If the people of Derry know about Pennywise, why don't they just move?
If the people of Derry know about Pennywise, why don't they just move?
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I really miss the IMDB boards.
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Short answer: they don't know he exists
Long answer: Pennywise is a pretty blatant allegory for the banal evil that sometimes insinuates itself in secluded blue collar America, and how it preys on the young and misfit. They don't leave, because in a sense, they are Pennywise. This is made even more clear in the book where the town is basically destroyed taking many of its denizens with it when IT is killed.
Me too. Regular for decades. Leftism and SJW's was a mistake. I will never forgive them for closing the forums. Fuck that website and cucks who run it.
In the book IT gave them sexual favors as long as they stayed in town.
he would just turn into some hot bitch or something?
>ywn have pennywise succ you
Old people have to much going on to acknowledge an evil like this exists. That's why he most preys on the terror of children (a bit like Monsters Inc).
It's also why the adults forget about IT as they move away and grow up, until they get the call from Mike to return.