because it felt like one long ep with 5 repeating jokes.