ITT: if Facebook and emojis and the sex pistols can have a movie then so can we.
Let's make Sup Forums:the movie: we can make the script
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a gay pedophile copies a chink website then somehow it succeeds in spite of him
no fuck off plebbit, noone reply to this faggot
It’s starts off with Christopher Poole relaxing on his yacht relaxing in the mediterranean watching his gf getting pound by some BBC.
>*freeze frame*
>”Yeah that’s me. No, not that beautiful Mandingo.”
>*pans back to Chris*
>”Yeah that’s it. You’re probably wondering how I got so lucky. We’ll it all started back when I was a kid.”
stop posting in this thread its PLEBBIT!
>he posts in plebbit threads
whyd you reply to me, plebbit
Sup Forums