
Because then Mario would have to have a story, which Miyamoto doesn't want.

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Probably because they don't want to strain Charles Marinet and the fact that the cartoons/movie were, kinda bad.

user please DO NOT BULLY the Paper Mario fans.

Because Miyamato doesn't want to relive the torment of another Super Show to haunt him until the day he dies.

.>mario can fucking bodyjump now

Was going to say no story potential but remembered the first two Paper Mario games. Miyamoto hates those though, so he'd likely veto any sort, of vb or movie because, "muh simple plot."

It's quite simple, really.

Remember how BAD the live-action Super Mario Bros. movie and the Zelda CDi games were?

They were SO bad, they scared Nintendo's elderly CEOs off of ever lending their IPs to an American media company ever again.

The closest we've gotten to breaking that trend is that Starfox video (not A Fox In Space, the official one) and the rumors of them negotiating with Netflix to adapt one or more of their properties. We'll probably see if they greenlight those projects based on how people respond to that Castlevania series.

The Super Show wasn't even that bad... until they replaced Lou Albano and the other guy with those fucking HELLO FELLOW TEENS kids.

The really bad stuff about the movie were a large amount of the jokes and egregious intro.

Other than that...it's not that terrible a Flash Gordon riff.

Several reasons
>Miyamoto is incredibly protective of his characters to a point he absolutely hates anything added to the franchise that wasn't made by him, this is why you don't see Wario or Waluigi in mainline Mario games
>The Super Mario Bros. Movie failure was a huge embarrassment to Nintendo and left them a scar they do not want to repeat
>Mario is created to be as marketable and innocent as possible, giving him more character could possibly alienate some people

The Kirby Cartoon was amazing.

The movie was a fucking shitstorm

>this is why you don't see Wario or Waluigi in mainline Mario games

Then how do you explain Wario's appearence in Super Mario 64 DS?

>Mario can now posses things by throwing his hat onto them
Holy fuck He's basically Dr.Bright

This isn't about Kirby.
Kirby Right Back At Ya was an anime as well.

I dunno what to tell ya, I didn't think must of it was that bad either, but that's because I'm a sucker for that 80s cyberpunk aesthetic. I can't even say though like "it was a fun movie and at least the people involved had a good time" tho, literally everyone involved at every production level of the movie has nothing but bad things to say about their experience making that movie.

The production story is more interesting than the movie itself by a mile.

This was when Miyamoto wasn't as big of a control freak as today. He still didn't like it but decided to let it anyway since the devs who did want Wario in was stacked against him. As he got older he's become more controlling.


Oh yeah, I've heard all of those stories.
And it sounds like no one fucking knew what they were doing.
And it sucks about Leguizamo being so strained by the production because...he was my favorite bit of it.

But a few ago some dude made a fan edit that only really cut a some of the more retarded jokes, and the intro, so the movie starts right with Luigi watching his sci-fi show...

And it really just becomes a Flash Gordon story. Koopa is Ming, Mushroom Kingdom is Mongo, Dale Arden is Daisy...and I'm a sucker for Flash Gordon.

Is this Mario 06?

Interesting... where could I find this fan-edit?

Because it's not good adaptation material.

OP, we got THREE mario cartoons back in the late 80s /early 90s.

They ranged from meh to crap, which is probably why no more were made

Here it is.

Apparently, the dude made a cleaner version of it, but that got taken down.

What about the comics? Could there be good Mario comics?

The reason is quite simple. Videogames and cartoons are a business. When they make a cartoon based on a videogame is to promote the videogame. Nowadays the Nintendo franchises sell so well by their own that they don't need a cartoon to promote them. Pokémon is an exception because is a huge cultural phenomenom in Japan.

There was a good Mario comic, a really fucking good Mario comic, sometime back in the early 90s IIRC.

I haven't been this happy or excited since I was a child

Do any If you guys think that Miyamoto os trying to keep the Mario series with simple plota because he's actually afraid of what happened with Sonic and it's fanbase?
I mean, the Paper/Mario & Luigi games aren't that complex, they sound like a japanese saturday morning cartoon alright

>he's actually afraid of what happened with Sonic and it's fanbase?

I still don't understand how a game about a hedgehog that runs fast through some grassy plains became this sci-fi revolution dystopia nonsense.

Probably the same reason why the Pokemon anime continues to exist.

Mainline Mario has no story. all of them are princess peach kidnapped by bowser and Mario goes to save her except the rpgs but they're too small to make cartoons out of

The Nintendo Power one?

Yeah that one!

After the shit Archie put both Sonic and Mega Man through. Nintendo dodged a bullet with that offer.

Tom & Jerry plot is Tom trying to catch Jerry. Didn't stop them from making tons of episodes

>was an anime as well.
Still a cartoon. Eastern cartoon, but a cartoon regardless.

Stopped being mainstream popular around 94-ish

He was not hardcore extreme enough for the rest of the 90's. And not nostalgic enough until fairly recently.

>It's rumored that James Corden will voice Mario in Wreck it Ralph 2 instead of Charles Martinet

Why is Hollywood complete shit?


>This will never be the theme song to an animated Mario movie.

>Anything but Martinet when it comes to Mario
Is Disney retarded? Bison's SF4-5 VA was in the original Wreck It Ralph
How hard can it be to have Martinet?

Isn't there something about voice actors having to be paid absurd amounts of money after playing the same role for long enough because of some union mandate? It's why David Hayter didn't play Venom Snake in MGS 5, because even a real actor like Sutherland was cheaper.

you can do anything with that. Put them in different time eras, jobs and do any joke. Mario and peach have to be In muroom kingdom, peach has to be kidnapped, their has to be koopalings etc. This is hy Mario can't be a movie because their can't be any creativity with it.

