Sup Forums explain

Kids have too much technology


$5 for a baloon?

inflation, man.

>/fa/ and Sup Forums defeat /k/ and /lit/.jpg



I know it's implying that centralism is bad but is it also implying that the horseshoe theory is wrong?

Horseshoe theory isn't just wrong, it's bullshit
It is based on superficial observation and it oversimplifies complex political theories.

yep. the creator is a moron.

"Oppression is bad. Everyone should do exactly as I say." Should be the girl.

>"oppression is bad" is the worst thing that far left has said
Yes yes, whatever makes you sleep at night.

There's nothing wrong with horseshoe theory. Authoritarians use the exact same tactics regardless of what they believe. You sound like a butthurt leftist.

Haven't heard of that name in years. The smooth, wispy font it has is so unmistakable...wished I had a set of it for my Word.

really makes u think....

>5% of all people should be less rich and everybody should get a fair shake vs 95% of all people should be dead and I'm going to rape and impregnate children

Can't tell heads from tails here indeed.

this one hit too close to home...

How many breads have you eaten in your lifetime?


You have to strawmen hard to let a centrist look like an ass and a far leftist reasonable.

You son of a bitch.

I think this wasn't true even at this time.
Maybe smoking was a new fad but drinking and gambling wasn't.

well to be fair, that fact cards replace books uis probably why the dark age happened.

Nope books wasn't a popular thing untill they got cheap. Cards wasn't invented in the dark ages.

Horseshoe therory is merely an observation of how violent approaches, extremist values and "end justifies the means" mentality becomes prevalent at both ends of the spectrum.

It's not a theory nor a political movement. It merely points out that political radicals are idiots.


t. butthurt centrists

Holy fuck this is real. Two humans, divided by time AND space AND culture, come out with the exact same shitty meme template. What does this mean about humanity?

Who should I believe, you or my own two eyes?

For people who believe radically different things, the far-left and the far-right seem to act almost exactly the same, all the way down to the bullying, the censorship, and the shitty strawman comics like .

>Sup Forums

Being called a faggot is not censorship

I'll give Sup Forums and related boards a pass - for all their strawmanning and stupidity, having come from Sup Forums, they're generally anti-censorship.

Humans never change. All that changes is the means of communication. The sad thing is, since nobody cared about peasants in the old days we'll never know what sorts of dank memes they used to have.

No need to censor something if you can just drown it out with fallacies, lies, ignorance and insults.

Actually, I guess you could classify that as some form of censorship.

>they're generally anti-censorship.
Go to Sup Forums and argue something supporting liberal-left and see how anti-censorship they are. Sup Forums on Sup Forums are by far the most vocal yet they shout down dissenting views. But this is Sup Forums. Lets stop talking about Sup Forums.

>Our sires' age was worse than our grandsires'. We, their sons, are more worthless than they; so in our turn we shall give the world a progeny yet more corrupt.

>The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise.

Being called a faggot is not censorship

>dissenting opinions are censorship

There's a reason Sup Forums are a bunch of nazis, and it has to do with constantly posting factoids and charts rather than limply arguing with feelings. Maybe if you had actual data to support your views they wouldn't call you out.

>There's a reason Sup Forums are a bunch of nazis

Ah yes, the nazis, very big supporters of free speech.

t. butthurt extremist

Go bash the fash/ beat up antifa instead of shitting up this thread

>Sup Forums is anti-censorship
>Sup Forums are a bunch of nazis

so which is it

Nazis in the sense they support a lot of nazi ideas such as segregating society and keeping national borders.

There, the comic is better.

Keeping national borders isnt a nazi idea.

Segregation isn't either.

When it is done to shut the other person up, yes, yes it is censorship. Not state sponsored but still a way to control expression by being belligerent.

Info dumps don't mean you're credible, and "feelings" are context you include to give a holistic view. Half the shit they say is outdated and the rest laced with shoddy logic, facts and misconceptions that make it nearly fucking impossible to type out a response. Its basically spew shit, make it look legit and keep doing it until your opponent is overwhelmed. Making assertions is easy, especially with numbers you can copy and paste. Refuting it is difficult.

Don't play stupid. They took it to the extreme.

In what way?

>Sup Forums


By posting frogs on the Internet and getting dubs.

Do you even know what you just said? Are you even trying at this point?

Is that REALLY all the left has to say? Or you just can't see it from all the straw your using ?

This guy doesn't know what far left and far right mean

Ro-kyu-bu is legitimately the best sports anime ever made

>and getting dubs.
like these?


>is shouting down someone censorship?

In IRL situations, it certainly is.

The internet isn't such a zero sum game - if two people post at the same time, you can still read both posts.

Fucking up the signal:noise ratio isn't great, but it's not on the same level as a mob shouting down a speaker.

Then again, on places like Sup Forums, spamming a thread slides it to 404 faster, which is in some ways silencing a person.

In conclusion, I just don't know.

Pols biggest lie is that are not lead by their feelings and they believe it themself. They think they take the red pill, the incovinient truth. But did they ever come to any conclusion they didn't had before?
They pick and choose data until they find something that looks like it fits their bias.

The red pill is just a blue pill with a swastika on it, covered with red food coloring.

>never gone to Sup Forums

>Ah yes, the nazis, very big supporters of free speech.

Freeze Peach, not free speech. The other half are red and green lasers.

yelling "SHILL GET OUT REEEEE" is a good way to shut out dissenting opinions, eventually people you disagree with will give up on trying to have a conversation and leave

You'll be old enough to vote in a few years sweetie :)

hurr durr fire scary


That comic was great.