Accidental edge/Horrifying implications

So i just found out that once, after the Skrulls invaded Earth and lost, they were turned to cows and implied to live like cows (meaning being bred,milked and eaten). Are there any other incidents like this?

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This was one of the first Fantastic Four stories I read (I think it was issue 2) and it always seemed fucked up to me. Reed hypnotised them to believe they had always been cows, but I don't understand why he couldn't hypnotise them into thinking they're humans.

because jews like Stan Lee are known for their xenophobic nature.

Because it'd be too similar to Morrison's JLA with the White Martians? I guess??

humans are just fucked up like that. We'd turn Xenomorphs into weapons, we'd turn The Thing into a food source. Any species that fails to invade Earth is no better than ground beef.

Don't forget the guys who got powers from eating Skrull.


Don't you know? The Skrulls were killed and turned to meat, which created the Skrull Killing Krew, a groupe of guys who ate the burgers and could see Skrulls no matter what form, and went on a killing spree.

Cows are harmless.
Humans are not.

Go away

I can't tell if you're this stupid or trying to """"ironically"""" shitpost.


i feel like this is some fetish shit

I'm very stupid. Inform me, please. I think they're might be a misunderstanding though, because I'm being sarcastic.

I always found it so weird how Marvel heroes can so freely kill skrulls with no consequences. Like, their homeworld gets blown up, the Illumanti just teleports in and blows up one of their cities, Secret Invasion happens and every hero seems to have the utmost joy that they can go on killing sprees. And after all this, we get moments like in Infinity where Jessica Drew goes "How can we possibly team up with the skrulls?"

It's so bizarre to me. Oh, also when the New Avengers killed the innocent Skrulls who believed they truly were who they were mimicking.

>>Makes his Magnus Opus a Skrull killing book where it was greatly implied that the Skrulls were a Muslim allegory.
>>Even made the basis for a Marvel video game as well as the canceled Avengers project.
>>"Whoops! Looks like we have to support Muslims now!"

>skrull sympathizers

I'm pretty sure somewhere along the way someone didn't realize that cows are bred either for meat or for milk, and that the original story had them as milk cows.

The worst that should have happened is some Skrull dogs after the dairy cows got turned into dogfood at the end of their lives, but even then, I mean, it's a BSE analogy, isn't it? So Millar would have just had someone eat the dogs.

The original is from FF#whatever in 1960 something.

Morrison wasn't even born.

Yeah, it was pretty creepy when you've got half of Marvel crying about being persecuted as mutants and the other half under threat of extrajudicial murder just for showing their faces because they're not registered... and then the heroes go and commit genocide.

Luckily, it was revealed that these were just a faction of Skrulls and not all of the skrulls, or Black Bolt hunting them down in space as they fled might have been unheroic.

Same with the X-Men during AvX. Even the ones not taken over by the Phoenix suddenly became colossal racists.

>Luckily, it was revealed that these were just a faction of Skrulls and not all of the skrulls, or Black Bolt hunting them down in space as they fled might have been unheroic.
Speaking of Blackbolt.
>>Takes over Kree society
>>Forces them into war with Vulcan
>>Completely wrecks their economy
>>Comes back from the dead
>>Flat out kills a Kree asking why the Inhumans are leaving
>>Inhumans leave the Kree in their broken state.
>>Even turn around and give them an ass whooping when they retaliate.

I really don't get how Hickman tried to spin the Kree as the bad guys when the Inhumans fucked them over hard.

>Cows are harmless

Well, what you have to remember is that the machine was broken, and the white event.

Pre-Flashpoint Captain Atom isn't and never was human, being a weird mimic mad of alien metal that only thought it was human.


Isnt this the same case for Swamp man? (fancy nature magic inhabiting a dead guy's body)


t. skrull infiltrator.

Skrulls are literally scum tho, their species shows what happens when the deviants win over the Eternals.

If you mean Swamp-thing, then I believe it was true in one version.
Similarly, Rogue actually left Carol brain-dead when she drained her powers so Xavier created an artificial mind based on the psyche fragments Rogue had floating around in her noggin.

remember when Monarch was reveled to be Hawk but everyone just ignored that since it didn't make sense

>Forces them into war with Vulcan
Don't forget:
>builds a bomb that will forcibly mutate large parts of the galaxy's population
>remove the mutation part, but still detonate the bomb (shared blame between Vulcan and BB)
>Bombs tears a hole in reality, causing an invasion from the Cancerverse
>Build a second bomb, explode it on Earth
>Abdicate from being King while a death cloud travels around Earth forcing terrigenesis and killing/sterilizing mutants

Isn't the current Magik actually a demon wearing Illyana's skin like a costume?

But the Deviants and Eternals are created without favor by the Celestials specifically to fight among themselves for superiority.

It should be iirc, but no one seems to use her enough to clarify that.
I am behind on x-books though

>it's a terrible thought that members of a fictional race would go through the torture that we put real living beings through

Yes, but it acquired a soul by stealing it in pieces, so it's all fine.

Onslaught became a 16 year old homeless schoolgirl who was so horny for Steve Rogers that she'd rather stay homeless than accept any help from him, because she'd just die of embarrassment or something.