>Mario and peach have to be In muroom kingdom, peach has to be kidnapped, their has to be koopalings etc. This is hy Mario can't be a movie because their can't be any creativity with it
Have you not played the RPGs or anything that's not the platformers? In fact, even the 3D platformers usually take place outside of the Mushroom Kingdom.
And this is without getting into stuff like Super Mario Adventures.

I think they would stick in the mushroom kingdom in the movie

is the hat the real Mario. wtf

I honestly wish we'd get a 3D platformer taking place in the Mushroom Kingdom. The tracks in Mario Kart give a pretty good idea of what the environments there look like and I wouldn't mind being able to explore them like the stages in 64 and Sunshine.

Sooo, like a 3D platformer with the 2d settings cause the earlier games didn't have enough detail? Or am I thinking something else?

>Putting the hat on another creature has "mario" take control of it
>All this time it has been a hat who took control of a random Italian plumber 40 years ago

You can do anything with "kidnap the princess" aswell. Each episode Bowsers tries a new wacky plan to catch her and the Mario Bros come up with somre way to beat him

>Luigi's Mansion episode
> Kart race episode
> Sports episode
>Wario and Waluigi solo episodes

we have controlled Mario all this time
we are the hat

>Wario and Waluigi solo episodes
I say we scrap the idea of a Mario show entirely and make a cartoon starring Wario and Waluigi going on adventures and schemes, with other Wario Land/Ware characters and settings

I've never really played the 3D Marios but this new trailer was actually pretty cool.

>ed edd n' eddy
>without ed

The 3D Marios are leagues ahead of the platformers

>I never played the 3D marios
Nigger, you need to right now. They are some of the most mechanically perfect videogames ever created.

Ko Takeuchi would probably be down for something like that

Well, you know, environments like this for example. I mean, 64 was mostly set inside painting, Sunshine on an island far away from everything else and Galaxy in space. We haven't seen much of the actual Mushroom Kingdom in the 3D platformers but we get glimpses of it in the spinoffs.

Wario is basically Eddy and Ed at the same time. We know too little about Waluigi

Wario is Ed and Eddy.
Waluigi is Edd, plus Rolf and Kevin.

What's missing ?


Can I emulate 64 on Dolphin?

Popeye existed.

No but you can easily download an N64 emulator.

>I have never played the 3D Marios
If you have never played Mario 64 and Mario Galaxy your existence is incomplete.
Get on to it right now.

>Princess beach
>Princess Paisy

>I've never really played the 3D Marios

You get to play Super Mario 64 for the first time.

I envy you.

Am I the only one who finds it sad that Bowser is actually a really good ruler and the reason Goombas fight for him is because they respect him as a king? All the man wants is someone to help raise his son.


They're probably recasting because Martinet can't act, at least not with his Mario voice.

In his near-20 year history as the voice of the character, he has never had to perform outside of making noises and shouting brief catch phrases. He has never had to exchange dialogue or emote beyond a "YIPPEE!" attitude. Fuck, he's barely ever spoken in complete sentences.

Recasting is a good thing.


I disagree, BUT I would say the 3D Marios are leagues ahead of other 3D platformers.


They recast because Mario speaking complete sentences is the most unnatural sounding thing in the world

You can find full episodes of old Mario cartoons on youtube. It's not a great show

Well there's the whole gruff, "wants to take over the world" thing. He's even attacked/put the Princess in harm's way.

>because Martinet can't act, at least not with his Mario voice.
Because they don't give him much to work with

I know a lot of people hated the two shows that ran in the early 90's, but I personally loved them.

There's a virtual console wad for Super Mario 64 you should be able to google pretty easy

64, Sunshine, and Galaxy 1/2 are widely considered to be some of the best games ever created, even by Sup Forums's shitty standards.

Honest question, should I buy a switch? I'm considering it just for this game alone.

Hold on one goddamn moment. At the end there...Was that Pauline?


I'd say wait until closer to the end of the year.

Yes. She's also the mayor of New Donk City.

Nah, the last two Nintendo home consoles didn't exactly have stellar software library.

But then again neither did xbox 360 and playstation 3and people still bought them in droves

Come to think of it, neither xbone nor ps4 have any worthwhile software in their library either.

If he's so good then he can find a woman instead of trying to force one to like him
You're telling me no one wants to marry a king?

>Miyamoto is incredibly protective of his characters to a point he absolutely hates anything added to the franchise that wasn't made by him, this is why you don't see Wario or Waluigi in mainline Mario games

THAT'S why? Oh man, I've been wanting a new Mario game with Wario as the antagonist forever.

It's also why the last few Paper mario games have been shit. Miyamoto is great at designing gameplay but he is ruining the paper mario franchise because he hates the idea of other teams adding story to his series like TTD and SPM did.

I dunno, you could make a pretty decent serialised one about the first Mario & Luigi game. Sure, it'd have to end, but Superstar saga needs to be ported to something other than the WiiU. Sega did the exact same thing with sonic advance, and I'm still not exactly sure why.

>Martinet can't act

He was pretty good as Paarthunax.


What are you talking about? The Wii had a huge library. Hell, it still takes up the most room on my vidya shelf. You're right about the rest, though.

Would Mario be formidable in the DC universe or just another street level hero?

The super Mario super show was pretty bad

well, he has the power of possesion...

3D Land

He would be bigger than street level. He is a bit lower than WW tier I think. He can carry and throw heavy objects and take a lot of abuse.

Calm down Grant Morrison.


That sounds more like Alan Moore thing.