When was the first time a cartoon made you cry?

When was the first time a cartoon made you cry?

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I watched Pink Floyd's The Wall. I was about 7 years old and it had cartoon parts, but I think it counts

Mega mind.
I was going through the worst time of my life and I was severally suicidal and thought watching a nice animated film would make me happy.
It didn't and I ended up crying like 3 times during the film for no reason.

If the first Pokemon movie doesn't count, then it's Afro Samurai: Resurrection when Afro "died"

Probably the Lion King. In more recent history, i guess Song of the Sea, Kubo almost jerked some tears out of me.

Probably the ending of Charlotte's Web.

Lion king or prince of Egypt

Not a cartoon, but Rockadoodle. Yes Rockadoodle. I was a bit retarded when I was young.

The Shark Tale funeral scene messed me up as a child.
Ever since the Grim Reaper showed up one night while my cousin was playing the first Sims, seeing anything related to death (even Grim from Billy & Mandy) made me aware of my own mortality.
That scene was still playing over in my mind's eye when the movie ended.

I hope you're doing better now user

Bye bye Butterfree!

Holy shit, you watched The Wall at the age of 7?
Did it mess you up?

If movies count, Lion King. If just cartoons...Pokémon.

Yes. I cried a lot. Now I can't stop eating people

Dang. Sorry to hear that user. Hope those people were tasty.


Weirdly, this: youtu.be/S0-coASIjkQ

It's just an old cartoon network promo. Not sure what it was about it, but I remember tearing up when I saw it was a kid, like maybe something about it made cartoons seem a bit more special. 2deep4 7ish year old me I guess. Also, it was from around when Cartoon Network still showed a lot of Hannah-Barbarah stuff, so I think it was on the main channel.

They're alright It really all depends on the spices and sauces you use

How could I not?

I rememeber the part were kids we jumping into the meat grinder to fuck me up for months

Grave of the Fireflies...was not prepared for that shit.

Otherwise Jurassic Bark

That episode of Winnie the Pooh when he gets his fat ass stuck in Rabbit's wall

The entirety of A Boy Named Charlie Brown.


The frustration of trying as hard as you can and failing is one of the lessons that kids need to learn young. Sometimes you just cant win.

I'm going to say Land Before Time if we're counting animated movies. I must have been 4 and Littlefoot's Mom dies in like the first scene. A child has never been so filled with a mixture of sadness and fury. My mom and aunt were trying to console me while trying not to laugh. I was saying something along the lines of "WHO WOULD MAKE THAT!? THATS NOT OKAY!" I was pissed that people are allowed to make cartoons that could make me that sad.

nigga u gay


Maybe you just like Soul Coughing that much

the spongebob caveman episode
my parents keep telling me it legit terrified me when i was a kid

Rockadoodle is a cartoon.

That episode of Winnie the Pooh where rabbit had to let his adopted bird daughter fly south for the winter. Before, I found his desperate frantic tone of voice funny, but that episode just made it terribly sad.

Man The Simpsons sure is a different show nowadays, I miss the days when it actually had heart and dealt with some pretty serious topics. Now it's all about memes and liberalism!

Can't remember which I watched first, but it was either end of season 2 of airbender, or Wally in Young Justice

I mean, it was all about memes and liberalism back then too, but it was funny and had a heart to go alongside them

It's much more that both of those have changed drastically since the 90s - and not for the better.

True, true. I miss old simpsons, b ut at least season 1-8 episodes are constantly on reruns whereas nowhere shows episodes after that if they have a chance

Gargoyles future episode.

>Cartoon Network/Boomerang will never be the good again
It never stops hurting

Not to defend current Simpsons, but it's kinda hard for a show that's been going on for as long as it had to have the same heart it did back in the first few seasons.

what episode is this from?

I try to be a pretty thick skinned guy. Over the years I just tended to bottle up whatever emotions I felt just so I wouldn't make an idiot of myself.

>Then this shit happened.

I didn't even cry when the "moment' happened, I just turned of the T.V and went of to other stuff, mildly saddened at the quality of what I watched.

