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Other urls found in this thread:
>all these roasties
Surely some of them will come forward and accuse Jerry of sexual misconduct.
The chick who kept wearing the same dress was hot as fuck
Elaine. She's up for bantz, always dtf, qt but also hot.
Everyone else is just a "fuck of the week" for Jerry, Elaine is the one you claim as your own.
no bra girl for me
Where's the pretentious girl with the chopsticks in her hair? I might go for that.
>those haircuts
The 90s were a mistake.
who is row 8 column 3 and how can i marry her?
asking for a friend
nice bobs
Probably Deplores.
Deaf girl please.
the anti semitic one
Won't happen, he's Jewish.
janeane garafalo
>big tits
if were counting girls jerry didn't date it's cuddy from house for me
>almost all have blonde hair and blue eyes
Jerry really had a thing for goys
Teri Hatcher.
I hear they're real and spectacular.
you're just seeing what you wanna see dude
>No numbers to roll for
You had one job
This isn't Sup Forums, brainlet.
>This isn't Sup Forums
First day on Sup Forums?
Even 2018 Sup Forums isn't as bad as, say, 2010 Sup Forums. And have you seen Sup Forums recently? It's total dogshit.
>no susan
post the Georgefus
>Everyone else is just a "fuck of the week" for Jerry
he didnt sleep with most of these women.
>he didnt sleep with Teri Hatcher, she got offended when he asked if her boobs are real, then got BLACKED and mocked him for the whole finale about it
>he didnt sleep with the virgin,she met JFK Jr and cucked Jerry
>he didnt sleep with the phone sex operator because she flipped out when she realized he knew
>2nd from left first row literally only crashed on his couch for an episode because she was visiting ny,then told him shes engaged
>didnt sleep with the NYU reporter because she thought he was gay
>didnt sleep with Fake Elaine because she freaked him out
>its implied he didnt sleep with Tia, they literally only go on like two dates before she catches him picking
>didnt sleep with Miss Rhode Island because Kramer was cockblocking him
>didnt sleep with the girl with the weird laugh of cuz of George's voice message on the phone
>3rd from left in the first row had a bf and didnt sleep with Jerry
>4th from left didnt sleep with him because she hated his act
>didnt sleep with the redhead because she had dated Newman
>Kramer fucked the chef more than he did
>far right 3rd row never had sex with him, dumped him when he was just about to but didnt know her name
>Lorelai didnt fuck him either because she found out he was messing with her speed dial
>the cop didnt sleep with him because he lied about Melrose Place
>he never slept with two-face girl either, kept taking her to the diner and she dumped him because she was weirded out
>the blond with the number on the AIDS walk list literally never had sex with him and kicked him to the curb when he made a faggoty remark about his waistline
>the gymnast didnt fuck him either
>Kramer cucked him out of the librarian
>b-but muh jerry is a chad!
No!Jerry was the ultimate cuck.This list is off the top of my head and Im only on Season 5 and seen only some episodes of later scenes, I havent even seen half of them
also he didnt sleep with the chick who was always in the same dress because he acted like a complete faggot and sperged out when she finally invited him over
>no soup nazi
based.Jerry BTFO
>yfw jerry literally does have aspergers
this should be posted every time someone makes a "jerry was so cool look at all the women he fucked!" posts
shes fugly
r u retarted
>The black one
man that melrose place officer was a qt
shes literally a tranny with saggy tits
the texan no doubt
first row 4th spot
that draawwwwllll
Late run Elaine is the only waifu you need