What went wrong

how did the sonic comics go from something so innocent to something so cringeworthy?




Penders. Reboot was fun, tho


Penders, the issue where Ian Flynn took up the pen was enough to make it a good story. But the damage was done by the Legal disastrophe Ken unleashed upon Archie Comics.

The question now is how could we have prevented the suits, do we hire Penders and Flynn to write Knuckles and Shadow Scenarios for Colors, Lost World and possibly Forces?

It has nothing to do with the comic. Sonic himself is innately brilliant design. He's easy to draw/copy, PLUS he's a RUDE/COOLDUDE good guy! Of course kids/men with autism gravitate towards him. He is his own infinitely expanding universe with Captn'Spurgy manning the helm! What could possibly go wrong!

I'm really digging the design in the upper right corner there.

Sonic killed a kid on panel so the execs cut the comic

Heck yeah the reboot was awesome. But I can't find any new Sonic comics.


I wonder how different things would be if they kept him as a rabbit.

Bottom left reminds me of Sarah's Scribbles

>The question now is how could we have prevented the suits, do we hire Penders and Flynn to write Knuckles and Shadow Scenarios for Colors, Lost World and possibly Forces?
>Bringing Penders into this at all.

The man deserves absolutely nothing barring a massive lawsuit from Sega itself, there's no way in hell any big publisher would touch is "original" characters with a ten-meter pole after this fiasco.

Three words: Ken Fucking Penders

-Penders is a terrible writer

-The SatAM-original cast became increasingly arbitrary the more Sega introduced story and plot to the games, yet Archie only introduced more and more which made things worse when Sega introduced new stuff.

-Sega mandates

From page one of issue #0 it was cringe.

I remember opening that thing up and instantly being confused by what I was looking at. Robotnik looked retarded and there were a bunch of other characters I had never seen before and after hundreds and hundreds of issue NEVER cared for.
That Freedom Fighter bullshit was unnecessary and was only balanced out at first because of the light tone the first 20 or so issues had. The moment it went full serial the book was lost.
The setting was bloated and utterly wasted. For fuck's sake, they had ruined the Sonic world so badly that the Sonic Spinball adaptation was the closest they were ever able to get to a story that resembled the game despite all of them being "faithful".

People mourn it ending now but I cannot fathom how it lasted this long.

Why are the archive collections so tiny?

With Penders no one win-ders.

Need to work on that.

cheaper to make and that's just how Archie has always done their collections

As a kid I always thought I wanted a direct adaptation of the games but then Archie started doing them.

>rinse wash and repeat until game adaptation is complete

The Megaman comics were a lot of the same way.

>Nerd Knuckles, Eyebrow Knuckles, 80's Knuckles, Edgy Knuckles, Hipster Knuckles, Black Ring Knuckles, Overalls Knuckles, Old Edgy Knuckles, Cowboy Knuckles, Happy Knuckles, Space Knuckles, Purple Knuckles, Goatee Knuckles, Girl Knuckles, Rastaffari Nipples Knuckles, Old Happy Knuckles, Old Knuckles & Knuckles

He's nothin' but a low-down, double-dealin', back-stabbin' larcenous perverted woorrrmmmm!"

I am still fucking BAFFLED that a guy was able to steal a truckload of fucking Sonic OCs from Archie Comics and get away with it scot free, AND is attempting to create his entire notSonic comic to continue working with those stolen characters.

How does such insanity even happen?

>Main characters of the comic were unnecessary
Only after the games introduced their own cast, but before then, they had a purpose.

IIRC Archie was shit at keeping paperwork so they were up shit creak when it came to legal documents.

Also if you're baffled about why it lasted so long, it's because it gathered a fanbase of SatAMfags & when the games began to tone down on their story & plot, the comics attracted the people who enjoyed plot & story in Sonic.

They had a photocopy of Penders' contract, but the judge wouldn't accept it as valid.

So wait. Sonic boom is a direct result of penders????

Also why not just reboot the comic to be in line with like the Sonic CD or that Japanese Sonic CD movie?

>sonic goes back to his imo better design
>still keep detailed plotlines
>still please fans?

Why is this so hard to grasp?

They did but it was put on hiatus too.

You expect a comic with like four characters to last long?

Because sales-wise MegaDrive did no better than the regular comic after the first issue. Also, while I would like to see something like more MD comics, it should not be the main comic.

There's nothing wrong with Green Hill Zone as is. Well, maybe, beside the concept of zones themselves.

Archie's shit management/editorial team + a failed Star Trek fanfic writer fighting for control with a wannabe X-Men writer. Then they hired a autistic Sonic fan and the book became readable.

Then Penders sued and some other old creative sued over OCs, so Sega yanked the license.

Sarcasm aside, Sonic and Tails were all the protagonists they needed. A small supporting cast, fine but that's not what Archie did. Right out the gate, they had a whole pile of characters that not only didn't match Sonic's design sense but outright took the focus away from him.

The world that was established in the game manuals allowed for all kinds of crazy stories that could take place in a vast weird world. But instead of using a little imagination, they reduced Mobius to a forest and a city only occasionally branching out.

That's why SegaSonic became a sub-faction of the fandom. There was plenty to work from just going by what was provided in the games but the Satam style abandoned all the charm and whimsy in favor fo some furry Rebels vs Empire nonsense.

Those early issues were pretty blatant about that. HERE WE ARE IN CASINO NIGHT ZONE. But that's not the only way to go about it. The Zones didn't even need to be named areas on a map for story purposes, but all those whacky settings would have been more interesting than what they ended up doing most of the time.

Show me that page, please.

>nightmare fuel poster in the background

Look, if you were expecting the comics to be loyal to the games & its world, then it's not too shocking that you're disappointed. From day one, it was meant to be its own thing & while you may think that "Sonic & Tails were the only main heroes they needed," it's perfectly fine that they weren't.

Aw, that text above it is presumably his placeholder name, "Mr. Needlemouse". Which is really cute when combined with those early sketches.

Is that a subtle Bubsy quote?

You remember there are animals right?

I hope you're not talking about those capsule animals

>four characters
Read that actual books user, the Mega Drive ones aren't the only ones out there.

>reboot the comic to be in line with like the Sonic CD or that Japanese Sonic CD movie?

How about you follow the thread before replying