I hate that animation

I hate that animation.

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I like the art but you're right, that writing ain't so good.

Looks interesting. The quips could use work. Hope the costume stays, I like the casual friday look.

What happened to Ultimate Spider-Man?

It got canned.
The costume's good, but the mouth really bothers me

He's not talking to the view every 5 minutes so It's already better than Ultimate

I hate more about it than the animation.

>There's an alternate universe when Spectacular Spider-Man is 65 episodes deep
>Alternate Sup Forums is going apeshit right now about how great the Hobgoblin, Scorpion, Hydroman, and Symbiote Wars were
>Alternate Sup Forums got to see the only well though out Hobgoblin reveal ever

>awful animation
>awful quips
>awful VO

Owlman was right. Life is a mistake.

Literally worse than Ultimate

How did The Rhino-Scorpion get on the train with the train taking damage?

Through the power of nonexistent animation.

>Without the train taking damage
>with the train taking no damage

Miss me yet? youtu.be/XLeRlgK_BwM

Looks worse than Ultimate


It ended.

>switch tracks
>2 trains collide head-on
>hundreds dead

All for your shitty quip...

Not really, no

No, this new show might look like shit, but no.
Missing USM because of this is like missing a headache because you have another slightly smaller headache. It doesn't look good but at least I can handle it's existance better.

I no longer have to live with the knowledge that the current ongoing Spider-Man cartoon is a low budget piece of shit that feels like it's written by someone who is only familiar with Spider-Man through a basic description. This looks like a low budget piece of shit but one where the people behind it seem to some semblence of familiarity, even if it's just the MCU version. That's a little easier to handle.

im keeping my hopes up, just in case

>I didn't watch USM