Goku vs Superman

Why doesn't DC and Toei just do a crossover already? They know this shit will sell like hot cakes . Might as well just get it over with.

Stop making this thread.

We're no longer in the age of sporting crossovers.
Neither side could win or lose without both losing face. And no, them halting the fight to team up and face their greatest foes would not distract from the long standing obsession people have with smashing them against each other like action figures. You can see any PL thread, like this one will no doubt devolve to, for an example. It wouldn't be worth the fuss. There's other things they can squeeze out of the two characters separately before they'd need to consider this.

It'd open a floodgate of shitposting beyond anything we have seen so far.
You'd have people debating whether it should be a manga or Western comic, see Goku drawn and written by westerners as sacrilege, find out Superman can never lose in a crossover due to DC's policies, and encourage more Shonen/DC crossovers to be made whether they make sense or not. Also Nips don't give two shits about Western vs debates.

useless, we know supes wins

>Goku vs Superman
>Not Shonen Jump vs DC Universe

Kenshiro meets Superman; Saint Seiya meets Wonder Woman; Jotaro Kujo meets Batman.
The Possibilities.

I can't see the problem with Superman losing to Goku. They been doing that to make Batman look good for years.

Switch Kenshiro with Jotaro. Stands are pretty magic and he could probably go toe to toe with Superman if he could abuse The World. Or maybe have Jotaro fight the Flash or Zoom.

And Batman would have a fucking hell of a riot trying to figure out who the hell is killing criminals in Gotham via internal bodily implosions and HOW.

Stands are described as a psychic thing.
Might be cool to power up Superman with Hamon and the Red Stone though.

I would rather have Batman x Lupin.

Anyway anybody has that pic with "who would be the best Waifu, Superman or Goku"? Best Superman x Goku thread ever.

please stop making these threads

hahahaha at this point Goku isn't just an alien anymore, superman is an idiot don't know how to fight and doesn't have will at all. Super is more like a crying baby most part of the time.

A good crossover focusing on the comedic value of Superman in the dragon ball world would be amazing.

But that wont happen.

That spirit bomb is just going to bounce off of superman because of his pure heart.

>Goku isn't just an alien anymore
Too bad that doesn't mean anything.

A crossover will never happen because there's no way it could be one that wouldn't cause an avalanche of complaints. If they fight, no matter what happens people will be pissed. If they never fight they'll still be pissed. Just let it go.

>don't know how to fight

what's Arale?


I have never seen one of the new episodes. Is Piccolo very weak and irrelevant now? he was my fave.

He was chosen to be one of the 7 fighters who will compete for the survival of the universe.

He was also training with Gohan, also power levels seem to be tossed out the window now once again.
