Does God exist in the fairly odd parents universe?

Does God exist in the fairly odd parents universe?

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There was that one episode where Morpheus (greek god of dreams) showed up as a fairy, so maybe.

god doesnt exist in this one

Any world that has a male fairy give birth is a godless world

Yes, Butch Hartman is a deeply religious Christian

>Fairies have been able to wish living organisms into existence
>A fairy could've just wished for life in earth to exist

Why would a deeply religious christian create shows about fairies, ghosts, talking animals, and abominations? What I'm trying to say is, he's a hack.

or you know he just says to himself
hay this shits a "cartoon" i shouldn't take it that seriously where i put god and Christ into it in fear of misreping and insulting them
and just have a wacky fun shits and giggles take on it

English, please.

[citation needed]

God doesn't exist in the real world, why would he exist in a fictional one?

I guess that's why he isn't a member of the """""""""""""tolerant" left.

Fairies don't exist either though

Ghosts in Danny Phantom are space aliens.

He probably treats fairies in a similar fashion. Like they are powerful but not as much as Jesus.

don't do this

Why are you asking? We've already seen him in this show.


[citation needed]

Is that really Hartman? He looks like a discount Charlie Sheen.

eeh, that seemed to be more of a "we don't want to acknowledge death in a young demographic show" demand handed down by the execs than his change of heart.

That's some Miracleman shit right there.

expand dimmadinkledong

Other magical creatures exists so, most likely.