Then a couple days later I woke up at 2AM with legit tears in my eyes, then I just fucking bawled.
It just hit me that for 13 years I have been watching a man who never asked for anything, never wanted anything not due to him, and was always willing to play the martyr despite his failing mental health, finally get his "Reward".

A reward that he wanted from the start, but now feels hollow and empty now that he has it. They are all memories now, and with time even those will disappear.

He didn't deserve this, but he got what he wanted in the end.
>Conflict of emotions were high that night.

>When was the first time a cartoon made you cry?
Probably something from Land Before Time, but I can't remember since I was too young.

Little Foot's mum dying.

Yeah I'm guessing that would make most little kids cry but I can't really recall my reaction to that movie, just that I watched a lot of Land Before Time as a kid.

Probably a Pixar movie. They force the tearjerker parts so fucking much. I think I almost did on Toy Story 3 and Inside Out, but only because I kind of looked away from the scenes.

If anime, Wolf's Rain when Toboe died. Cartoon, Fox and the Hound because they could never be friends again.

I'm sure I cried at some cartoon sad moment like in Dumbo or something when I was a kid.
The furthest back I can think of, adult-wise, was me watching Christmas Comes But Once A Year.
It's not even at anything sad, it was just these kids were so low and all of the sudden Prof Grampy came in and saved the day and I just crying. I couldn't tell if it was tears of sadness or tears of joy, I just kept wondering why this was making me cry.

It was probably the first Toy Story for me. The scene where Buzz just gives up and resigns himself to being Sid's victim.

> bald boy

Didn't cry. But real talk

This cartoon made me fucking bawl when I was a kid.

My kids first cry was that scene in Inside Out where Joy escapes the Canyon with Bing Bong but leaves him behind.

Did you really think I'd ever be with you?

I watched Wall E in the cinema (I'm 19 now, by the way) and it fucking destroyed me.

One tear when Optimus spoke to Hot Rod when he got the Matrix.

I couldn't quite grasp the sadness I felt for him when I first watched it, but the way you've described it aligns with what I felt. It also took me a while to process those emotions, but after a while I just felt hollow. Not sad enough to cry, but hollow. In a good way, though.

I know it's anime, but nearly every major character's death in Legend of the Galactic Heroes teared me up

Reuentahl hurt the most

do u like taco bels fire sauce?

The animation in The Wall is just amazing. Personally, the sequence for "Goodbye Blue Sky" always hits a chord with me. The abstract way the Blitz is depicted is haunting, and the bit where the skeletal soldier gets back to his feet, waiting for the dove to dismiss him, always makes me tear up.

I first heard The Wall around 13 though, and I didn't see the film until a couple years later. I can't imagine what it must have been like to watch it as a kid that young.

Dang it, I meant to post the a link for anyone who's interested in seeing it:

Not counting The Lion King, my biggest one was definitely Angemon's death. Yes it's anime and all, but that shit still messed me up when I was 6.

>happy birthday my son
>if only I could have helped you

Why did it start raining all of a sudden

Too much kids in Sup Forums

Aside for TLK pic related



You mean "too many".

Oh god, this one is up there as well.

>sayonara... ken-chan...

>Tell my tale to those who ask it. Tell it truly, the good and the bad, and let me be judged accordingly. The rest... is silence.
E-every time.

Probably Beauty and the Beast, in theaters when I must have been 4?

Recently, though, I saw Summer Wars, and it absolutely tore me to pieces. I lost both of my grandfathers within a few months of each other last year, both of whom were respectively the last of their generations in each branch of the family. The grandmother's letter to her family at the end fucking destroyed me, and the dynamic of the whole family coming together... Seems like we only do it for funerals now.


When Dinobot died in Beast Wars

never, I'm not some whiny faggot

Aww... I haven't seen that clip in years and years, and now, as a teacher, it definitely brings a different kind of tear to my eye. I've helped many a Bart, though they're less heartbreaking than the ones that don't even attempt to try.

Shit was heavy

oliver and company, when he was all alone in the rain

Fuck this one.
It hit me harder than it should since he died on my birthday.


still tears me up

Little-foot's mom.

The scenes immediately following their landing on Earth was fucking gut-wrenching, especially WALL-E resetting to factory mode. I knew it was a Pixar movie and it wasn't going to stick, but holy hell that shit was brutal.


bye bye butterfree

Yeah, I know that feeling.

