Who was in the wrong?

Who was in the wrong?

You for watching Family Guy

You, for watching it.

If this is the episode I think it is, Meg should have just let the rest of them rip each other apart. Go be fucking homeless, it's better than staying in that house.

I agree. She's better off without them.


Shut up, Meg.

Worst episode of Family Guy, no doubt.
And yes, I know there are millions of really bad ones.

Meg is the only good character on that show and the writers know it. Every other character is shit and whatever the situation is they will be in the wrong.

what happened

Meg calls everyone out on their shit, family starts turning on each other since they can't turn on Meg. Brian, who spent most of the episode tripping on drugs, convinces Meg that the only way to save her family is to accept her position as the fall guy, instead of letting the family work out its issues on its own.

>Meg is a good character
How? She's the same as everyone else the only ddifference is she gets shit on a bit more.

Alec Sulkin

you know it's funny for you to say that when these are all episodes that exist

Jesus Christ, that fucking episode where Stewie cracks his head open. Why? How did that idea make it past spitballing?

Because the writers aren't big pussies.

anyway I'm going to be a contrarian and say I genuinely liked the sideplot with brian
stewie taking care of him felt weirdly good-spirited and nice
too bad about the whole "meg's abuse is what keeps the family together" cause the visuals during brian's trip were cool too

meg is an awful person every episode she's not the MC


How can you even tell which episode this is? Almost every modern FG episode looks the same.

you're underestimating how little life we on Sup Forums have

The whole family is awful but Meg does not deserve the abuse she gets from her family for no damn reason.

Meg came up with that idea on her own, Brian only told her to do it if she's comfortable with it

ha, underrated

Everyone who writes for this shitty show.

thanks buddy
I will sleep peacefully tonight knowing my efforts were acknowledged

The one where Stewie gashes his head open was fucking hilarious though


>shielding yourself from criticism with edge
It's not working, Alec. South Park's done far more heinous things but it was funny. Shock for the sake of shock doesn't offend or trigger me, it just bemuses me.

It's like pic related: tries so hard to elicit a strong reaction of fear or discomfort but only gets disappointment. Except at least Coldsteel is clearly satire and funny, at that. Family Guy edge just takes away from the impact value of shock humor.

Context of the one in the top left?

Brian dated a girl who was really into exercise and Brian overdoes it, making him look like that.
Not as disturbing at the rest of that stuff.

>he goes to run his marathon
>snaps his leg on the first stride
>everybody else tramples him until his leg is hanging on by a couple of tendons

did Brian give Stewie herpes or something in the top right corner? tf?

Seth McFarlene.

Actually FOX for milking Seth down to shitting out fucked up fan fiction.

The trip had some descently interesting visuals which were genuinely creepy imo. One of Family Guy's attempts at shock humour that actually kinda worked. The Meg stuff is cringe worthy but I think they actually somewhat thought about the trip.

Yes that's actually what exactly happened. It just occurs for some gross out stuff but seems to completely subside after because it was only really used for shock humour.



>bottom left
I don't like it.

Why is furless Brian in that image

Yeah, I don't know which one this is.

Peter, shouldn't you be busy flinging poo at elementary schools or something?

I'd take living in a shitty house like that over homelessness. Of course I'd also be making plans to find a new place to live

t. guy who was homeless for several weeks before getting social assistance

fpbp totally

Come on guys, deserves (You)'s too.

of course the collage of worst episodes is subjective, that's just the episodes I didn't like most when watching Family Guy
by all means go on and make your own

Winner chicken dinner.

Episodes like this are what make Family Guy such a crappy show. When you take a gag not meant to be serious and turn it into a dramatic element, you immediately fuck up the entire dynamic of the joke, and in turn show how cheap the show is.

>Gag is that Meg is shat on all the time
>Have episode where she rips on her family for being abusive
>Suddenly every wacky thing the show has done is put in a serious tone, and makes everyone abusive assholes
>The remedy to this is instead of leaving an abusive home, actually stay so the abusers feel good about themselves
>The actual preached moral is it's ok to be in an abusive family as long as the majority is happy

this, but at the same time you'd have to be retarded to watch family guy for its morals
you will reach a point where you watch cartoons because you can enjoy parts of it, even if the rest is stuff you don't agree with/just crap
some jokes and songs and episodes are bretty good, so that's why some fans stick around


Evidently Meg. I don't know why, but we're all supposed to think that. Twisted guilt makes pretty good argument.