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"Miyazaki and Disney films are for normies"

Is he right Sup Forums?

Yeah. Doesn't mean they're bad though, and fuck off Pan

Pretty much

Hey Ban-Bizza


Disney is normie shit. Think about how many fucking "which Disney princess are you" or "the Disney princess as ______" are there. Also Pan fuck off and can I be on the pod-cast

Things are popular because they're on some level good or appealing.

In a sense yes, but if you want to be a true contrarian to normies then say the obscure movie shit that no one remembers

Like Frozen

>didn't mention Billy Dilley's Super Duper Subterranean Summer

Hey user from Sup Forums

It was a joke

I don't care what he thinks, and what YOU think.

But hey, I replied!

it's about mexico with him

Ask any white girl what Japanese animated girl she's seen and she'll most likely say Spirited Away/Ponyo/Totoro
Ask any white girl what are her 5 favorite animated movies and at least three of them will be Disney guaranteed

Illumination is normier

Yeah but they're still good.

Why the fuck has there been a surge of animation from Mexico in recent years?

I love the pizza boy.

Using the term "normies" in itself is pretty normie

Normies don't know many studio ghibli movies but the ones that are well known.

They may be normie friendly but I don't think they were designed for normies specifically.

Pan is cute! CUTE!!!!!

>more underage kids who need e-celebs to think for them

Why does Sup Forums feel the need to perpetuate the meme that Pan is some sort of authority when it comes to cartoons?

Will you autistic fuckers get over it? It was tongue in cheek for crying out loud

Welcome to Sup Forums.

Depends on the age gap of said normies. Most adults and seniors still hate cartoons and see them as beneath them and would rather live-action.

30 and below? Sure. I prefer the term entry level material though. It's the stuff you will watch first because they are "popular" within its medium but not popular outside of its circle.

They were designed for people to enjoy and, in this case, most of them happen to be either normies or weebs

Because he's easy to watch.


pan's a normie, he wouldn't know.

Holy crAp! follow to die instantly

Only certain films, and as name recognition. As far as "normies" are concerned, Disney's package films, early shorts, and live-action fare, and Miyazaki's Castle of Cagliostro, Porco Rosso, and The Wind Rises, go straight into obscure territory.