Reminder that Sega does not legally own Evil Sonic

Reminder that Sega does not legally own Evil Sonic.

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Sure they do!

Shadow is not evil you pleb. He's an anti-hero.

Do you even autism?

user, please. He identifies himself as Scourge now, thank you.

>Tries to stop you from saving the world
>Calls you stupid for having friends
Fuck Shadow, he's an asshole

Reminder that Ken Penders does not legally own (nor did he create) the concept of parallel universe evil characters.

Yes, he has claimed that he did in some form a while back. I'm sure somebody has the tweet/forum post/whatever that proves it.

A shame that he now has Scourge. If there is one thing Ian Flynn knows how to do well as a writer, it's to make diamonds out of turds. Scourge is one such diamond. A saved character that will now just flounder in obscurity forever.

Obligatory theme song:

He calmed down after SA2 and StH. Now he's just kind of a jerk at times but on the same side as Sonic.

So what's stopping Archie from using Scourge and "Knockoff?"

Then why is he teaming up with Metal, Chaos, Zavok, etc.?

Didn't he fucking die in sa2?

>Healing coma

That's Boom Shadow.

is that the "pssh nothin personell kid" pose?

>Shadow is not evil
>Literally helped Eggman take over the world

Oh man I forgot about Scottish Knuckles with the beret.

No, that involves crossing your arms, slightly tilting back your head and rolling your eyes.

Ala the one true faker Coldsteel senpai!

It is derivative.
He cant use it legaly.

Shit tier lawyers.

Seriously.For as long as Archie has been around, their a small mom n pop place whose base of operations is pretty much a downtown garage and storefront just recently upgraded from a cheap yahoo page.

If they had mouse lawyers they would have smoked Ken and we'd be on our merry way to issue 400 by now.

Yeah, R.I.P Scourge, easily my favorite Sonic Character

I don't get it though. It's like whoever created the crime syndicate claiming they own Owl Man.

user, Owl Man is fucking awesome

And if DC had a fire that lost all contracts relating to the writer of crime syndicate.

And if DC only had photo copies of said contracts without the noterization.

And if DC hired a lawyer fresh out of school to defend themselves.

And said writer engaged in maximum stall tactics to drag it out.

And WB told DC to get their shit together or would threaten to take away Batman money.

Evil Sonic is derivative of Sonic himself

But they could own:
Anti Sonic
Dark Sonic
Evil-Sonic (the - makes a difference)
EvilSonic (it's one word, so it's like the differince between Superhero and Super Hero)
Nega Sonic
Bad Sonic

And countless others.

How the fuck did Archie get so disorganized? On the bright side, it meant that the Kurtzman/Elder "Goodman Beaver" parody of Archie is in the public domain because Archie had bought the rights to that one story to supress it, but then forgot to renew it.

Archie is budget comic firm that was/is run by crazy jews. Their CEO sexually harassed their male employees by screaming penis penis penis at them leading to financial trouble.

Being small mom n pop they never really grew and were content to just mellow in their undisputed position at checkout lines.

What really amazes me is that they had no foresight to go and copyright all non ken characters after the huge trial fuck up. Even if they never used them again, at least they wouldn't have to worry about money grabs from low life no names.