The earliest I can remember was an episode of... I think it was Franklin? You know, the turtle. He was angry at his parents for some reason, and when he was waiting for the bus or something he refused to hug his mom goodbye for the day.

Made wee-little-shitstain me cry. I love my mom and always gave her lots of hugs as a kid, so I guess it felt personal to my little kid brain.

Honestly, this episode of Teen Titans made me cry, but mostly it was because of the title.

"How Long is Forever?"

I remember lying in my bunk bed, staring out the door, just thinking about the immensity of all time. I remember thinking about being old, I remember thinking about all my toys being put in a landfill and my friends turning into grownups. I tried to think about forever, about eternity, and I started to cry at the immensity of it. Hell, it still terrifies me.

>caring about episode titles as a kid
>KNOWING about episode titles as a kid
Man, sounds like you had a rough childhood user

Or a good childhood.
VHS and DVD releases often came with episode names and they were listed online, too.
It's not a recent thing.

Teen Titans showed the episode titles at the beginning of every episode, if I remember.

As a kid, I never even knew what order episodes were supposed to be in (the channel I watched most aired stuff out of order all too often). And it may have been for the better, since it was so much fun discovering missing pieces years down the road.

The Brave Little Toaster.

The lonely flower scene. I couldn't take it, even as a kid I knew it would die alone there.

I actually hated that.
No, I don't want to watch the first half of 'Who Shot Mr. Burns' for the thousandth damn time.
I complained about it all the damn time and it's only been recently that most stations have started rerunning things in order, but it's far too late because I don't even own a television anymore.

Although, I did once enjoy that with Regular Show.
It was the only show I chose not to pirate so that I could catch random episodes during college and be surprised with new ones.
Then they replaced it with more Teen Titans Go and I stopped watching television altogether.

This. Fucking. Episode. Whoo boy, I can relate.
>Only about a year and a half ago
>Second semester at my college
>Going through classes, getting ready for Spring Break, nothing unusual
>Wake up the first day of break, ready to enjoy myself
>Get a letter delivered
>Says that I failed my math course last semester, and if I don't pass in about 3 weeks I won't be able to graduate
>Verbally get the everloving shit kicked out of me by both my dad & mom over the phone
>I threw away all my sleep, happiness, and hygiene over break to study for finals and get better grades
>Suck up to the worthless preachy cunt of a teacher I had
>Keeps me in suspense, saying "Well, it's your fault for getting into this, but take these and start with this" (Only gave me about a third of what I probably needed)
>Despite studying myself half to death, I somehow managed to only get middling grades in the class in the last few weeks and failed about 1/3 of my final
Lord only knows how I managed to pass, and after it was all said and done, and when I tried to relax? This episode was playing on TV.

That night was the first time in years where I openly cried. It was the first time where everything clicked and made me feel like such a failure for pitting myself in the situation I wasn't, without any of my own real control

>since it was so much fun discovering missing pieces years down the road.
Loved it when this happened. Now that I just DL/stream entire shows in a marathon I've forgotten this feel. I haven't had cable since like 2006.

I cry everytime.
The timing the animation, music everything is perfect

I've never cried because, or during, a cartoon. I've never cried during a movie either, now that I think about it. I think the only time I legitimately cried in my life was when I was around 6 and my dad whipped me for peeing in the bed.

This thread did remind me of a funny time when my friend starting crying while we was watching WWE PPV. It was during "Extreme Rules", Jeff Hardy had won that ladder match with Edge, only to be BTFO by CM Punk because that's what you do when you have the money in the bank. He started howling; first ecstatically when Jeff Hardy won, and then sorrowfully when Hardy lost it seconds later. i drove the man home while he was crying, and I looked at him like pic related all night trying not to laugh (he's a bro).

>I was around 6 and my dad whipped me for peeing in the bed.
To be fair, that's a pretty good reason for hitting you.

It is. I'm a big fan of the What Shall We Do Now segment. It's too bad they had to cut it on the album. Scarfe is the fucking man.

It made me a better man, at least i prevented a pissing fetish.