That one episode where Mordecai and Rigby knock out Benson, force-feed him...

>That one episode where Mordecai and Rigby knock out Benson, force-feed him, and all get pressured into drinking an unknown drink that gets them high and a hangover at the end.

One of my favorites

Is that the episode that played Mississippi Queen?

Yes, I think the episode it's also called Mississippi queen.

It was actually "Weekend at Benson's"

>That one episode were rigby gets killed over arm wrestling

>that half hour special where ducks fight geese

So weird thinking back to it. Has Skips ever done something in a similar fashion? It seems so out of character for him.

That was the point, he fucked up big time and he was willing to have his soul taken just to save Rigby over something he'd never do, he overreacted.

Even Death said Skips hadn't killed before.

>that one episode where Mordecai can't interact normally with anyone who has a vagina

>There's a starman waiting in the sky

>that one arc that focuses on the weakest character and throws all the development of the rest of the cast away

>that one episode where they parody Evangelion

>that episode where rigby goes into a coma and mordecai eats food to save him but in the end tries to put him back in the coma
>that episode where benson says a comatose rigby is only going to get mordecai in trouble

>that episode where Mordecai and Rigby got together

>that episode where Mordecai broke up with his girlfriend in front of everyone at Muscleman's wedding

>That one episode where Benson gets a pig that used to rob banks

>that episode where rigby reveals he was dating eileen for months
>that next episode where they break up

>that half hour episode where the son of someone Mordecai and Rigby killed brings his father and every villain they killed thus far to enact bloody revenge

>that episode where the unicorns fart in Rigby's face

>that Christmas episode where the plot is loosely LoTR-oriented and Santa has a six-pack

>that episode where mordecai and rigby get computer aids and give it to techmo

>that western skips and western techmo backstory episode that didn't happen because CN cut 10 episodes out of the final season during production
>that episode that explored death's home life more that didn't happen because CN cancelled the series and made Season 7 a build-up season towards the end and Season 8 in space

Why is that in the recent RS threads there tends to be one guy complaining that Mordecai and Rigby didn't get together

Good, fujoshits deserve to be miserable.

Faggots are always mad that other people are normal so they try to convert them.

That's been since the beginning


The skips western thing was in a reddit ama and a crew member said on tumblr that they wanted to do more death's homelife but didn't get to it or something