Lovecraftian cartoon

Would you guys watch a cartoon based in the cthulhu mythos?

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I would.

Does a raccoon shit in the woods?

It will probably happens on the 20's.

Too conceptually overdone, especially if they go with largely aquatic/insectoid designs.
I want a Dogscape cartoon.

would like it more if it is set during the onset of WW1

Oh boy, can't wait for the adventures of little Cthulhu and deep one friends trying to undercover the plans of that nasty Nyarlathotep. Wait until papa Azathot comes back home!

Even worse, imagine modern SJW "creators" giving their "interpretation" of Lovecraft's mythos.

Please, no.

Didn't this predate the Google algorithms that turned images into dogs? Crazy coincidence.

But most Cthulhu mythos stories happened between-the-wars
during the 20's or the 30's.
don't confond it with the earliest stories of Lovecraft and his 2deep hard shit with the dreamworld.

also the background of the WW1 is on Europe, most of the stories happened on murica.

>some social commentaries about condemning Lovecraft's racism even if most people during those times shared his point of view and it literally make no sense of complaining about it on the current context.
>instead of making some nice scenes about HP Lovecraft having good times with his jewish woman and friends, being a bro with Robert E Howard the irish texan, eating on an italian restaurant and helping some random black kid on the streets of new york, just to shown he was edgy on his writings but not that bad on real life.

Cthulhu goes to highschool. He has to unleash all the unspeakable cosmic horrors on the world but also return just in time for prom night

ooh i bet $1000 that those types of people would use the deities to push all sorts of gender bullshit, like they'll say that shub-niggurath (yes, that is a real name from Lovecraft's works) is transgender, or that since the universe is so chaotic, your sex doesn't even matter in the grand scheme of things

my nigga

not cartoon, but I love this guys work

>there are shoggoth genders

Gender or not, Sup Forums would fuck a shoggoth just like it would fuck a xenomorph... who who is it to blame? Society, creator or creature?
By wanting to fuck stuff, Sup Forums just proves that everything can be a little human, if we try hard enough.

>would fuck a shoggoth
Well you got me there.

>human anime face
The man with no taste

We have pretty good approximation now.

please tell me thats not what i think it it is

Well, dear Sup Forumsmrade, there is this web-series. An adaptation of At the Mountains of Madness. I don't know if it's any good though.

>or that since the universe is so chaotic, your sex doesn't even matter in the grand scheme of things
>implying it does
but you right

Do you think it's Ridley from Metroid's dick?

I once read a short story about a black professor researching some passive Shoggoths who regret freeing themselves from the Elder Things and want to be enslaved again. He thinks about using them to fight the Nazis who are just becoming popular but decides against it.

They'd leave Shubby alone since she's the only one that is referred to as female.

Lovecraft is inherently less interesting when you make these "un-describable horrors" as perfectly describable

Are those the Lizard Men or Man Lizards of Venus? I can't remember.

Give me a Lovecraftian Cartoon which has similar animation to that of the Wall with a good story and I will suck or lick whatever genitalia the creator has.

we've had several already, and more than a few cartoons w/ episodes straight-up referencing that shit both seriously and for laughs

This is why a straight horror adaptation wouldn't be appropriate.

However, animation is pretty much perfect for weird fiction or new weird--a sense of tension and unease that comes from adopting horror and fantasy concepts and treating them with sci-fi (or realist) conventions.

There's a normalcy to the way the rules of our quaint reality are flaunted that fits the explicit nature of a visual format.

>implying we aren't currently living in a world loosely based off of the cthulhu mythos
>imfuckingplying meme magic isn't an actual force of nature only recently awakened and given form by the hundreds of thousands of genuinely bitter autists

meme magic couldn't even stop one dipshit nazi from getting bounced by another group of nazis

your gilded throne is a high chair lacquered with piss

bless your heart

Shoggoths in Bloom by Elizabeth Bear. I remember enjoying it.

I would if it was a good cartoon.

Shoggoths in Bloom's alright, user. It's WAY more about scientific study of the Shoggoth as a species than any political themes.

The problem with your theory there is that Lovecraft, in fact, DESCRIBES those horrors himself. In fact, he gets super autistic about describing what an Elder Thing looks like in At The Mountains of Madness.

Should I as a black man read Lovecraft despite the racism? I'm interested in the concepts, but I hate racism. How much racist shit it's in there?

