Saw this on my feed, didn't the slave trade still happen in the MCU?

Saw this on my feed, didn't the slave trade still happen in the MCU?

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Niggers are dumb

Maybe the kangz of Africa should've fought back against the evil whites coming to ruin their continent then.

why do you think Wakanda is so wealthy?

>Maybe the kangz of Africa should've fought back against the evil whites coming to ruin their continent then.

They could've done that. But they chose instead to sell other africans to the evil whites.


>being this deluded.

Didn't Africa lack the resources to advance on par with Europe? Environment is a pretty big factor in civilization.

You mean you saw this screencap a few days ago on Sup Forums.

"envoirment" is a colonial term made up by racist scientists.

How is environment racist? If anything, it's apologist because it gives Africans a reason for failing besides "we just suck".


Not really a resource issue, Africa is bountiful. There's an argument to be made about environmental hazards though. Europe is pretty chill in terms of climate, wildlife and natural disasters compared to other continents.

Central/Southern Europe, Egypt, the Middle-East, and China advanced as much as they did because of heavy trade. Wasn't as much trade going deeper into Africa, so new ideas and inventions didn't get swapped around as much.

The African nations that ended up doing the best were by the coast and could either trade up in the Mediterranean, or were along the eastern coast and traded with the Chinese.

I like how they forget the Arabs
Those black eunuchs came from somewhere

Too many resources actually.

River valleys help with both agriculture and trading.


He's being factitious, you nit.

I'm sorry Africa, but you're overqualified for this position.

Check the avatars at the bottom

His point is that he's being facetious wrong.

>Sup Forums - Comics & Cartoons
Sure is Comics & Cartoons in here.

Only because whites spent a thousand or so years draining the marshes and generally improving the livability of the place. Look it up.

To make it more firsthand, my general area had malaria all the way up until circa the 1950s. The various drainings of wetlands started during the later years of Austro-Hungary, lagged in the interwar period and were completed under communism. Thus the disease was extinguished, and nobody knows about it being a thing here except historians and autists like me.

Likewise the sole reason why Africa was largely unexplored until relatively recently was because we didn't have antibiotics, and whites tended to die really quickly under the diseases present there. Various wildlife and hominids that were accustomed to them fared better of course. Crossreference with the Black Death and the New World epidemics after and during the age of exploration.

Africa is incredibly resource-rich. What kind of kool-aid are you drinking?

I'm pretty sure the majority of Africa would still be occupied by the fucking Sahara regardless of white people.

>Basketball is embarrassingly black. That's a huge problem.

Africa is currently on track to get plundered by the Chinese because they dont' have a guilt complex forced on them

just report and ignore

one maybe two white people. the rest are black

Not really that it lacked resources in general, more that they were difficult to access with early technology

Always related.

Yeah I'm sure that had a huge influence on tectonic plates and making the climate temperate.

The bigger hypocrisy is that Africa already had a big and booming slave trade among each other. Your tribe gets killed, your women get taken into the fold, and you spend the rest of your life doing hard labor till you die, rinse and repeat. Slavery is humankind's collective crime, not the white man's invention.

I did, this board is steps away from turning into Sup Forums and Sup Forums tier.

Okay, let's put that aside then.

South America is humid, hot, and teeming with wildlife and general weird things. The Incas, Mayans, Aztecs and a fuckload of other groups managed to create a high culture and vast cities despite all of that.

Or on the other hand so did high altitude cultures like say the Tibetans.

In other words, the issue is racial.

Well them, let's turn water into wine while we wait and hope mods show up

Ya, lots of slavery from the Middle-East into Africa. Whites plundered the west coast. Arabs plundered the east coast and interior. Berbers plundered from the north. And lots of blacks were sold to them from, guess what, other black people!

No, it had a lot of resources, but the shitty climate and lack of useful animals to domesticate made it hard to capitalize on.

oh i mean uh niggers are dumb lol

user please, they were nothing compared to Europe.
Seriously, human sacrifice is high culture now?

Woops, I meant disgusting tripfag.

Resources, yes. But hardly a good place for crop growing. Hell, most of the animals there aren't domesticatable by farming standards, since so many of them have a drive to stampede. There's a whole book called Guns, Germs, and Steel about how geography determines so much of a culture's success - and not just the lay of the land, but how the land impacts the animals, people, plants, etc.

