Sorry Sup Forums

Sorry Sup Forums
he doesn't like cloudy with a chance of meatballs

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I know. I wish he wouldn't be a dick who can't accept more cartoony CGI about it though.

I thought he only hated the sequel


Anyone seen his glorious deviantart cringe fest art?


you might not agree with his reviews, but his art is god tier

tha'ts not bad,

it's just generic.

wow that is just terrible in every regard




Your standards for generic are really low user


That place is a gold mine.

No wonder Aliens wanted to abduct him - they thought he was one of them

>patreon commision

ok who is this autismo and how come he can get patreon oney while being so bad at drawing


Literally who


It's Animat aka autistic cartoon reviewer. He's like evolution of Mr Enter that watched too much of Nostalgia Critic


who is this autist?

Ok seriously how come every fucking animation reviewer on the internet is so bad at drawing, how can people trust them when they can't even draw the most basic shit this guy seems even worse than mr enter,neros and pan

Jesus i guess i should just stop practicing and start a youtube channel at least i know color theory

For real? Me either.
No idea who the fuck that is, though.

I'm physically cringing

>new to DA.

They're so busy watching cartoons that they don't actually sit down and try to draw them.

You know this was commissioned, right?

I for one welcome the inclusion of characters with microcephaly

Would you fuck him?