What the actual fuck is she talking about???

What the actual fuck is she talking about???

she's senile


These people are so low information. Under Obama they laughed at the idea NK could get a warhead, then they did. They laughed at the idea they could get a missile, then they could hit the middle of the continent. Their only plan was to appease NK when they made direct nuclear threats against the US.



Hawaii literally was told they were about to be nuked

She's either
A. Insane
B. Doing this for attention since she hasnt been relevant in years
or C. Both

Yeah some retard pushed the wrong button during a shift change. Trump couldn’t have any less to do with it. This senile yogurt eating geriatric cunt is making an absolute fool of herself and getting BTFO by both sides on twitter.

>Some washed-up C grade actress says a thing on Twitter.
>Thread about it hits bump limit.