Don't let an authors politics influence your opinion on their work. Orson Scott Card hates gay/lesbian people, but Ender's Game and Speaker for the Dead is some great work.

Lovecraft was a product of his time more than anything in this regard, and I'm not just making excuses. He would look downright civil compared to some people today.

upon reflection politics may not be the right word here. But the statement still has merit i believe.

Wouldn't that just be "Alienators: Evolution Continues"?

Just with more screaming, insanity, and death.

>the universe is so chaotic, your sex doesn't even matter in the grand scheme of things

It doesn't.
Azathoth gives no fucks.

Lovecraft's racism only enters in a couple stories, and then only because you know he was racist and that's why this cult of crazy fish worshippers are mulatto or arabs are always sorcerers.

Is that
Is that a fucking soda can

As much as I love Lovecraft mythos I thing it'd be better to make a Lovecraft inspired series, and I don't mean "don't look at the thing it'll drive you mad" bullshit that most people try to pull, I mean genuinely good Lovecraft inspire, like John Carepenter's In The The Mouth of Madness

>"don't look at the thing it'll drive you mad" bullshit

So, you don't understand The Mythos at all?

That's actually pretty fucking good.
It's an actual cartoon. I thought it'd be choppy and cheap as shit but it works, damn.

If Prometheus didn't derail Del Toro's plans for Mountains of Madness, I could guarantee someone would've hopped on that hype train by now and made a cartoon with Lovecraft stuff.

Prepare You Anus.
no seriously prepare it, you could tear something.


most of the time race doesn't come into his stories and poems at all
sometimes it does, but even then its not very distracting

i think when people point out lovecraft's racism some of it is inferred from his work, a lot is taken from his letters and diaries

I honestly wouldn't sweat the racism, in reality he usually came off as an elitist who looked down on a good stock of people, if you weren't of the right station in life, and well educated he pretty much looked down on you no matter what color your skin was.

Yes he was more "descriptive" when it came to people with a darker skin tone, but it's nothing that should make you shy away from his works, just remember this is a guy who was born in late 1800s and was raised by a crazed syphilitic old man and a Norma bates type mom.

The most glaring outright thing I can immediately think of is a cat called N*****man

No, I mean the that every single attempt to replicate the feeling of a lovecraftian story it always ends up being that. Cosmic horror stories always miss the fucking mark because every single writer that tries to mimic lovecraft's style outside of the mythos falls back on that fucking thing, and I don't mean in a sense that the story revolves around a horror beyond time and space that would rip open reality, and would make everything o tits up and the consequences of that monster being released would send the world into such a state that only option would be to be driven mad to survive, I mean "guys we must stop the creature, oh shit it's horrifying and we're mad, oh shit we're dead" every fucking time.

I don't know if I explained myself correctly but to set an example I guess it'd be

Bad Lovecraft inspired story: John Carpenter's Prince of Darkness

Good Lovecraftian inspired Story: John Carpeneter's In The Mouth of Madness

Did somebody say "The Adventures of Lil Cthulhu"?!

Kind of funny when you realize Lovecraft was more of the idea that immigrants should keep their own culture instead of trying to bend into the murrican one, which is kind of similar to what SJWs think with their whole cultural appropriation deal.

There are those who claim that HPL was an outlier in his own time, but I find that doubtful; lots of people in his era were openly racist as hell. He certainly wasn't the only person who used "Nigger" as a name for an animal (cf. "Dambusters Dog"). It's a hazard of reading material from long before [Current Year].

No. There isn't really any way you could portray the mythos well in a graphical medium, and there's a good chance that the makers wouldn't even try.

Bump for spoopy shit.

Pop culture consistently fails to appreciate anything from the Cthulhu mythos except "my monsters are STRONGER and OLDER and TENTACLER than your monsters and they make you CRAZY", so no.

>or that since the universe is so chaotic, your sex doesn't even matter in the grand scheme of things

Well, it doesn't.

Half of the "horror" in Lovecraft's stories was the reveal that humanity was utterly insignificant in the grand scheme of things.

How could you miss that? It wasn't a subtle point.

It's not hard to get past the racism (he doesn't make it nearly as explicit in his works as, say, Robert E. Howard), but you still should be cautious getting into his works because his writing is simply doggerel.

He had some great ideas, but his actual prose putting them on paper is amateurish.