Basically sub-Saharan Africa was stuck with diamonds, oil, and a giant desert cutting them off from the rest of the world - and no easy means of developing basic agriculture.

Last country to officially ban slavery was Mauritania in the far away year of 2007.
Niger did it in 2003.

They made some good progress with astronomy and their cities. Besides, the point the user is making is that even in such harsh climates, cultures still developed. Meanwhile the blacks had diamonds, gold, animals, lush environments, etc, etc, but still did nothing worthwile.

Ask the native americans how fighting an invading force armed with guns worked out for them.

>Guns, Germs, and Steel

>believing the leftard propaganda that is Guns, Germs, and Steel
You are an imbecile.

Without the slave trade you'd have to explain why the American South has any wealth at all. I know it's not a region shown much in the Marvel movies, but they just wouldn't have had jack shit without slaves for their crops.

I assume things in the MCU are just like in the comics: slaves happened and Wakanda didn't give a fuck. It's not like Wakanda cares much about the rest of Africa, everyone is an outsider to them.

Ask the Vietnamese how fighting an invading force armed with guns worked out for them

Europe fought off the muslims who used guns and cannons against them after trade with the Chinese.

Muslims brought gunpowder to Europe.

>remove one argument from a book
>everything else is now false as well
ahahha xd

Also, zebras are harder to train than horses and they're worse at being used for war because they spook easier.

GG and S is mostly crap.

Liberals are dumb.

Not him, but Zebras are difficult to domesticate. I believe these here are tamed. They did however domesticate other animals

And yet slavery is still pretty prevalent in the world.

Zebras are liberal propaganda. Ever seen one? Didn't think so.

Except he contradicts himself when it comes to Jews.

Yeah, people have done the same with moose - it takes dedicated, intense training, and the zebra is still prone to kicking/biting. There's a reason you've never actually seen anyone do this, you've posted just about every example that's ever existed.

Also that's clearly a horse bottom row second to the left. Zebras don't get that big or muscular, and their hooves don't look like that. They also don't have forelocks.

Define worthwhile, I'm pretty sure they farmed, smelted iron and took part in the gold trade at least.

>when the board is Sup Forums's bitch

When will all the stormniggers leave?

Some tribes in South Asia ride water ox and deer.

>writes "peoples"
>thinks dem kangz would be space rangers if whites didn't exist
everything checks out ok.

>Sup Forums user and saw this on my feed
>handle is deathbyliberals
>name is b


Isn't that almost all of Sup Forums by now?
Sup Forums dethroned Sup Forums

>here are some pictures of zebras being domesticated after years upon years of training, with no context or rational thought

It's simply not profitable.

YT has more examples for ya lol

>it takes dedicated, intense training, and the zebra is still prone to kicking/biting
I doubt horses were perfect until we started breeding them for specific purposes.

>this image was made unironically

how can you criticize history revision while being a revisionist yourself?

>post people riding zebra
>trigger user's

I will bite my tongue if that bitch could name ONE comic book artist that has drawn any Marvel published appearance of Black Panther.

>Guns, Germs, and Steel

I've read it. The writer is a Jew, and thus has ulterior motives. Inherently untrustworthy.

Point is blacks dindu nuthing despite sitting on the richest continent on the planet.

>people often become associated with things tangentially and may not have the knowledge of one who was introduced to that thing at an earlier point
what did you mean by this?

This is some subtle b8
Will you get bites?

>Ethiopia briefly occupied but never colonized
>emperor overthrown by communists
>famine persists

>Rhodesia center of food production
>terrorist marxist ZANU-PF arrests, tortures, murders, and confiscates land from farmers solely based on race
>Zimbabwe now rampant with famine and disease and poverty

Yet what do social justice faggots get butthurt over? Some dead lion killed by a white American dentist. This is why liberals are stupid. Every country they control inevitably turns to shit yet they always want to blame somebody else like the lazy vacuous self entitled brats they are. Common core is not about education; it's about maintaining an indoctrinated permanent underclass blind with divisive hate and stupidity and forever loyal to the socialist welfare state.